The two of them were so angry that they had to face each other.

Naruto ignored Kurama's joke.

It turns out that Santaifu is really naive. He really didn't expect that the two psychopaths in his memory were the two righteous teenagers in front of him, but it doesn't matter, anyway, he will never know.

Naruto looked at Sasuke with a righteous face: "Sasuke, you go to help Santaifu find the lecherous immortal, I will complete the task."

It is mainly because the shadow clone is easier to find with Fuji Fuyuki.

Although Naruto thought so, for Santaifu, it was a manifestation of the responsibility of the teenager in front of him. After all, their initial task was to protect Her Royal Highness the Princess.

San Taifu was touched: "Then I'll trouble you, Naruto-sama."

"This is what we should do." Naruto patted his chest and promised, "Please rest assured, I will definitely find the target of the mission and protect her, and will never let her suffer any harm."

San Taifu was about to cry, but he still had one more thing to say: "Your Highness Princess will run a long way every time she escapes, which may take a lot of time. It's really troublesome for you!"

"This is the duty of a ninja!" Naruto looked righteous.

To be honest, Sasuke next to him almost couldn't stand it, his indifference was about to stop, mainly because Naruto was too righteous, which made Sasuke a little awkward, no, very awkward!

It was decided that after returning, he would tell Hinata everything Naruto did.

Sasuke, who had made up his mind secretly, nodded silently, and then took over Naruto's words: "No matter how much time and energy it takes, we will complete the employer's task. This is our Konoha's style of doing things."

When he said this, he still had a cold face, but in the eyes of San Taifu, this person was indeed extremely enthusiastic.

He wiped away his tears of emotion and looked at Naruto and Sasuke with excitement: "Thank you for your trouble..."

He knew that Fuji Fuyuki would run far away every time he escaped. Even a ninja would take an unknown amount of time to find her. If it was a perception ninja or a ninja with special tracking ninjutsu, it would be relatively easier.

Now he could only silently wish that Naruto could find her before tomorrow morning, because tomorrow morning they would board the ship to the Snow Country.

San Taifu looked at Naruto's back as he walked away, full of hope in his heart.

Then in less than ten minutes, Naruto found Fuji Fuyuki in a bar.

Well, because of the shadow clones as road signs, Naruto didn't spend any extra time throughout the whole process. He even took the time to buy a lottery ticket, and then won the prize. The whole frog wallet was bulging, and Naruto's mood became better.

In the bar, Fuji Fuyuki was drinking with lingering fear. She had changed her princess clothes and was now wearing ordinary clothes, but with sunglasses and a hat, people couldn't tell her appearance.

If Naruto's shadow clone hadn't been staring at him, Naruto might not have known that this woman was the woman who escaped before.

After removing the shadow clone, Naruto walked to Fuji Fuyuki and sat down. The waiter asked Naruto what he wanted to drink very conscientiously and emphasized that this was a bar.

Naruto waved his hand to show that he knew it. It wasn't the first time he came here. He had followed the lustful immortal to even go into a custom shop, not to mention a bar, so he directly ordered a glass of milk and drank it in front of Fuji Fuyuki, whose eyes were twitching.

Sipping it mouthful by mouthful, it looked pretty cute.

"Damn it, I actually think this kid is a little cute." Fuji Fuyuki looked at Naruto with disdain, then turned around and took a sip of her wine glass.

"Hey..." Naruto put down the milk... cup comfortably, and his eyes narrowed happily, "Miss Fuji Fuyuki, I think milk tastes better than wine, so I really don't understand why you like to drink."

Fuji Fuyuki was shocked and pushed away from the seat subconsciously, looking at Naruto in surprise: "Who are you?"

Naruto turned his head and showed Fuji Fuyuki a sunny smile: "Hello, Princess, I am Konoha Genin Uzumaki Naruto, and the client, Mr. Asama Santaifu, asked me to find you back."

Fuji Fuyuki's face became a little ugly.

Naruto raised a finger: "By the way, Mr. San Taifu said that if Your Highness Princess resists too fiercely, he allows me to knock you out first and then take you back."

San Taifu Asama did say so, because he knew Fuji Fuyuki's personality. This woman would never

Yield easily.

Fuji Feng Xue Hui narrowed her eyes and looked at Naruto. Perhaps she heard a firmness in Naruto's tone, so she didn't say anything at the first time. After all, she was just an ordinary person, and Naruto was a ninja. If Naruto really wanted to use force, it would be difficult for her to break free.

Thinking of this, Fuji Feng Xue Hui's eyes flashed.

The next second, she showed a charming smile on her face, and she moved back to the chair and sat down, leaning lazily on the table.

She supported her chin with her right hand and gently stroked the wine glass with her left hand. She was full of strange temptation: "Naruto... Jun, right? Don't you want to know why I ran away?"

Naruto subconsciously tightened his body, and the smile on his face was reduced a little, replaced by a little curiosity: "Why?"

Fuji Feng Xuehui smiled very charmingly, stretched out her left hand with nail polish, and gently hooked her index finger: "Come closer, I will only tell you."

Naruto's face flashed a blush, he coughed dryly and turned his head: "Miss Xuehui, please respect yourself."

"Puff..." Fuji Feng Xuehui laughed, she took off her glasses, the charming look and the seductive voice made Naruto unconsciously immersed.

Fuji Fuyuki's eyes flashed with disdain, but she still maintained that seductive smile: "I won't do anything to you, a kid. I just want to tell you the answer. Aren't you curious at all?"

A famous movie star in the ninja world frequently escapes from his assistant. Is this a distortion of human nature or a moral decline? Please... Ahem, Naruto is very curious.

As if completely unprepared, Naruto approached Fuji Fuyuki with a face full of curiosity: "Why why? Can you really say this?"

"What's wrong with that?" Fuji Fuyuki's voice softened, and the whispering voice seemed more seductive.

"You can get closer, no problem~" She bit her lower lip lightly, and her face was flushed because of shyness or alcohol.

"Gulp..." Naruto swallowed his saliva and looked at the face of the girl in front of him. The delicate face was matched with a charming expression. Naruto could even smell the peculiar fragrance of Fuji Fuyuki Ei, and there was a beautiful pendant hanging on her ear. "It's close enough..."

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