On the other side, Jirofang, who was leaving, suddenly stopped and looked ahead with surprise, only to see the familiar blond kid standing in front of him, looking at him with his hands on his hips.

Jirofang was shocked: "The Jinchūriki of Konoha? Impossible, didn't Lord Kimimaro stop you?"

The Otonin Four knew how strong Kimimaro was. He was responsible for stopping Naruto. Jirofang thought the kid was dead, but it had only been a short time, and Naruto not only caught up with him again, but was also ahead of him!

When did this guy run ahead of him?

Naruto smiled and touched the back of his head: "Because Gaara helped me stop Kimimaro and sent me here, but he was too strong and made me fly in front of you. As a result, you came over as soon as I landed."

This is true. After all, Jirobo did walk very slowly to ensure Sasuke's safety, and the flying speed of the sand was much faster than Jirobo's forward speed, so he caught up with Jirobo directly.

Jirobo now understands it. He sensed Kimimaro's chakra behind him, and there were three strangers. Kimimaro also turned on the curse seal 2 state, which should be to kill those three people quickly and catch up with this guy.

Thinking of this, Jirobo's eyes calmed down. He was also a little annoyed by being chased: "What a troublesome kid, in that case, let me get rid of you first."

After saying that, Jirobo put down the wooden barrel on his back, and after putting it down, he directly made a seal with both hands: "Although Lord Orochimaru meant for us to leave the Land of Fire as soon as possible, I am very upset that you are still haunting me, so I decided to kill you before leaving."

"I believe Lord Orochimaru will not blame me."

Jinchūriki? What Jinchūriki? Jirobo has forgotten.

"Earth Style: Earth Pillar Ball!"

Jirobo pressed his hands down, and as he raised his hands, the entire ground was held in his hands, looking like he was holding a huge piece of land.

Then he threw the huge ten in his hand directly.

Naruto did not underestimate the enemy either. Red chakra appeared on his body. With the blessing of Kurama's chakra, he jumped to avoid Jirobo's ninjutsu.

Looking at the messy ground and Jirobo in the distance, Naruto thought for a moment and asked, "Hey, big guy, is it okay for you to just leave Sasuke there like this? If Sasuke suddenly has any problems, you're done for."

Jirobo sneered, "Don't look down on our sealing technique. Before Sasuke-sama completes his transformation, our sealing technique will definitely not have any problems. When Sasuke-sama completes his transformation, the sealing technique will open directly and release Sasuke-sama."

Naruto was embarrassed. He really answered every question.

As expected, what Kurama said was right. Answering every question is the passive skill of all villains.

But... since that's the case, I'm relieved.

A red tail appeared behind Naruto, and he smiled and said, "If that's the case, even if I defeat you, it won't affect Sasuke's transformation."

"That's great."

A purple tailed beast jade appeared in Naruto's right hand. Without waiting for Jirobo's answer, Naruto immediately stepped forward and imprinted the tailed beast jade in his hand on Jirobo without hesitation: "Ninjutsu · Small Tailed Beast Jade!"

Jirobo's eyes condensed, and even he felt that this violent chakra was difficult.

He immediately made seals with both hands.

"Earth escape · Return of the earth and land!"

The ground trembled, and a huge rock rose between the two of them, turning into a shield to block Naruto behind. Jirobo retreated, and the curse seal had begun to climb up his body. The black lines increased with his chakra burst.

"Innocent!" Naruto imprinted the tailed beast jade in his hand on the stone without hesitation. With the roar, the whole stone collapsed.

Looking at Jirobo who was retreating, Naruto opened his mouth and faced him, and the red and blue chakra condensed directly in his mouth, "Don't think I can only condense the Tailed Beast Ball with my hands!"

One more time!

"Ninjutsu: Small Tailed Beast Ball!"

This time, the Tailed Beast Ball was not a melee attack, but was directly launched after condensation was successful. Its speed even exceeded Jirobo who used the instant body technique.

Jirobo, who had only opened half of the curse seal, opened his eyes wide and looked at the flying Tailed Beast Ball. The extremely fast speed made him have no time to use ninjutsu to block it. He could only watch the Tailed Beast Ball hit his chest.


The powerful force erupted again. As the first Tailed Beast Ball fell, Naruto opened his mouth again to condense the Tailed Beast Ball, and it came again directly.

The five bombings made the already uneven rocky land even more desolate.

Chakra kept erupting, the earth trembled, and turned into a storm and smoke that blocked the entire sky. The powerful force tore Jirobo's body apart, and he didn't even say a word, and disappeared from the world with only a face full of horror.

Six consecutive bombings of small tailed beast jades. This intensity of attack is now only less than five people in the ninja world who can resist it head-on, and Jirobo is not among them now.

Naruto closed his mouth and exhaled a chakra gas, his face cold.

The explosion in the distance has stopped, the storm and impact have blown away, and only the smoke and dust covering the sky and the sun are rising into the sky.

But Naruto was not happy. He just slowly turned his head to look at the stone in the distance to his right, and condensed the Tailed Beast Jade in his mouth again: "You can use the Substitute Technique to transfer in that situation. Sure enough, your strength is not weak."

As the Tailed Beast Jade gradually condensed, Jirobo walked out from behind the big stone with a dark face, looking at Naruto with a gloomy face. He was injured. Although he dodged the first Tailed Beast Jade with his "Earth Substitute", he still took all the impact.

But... who would use a big one right at the beginning? Don't everyone try to test the means first, and then find an opportunity to use a powerful ninjutsu based on the opponent's strength? What do you mean by using the Tailed Beast Jade right at the beginning? Didn't you see that I haven't finished the curse seal yet?

He wanted to curse, but he felt that Naruto seemed to be right to do so.

Just now, if he had directly activated the Curse Seal 2 state, he would not have been injured, so he thought about comparing with this guy to confirm his strength, but the opponent was too lazy to compare with him, and a Tailed Beast Jade came up in the opposite hand.

But Jirobo is a ninja, and he would not say something so naive as "Naruto has no martial ethics". The battle between ninjas is to use all means, and the opponent's direct use of the ultimate is also part of the tactics.

Silently opening the Curse Seal 2 state, Jirobo's skin gradually turned dark red, and his body became more burly and tall. He looked at Naruto coldly: "I will not give you another chance to use that ninjutsu, Konoha's Jinchuriki."

Naruto did not want to talk, and responded with a small Tailed Beast Ball.

This time Jirobo had enough time to dodge, his body fell directly into the ground and disappeared on the spot, and the Tailed Beast Ball was not unexpectedly missed.

"Sure enough." Naruto did not feel regretful, "The condensation and launch of the Tailed Beast Ball is still a big problem. Ninjas who are stronger than me know how to deal with it after seeing it once. Kimimaro and this big guy have seen through the attack of the Tailed Beast Ball. Unless a stronger Tailed Beast Ball is condensed, it is difficult to hit these people."

"No wonder that guy Kurama insisted on letting me learn the Rasengan." Naruto murmured.

Although the Rasengan is only a copy of the Tailed Beast Ball, it cannot attack from a distance and its power is indeed not as strong as the Tailed Beast Ball, but it must be said that the Rasengan has a huge advantage in the instant condensation time compared to the Tailed Beast Ball.

Even though Naruto is already quite proficient in the Tailed Beast Ball, the time required for condensation will be about one second. If a larger Tailed Beast Ball is needed, it will take even longer to condense. If it is replaced with the Rasengan, it can be condensed in about an instant.

Facing a powerful ninja, this one second of condensation time is enough for the opponent to dodge or even counterattack, while facing a weak ninja, the attack of the Tailed Beast Ball is not needed.

Unless Naruto learns to condense the Tailed Beast Ball instantly now, but that requires him to completely unlock the seal of Kurama, otherwise the Tailed Beast Chakra in his body that is restricted by the seal cannot support his instant condensation at all.

Naruto pouted, he now wants to learn the Rasengan a little bit.

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