The two of them were very close.

"Gaara means that he is here to support you and has talked to Shukaku." Temari stood beside Gaara and smiled, "Didn't he say 'hmm' to you?"

So that's what 'hmm' means, Naruto suddenly realized.

Kankuro took over the conversation: "We came here as soon as we received the news from Konoha, because Gaara's sand moves in the air, so the speed is a little faster, and the remaining reinforcements should arrive before tomorrow morning."

To put it nicely, we received the news, to put it bluntly, we received a threatening letter.

Kankuro didn't see the letter with his own eyes, but he saw the scene of Chiyo's rage. It can be said that if Assistant Ebizo hadn't tried her best to dissuade her, Chiyo might really go to war with Konoha. Going to war with Sand Village at this time is just seeking death.

At this stage when the Fourth Hokage died, Sand Village has no Hokage, and the only one who can match the Hokage is Chiyo. On the other side, there is not only the newly appointed Tsunade, but also Jiraiya who has always been in Konoha, and even a perfect Jinchūriki.

How to fight? Hit with the head.

So Chiyo also understood this point. She was just a little upset by Tsunade's tone and was just mad. She couldn't really go to war with Konoha. At most, she pretended to test Konoha.

Naruto didn't know about these things, so he expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the Sand Village for coming to help: "Thank you."

"We should thank you." Temari shook her head gently beside her. She didn't say why specifically, but her eyes fell on Gaara with a smile.

Gaara still looked cold, but there was no murderous intent and hatred in that coldness. Instead, it was a kind of relief and indescribable happiness. The whole person was different from the self hidden in the shadows. The sun was shining on him.

Gaara seemed not to notice Temari's gaze. He looked at Naruto and said, "Naruto, leave the enemy to us, you just continue to chase Sasuke."

"Is it okay? That guy is not weak either." Naruto turned his head and glanced at Kimimaro in the distance. He was very polite and didn't speak from the beginning, and he has been waiting until now.

Kimimaro heard what Gaara said and said slowly: "Sorry, I can't let you go, no matter how many of you there are."

Gaara didn't care. This was the first time he stood with Naruto, and he didn't want to be stopped by some strange people.

He stretched out his right hand, and a ball of sand appeared in front of Naruto. Gaara said lightly: "Stand on the sand, I will send you out of the battlefield, and you won't be stopped if you go through the sky."

"Good idea." Naruto jumped on the sand without hesitation.

Temari saw this scene, stretched out her hand to stop Naruto and asked: "First tell me where the pineapple head is now? Didn't the intelligence say that he came out with you to chase Sasuke?"

"You mean Shikamaru?" Naruto answered seriously, "Shikamaru, Choji and Ino stopped an enemy together. Now he is approaching Konoha. If you want to support him, you need to go further inside. It will take less than 20 minutes."

Because the time to come here is following Jirobo, Jirobo is not fast in order to ensure that he does not interfere with Sasuke. It took more than half an hour to come here. If you go back, it will actually take 20 minutes. If you go all out, it will take more than 10 minutes.

"Okay, I know." Temari took back her hand that was blocking Naruto, and I don't know what she was thinking.

Seeing that the two had finished talking, Gaara also waved his hand directly: "Then, get ready Naruto."

"Ah." Naruto grinned.

Kimimaro's face became a little serious. Flying has always been the most hated method by ninjas. After all, most ninjas in the ninja world do not have the means to fly, so they will seem a little weak when facing attacks from the sky.

In addition, the opponent is not a good person either. If the four people are on the ground, Kimimaro can guarantee that he can stop them, but if they fly into the sky, Kimimaro will indeed be a little passive.

Thinking of this, Kimimaro took a deep breath: "I can't let you get through."

As the voice fell, the black lines of the curse seal suddenly lit up, and with all the lines connected together, a powerful chakra burst out from Kimimaro's body. His body was eroded by the black lines and almost turned into ink-black skin. His hair turned from white to gray-black, and a tail grew behind him.

It looks like a monster.

Naruto felt a little sick: "What is this?

? "

"Cursed Seal 2 state." Kimimaro's tail suddenly fell to the ground, and his originally cold eyes became aggressive. He stretched out his right hand, and bones grew out of his arm to cover his entire hand. In less than a moment, it turned into a spiral spear to replace the entire right hand.

He made an attacking gesture, and the tip of the spiral spear pointed at Naruto: "I won't let you leave, absolutely not!"

"Corpse Vein·Tsubaki Dance!"

Naruto's face was solemn, and he subconsciously gathered chakra in his hands, but at this moment he felt the sand under his feet move, sending him up to the sky at an extremely fast speed, and heading in the direction where Jirobo left.

Gaara waved his hands, and a huge amount of sand rushed towards Kimimaro under his control: "Naruto, your mission is to recover Sasuke, and I will take care of this guy."

"Trust me."

Naruto was stunned, then smiled and nodded, dissipated the chakra in his hand, and gave Gaara a thumbs up: "Then I'll leave it to you! Gaara! "

"By the way, remember to say hello to Shukaku for me!" Naruto waved and shouted.

Looking at Naruto who was getting farther and farther away from him, Gaara heard Naruto's words, and a faint smile appeared on his face, which was a smile that had never appeared before: "Leave it to friend."

If it was just to defeat Kimimaro, it might be a little difficult for Gaara, but it was not the case now. His purpose was just to send Naruto away. In front of himself with flying and absolute defense, he wanted to send someone away. Unless Kimimaro's strength far exceeded his own, it would be impossible to stop him.

Kimimaro shot out ten hand bones with a solemn face, but was completely blocked by the sand that suddenly rushed over. At that moment, even Kimimaro's face became a little ugly.

Naruto's figure was getting farther and farther away. Kimimaro knew that he couldn't stop that guy with the means of the Corpse Bone Vein. He could only turn his head and look at Gaara: "I will kill you as soon as possible, and then catch up with that guy. "

"I hope your strength is as strong as what you said. "Gaara looked at Kimimaro below with cold eyes.

At the same time, in the sealed space, Shukaku saw Kimimaro below through Gaara's sight, and he shouted in an unpleasant voice: "Hey, Gaara kid, let me out to play after you go back, how about I help you deal with this guy?"

Gaara's figure appeared in the sealed space, turned his head to look at Shukaku, and said indifferently: "If you swear that you will not hurt anyone in the Sand Village, nor will you attack the Sand Village, I will let you out."

"Tsk." Shukaku disdainful.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

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