
Golden beams of light descended on everyone across endless time and space, and after seeing the choice of everyone on the earth, Yang Jian did not hesitate to use his supreme strength to move everyone in the world to the depths of the universe and to the side of the plane channel.

Xi’an’s current earth strength is the most inferior Dao master, cultivators can easily cross the universe when they reach the realm of great power, let alone cultivators of the main realm, so fighting in the universe is easy for everyone in the world, not only that, the universe is open, and there is no need to worry about destroying the earth, so that the combat power they can exert is better and stronger.

“The war has begun…”

In the garden, Yang Jian returned to bow to Li Xiu, Li Xiu looked into the void, and his deep eyes directly crossed the boundless distance and fell on the awe-inspiring Terrans in the depths of the universe at this time, and the power of dimensions flashed from under Li Xiu’s eyes, and Li Xiu seemed to see at this moment the tragic war that would occur in the near future.

“Be ready, send reinforcements at any time to replace the Earth Terrans.”

Retracting his gaze, Li Xiu said in a deep voice.


Everyone said in unison.

“Let’s go, let’s also go to the depths of the universe to take care of the Terrans and prevent accidents.”

Stand up, Li Xiudao.

The earth race is Li Xiu’s foundation, if there is any situation of the earth race, then Li Xiu’s foundation will also have a big problem, so the earth race must not have any problems, Li Xiu just wants to temper them, but he doesn’t want them to have an accident, so the one who should be on guard against is still to be guarded against.

“Yes, Master.”

Everyone left the garden.


Deep in the universe, a huge plane passage hangs high in the boundless starry sky, a stream of space power flows out from the plane channel, all the races are waiting to look at the plane passage, a wave of killing intent flows from dozens of trillions of Terran creatures, corpse mountains and sea of blood, a river of stars covered with blood and piled up with corpses appeared around the Terran army.

The Earth Race is not a flower in a greenhouse, they have also experienced the battle of fierce beasts, zombies, and chaos, their killing intent may not even be one billionth of Li Xiu’s, but it is not just a joke, and only those who come out of the killing can be regarded as strong!

Vortex !!!

Suddenly, the plane channel began to rotate at high speed, and the power of space bloomed, and one after another figures gradually emerged from the plane channel.


A dull loud noise came out of the plane channel, and the plane channel seemed to be unable to withstand it and began to vibrate.

Soon, endlessly, a huge army of more than several galaxies walked out of the plane passage.

The number of enemies exceeds … Megabytes!


Seeing this scene, the faces of the Earth Terrans froze.

The number of enemies is exactly a hundred thousand times greater than theirs!?

Although the mood cannot be calmed, but the earth race quickly recovered, even the demon race, chaos, dark invasion such a big scene they have seen, this time although there are a little more people, but what is that, they will win!

In the face of the enemy, the Earth Terrans are like humble ants, completely incomparable, however, the edge of the Earth Race is incomparable, even in the face of the completely disproportionate army of the heavens, millions of trillions of enemies can not suppress their arrogance!

Standing in front of the army of the heavens were sixteen heavenly powerhouses, of which there were ten cultivators of the ninth layer of the Hongmeng controller, four cultivators of the eighth layer of the Hongmeng controller, and two were cultivators of the early stage of the transcendent ones!

“How could it be in the universe.”

One of the two detached cultivators in the early stage of the detached person frowned slightly and said suspiciously.

He clearly remembered that he had fixed the point to the earth, how could he go to the universe?

“Maybe there was a little error.”

The white-clothed detached said.

“I’m afraid not…”

The black-clothed detached man’s eyes narrowed slightly, looking ahead.

“Organized a large army to resist us? How can a group of ants that don’t even have a Hongmeng controller resist us. ”

Following the eyes of the black-clothed detached, the white-clothed detached looked at the Earth Terran army in the distance with a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

“It doesn’t seem that simple, these ants have no way to transfer the plane channel to the universe, the earth may have strong people, be careful.”

The white-clothed detached man said in a deep voice.


The black-clothed detached person seemed to listen to the white-clothed detached person’s words, and nodded when he heard this.

“With Luo Tian Controller and Luo Yu Controller here, even if there are any hidden powerhouses on Earth, they will definitely be able to solve it easily.”

A Hongmeng controller said flatteringly.

“yes, yes.”

“Luo Tian controller and Luo Yu controller are the realm of supreme transcendence, ranking at the top of the heavens, how can anyone be the opponent of Luo Tian controller and Luo Yu controller.”

“I only hope that the two big guys can share us a little soup to drink when they eat meat.”

A group of Hongmeng controllers opened their mouths to curry favor.


Luo Tian’s controller and Luo Yu’s controller immediately laughed when they heard this.




Millions of trillions of soldiers shouted in unison, that majestic voice spread throughout the universe, and countless stars immediately turned into powder, and the power was very vast and shocking.

“Ants, the masters of the Heavenly Plane of the Buddha-figure, see that the Buddha-figure still does not submit?”

The white-clothed detached man looked at the Earth Terrans and said slowly.


The sound is like thunder, resounding in the entire universe, even the vacuum can not stop the voice of Luo Tian’s controller, the sky is full of thunder covering most of the universe, the destructive aura overflows everywhere in the universe, cracks are densely covered in every corner of the origin universe, as a transcendent person, Luo Tian’s voice also has infinite power!

Their purpose is Origin Creation, if he can, Luo Tian’s controller is too lazy to entangle too much with the Earth Terrans, first get the Origin Creation in hand, as for whether to erase the Earth Race after getting his hands depends on his mood at that time.

[PS: The new plot has some cavin, today I will update five pictures, the author Fungus brushed his thoughts to ponder how to write this plot, to ensure that the blood is warm, please support Wow, your support is the greatest driving force for the author to move forward! ] 】

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