The girl was very happy.

Gently approaching Naruto's ear, the warmth in Fuji Fuyuki's voice touched Naruto's brain with a soft whisper: "Little brother, sister wants to tell you, don't trust women easily."

With a snort, purple mist sprayed out from the exquisite pendant.

As Naruto covered his eyes and fell to the ground screaming, the charm on Fuji Fuyuki's face disappeared instantly, turning into a look of contempt and disdain: "You are really a little devil, not only your brain is not good but also lustful. No one will like a guy like you."

After saying that, Fuji Fuyuki ignored Naruto who was screaming on the ground and turned directly to walk out of the bar.

But at the moment when she turned around and prepared to leave, as she looked at the door of the bar, the disdain and contempt on her face disappeared in an instant, leaving only a face full of astonishment and doubt about life.

Naruto leaned against the door of the bar, holding the glass of milk in his hand and sipping it gently. It was not until Fuji Fuyuki looked over that he slowly said: "Kurouma once said: The more beautiful a woman is, the more likely she is to lie."

Confidence appeared on his face: "Your acting skills and deception are good, but compared to the Kurama who remembers one thing after another, you are too immature. I can even expose Kurama's deception, let alone you."

"Girl, you are 20,000 years too early to deceive me!"

Fuji Fuyuki looked at Naruto blankly, and subconsciously turned to look at the screaming Naruto, but found that it was not Naruto who fell to the ground, but an ordinary wooden barrel.

In other words, the little ghost discovered that she was acting from the beginning, not only did he not take the initiative to expose it, but also secretly cooperated with her to finish the play. The most important thing is that she didn't see it?

She was stunned. She was a big star, but she lost to a little kid in acting!

She couldn't accept it!!!

Little kid! You can insult my brain! You can even knock me out and take me away! But you can never insult my acting! You're dead!


On the other side, Sasuke brought Santaifu and others to the hotel where Jiraiya lived. At the moment of entering the hotel, a person following Sasuke suddenly shouted: "Those are the horses of the crew!"

Santaifu was subconsciously startled and looked in the direction that person pointed. He saw two strong horses tied behind the hotel through the glass, eating grass leisurely.

Seeing this scene, the blood pressure of the group instantly rose.

Santaifu pointed at the two horses with trembling hands: "Yes, those are the horses of the crew. Sure enough, that guy lives here!"

While speaking, Santaifu gritted his teeth tightly, and the whole person was like a madman.

Sasuke turned his head with a guilty conscience, and forced a cold expression on his face: "You ask someone to pull the horse back, and we will go directly to Jiraiya."

Santafu was stunned: "But, this won't let that guy..."

"Don't worry, I'm here." Sasuke nodded heavily to Santafu, his eyes full of confidence.

Santafu was moved again, and he looked at Sasuke solemnly: "I understand, if that guy makes things difficult for you, I will send a complaint letter directly to the Daimyo of the Land of Fire as the task client! I will definitely not let you suffer!"

Sasuke was also moved, and he didn't expect that Santafu was willing to do this.

The feeling of guilt became more obvious after being moved, and he really wanted to tell Santafu that even if he sent a complaint letter to the Daimyo, it would not solve the problem, because the current Hokage is a relative of the Daimyo.

Sasuke thought about it and decided not to say it, so as not to make up a story later.

"Ahem." He coughed dryly, "Let's go, let's go up."

Sasuke didn't know how many rooms Jiraiya had, because he didn't book a room when he first came. He was able to find Jiraiya because he didn't hide his tracks at all, so he could find him by just asking anyone.

It's also very simple now, just ask a waiter, after all, Jiraiya's appearance... is quite outstanding.

Arriving at the door of the room, the third lady looked at Sasuke subconsciously.

Sasuke stretched out a hand to indicate that he should not be anxious, and then took a deep breath under the gaze of the third lady, raised his heart and calmed down, then kicked the door open with one foot, and then Sasuke jumped in directly, and roared at Jiraiya who was still lying on the bed.

"Anti-pornography! Everyone, hold your head and squat by the wall and don't talk!"

The sudden movement made Jiraiya jump up from the bed, and he squatted in the corner of the room with his head held without even seeing who was coming, and he was extremely humble.

Sasuke was a little surprised

Yi: "You're the only one here? I thought I could see some exciting scenes?"

Jiraiya was stunned. He squatted in the corner and looked at the wall, doubting his life. He paused while he was still in a daze. This voice... looks so familiar?

Jiraiya: "..."

Damn it, Uchiha Sasuke, you're looking for death!

Jiraiya stood up from the ground with a dark face. His disheveled appearance made him look extremely embarrassed. He clenched his fists and turned to look at Sasuke. He almost squeezed out his voice from between his teeth: "Uchiha Sasuke!!!"

Sasuke looked at Jiraiya expressionlessly, and his tone was very flat: "It's you again. You are always there when we raid pornography."

Jiraiya: "..."

"Are you addicted to playing the police team?" Jiraiya approached Sasuke with a stinky face. His face looked like a devil, and even his body was full of black malice. "Today I won't teach you what it means to respect your teachers. From now on, I will read the name of the immortal Jiraiya backwards!"

"I am also a human immortal. You'd better take a look at your current situation first." Sasuke raised his chin proudly.

Jiraiya was stunned, and subconsciously looked past Sasuke's figure to the door of the room. What caught his eye was the angry face of San Taifu.

"Who is this person?" Jiraiya was a little confused.

He didn't know this person, right? Why is this person looking at him like this?

Suddenly, Jiraiya's face changed. Wait! Could this man be Lailai's husband? Didn't she say that her husband agrees with her going out to make money? Why does he look a little wrong now?

Oh, by the way, the woman named Lailai is just a receptionist who is responsible for accompanying guests and chatting with them. She is the kind of receptionist who is responsible for making guests happy and earning accompanying fees and commissions. It is not the kind of profession you imagine.

Although receptionists are often taken advantage of, they are serious professions and only provide accompanying services. For other services, please turn right out of the door and go to the custom shop. There are not only waiters, but also rooms and various toys, so you can play as much as you want.

In short, in the ninja world, many ordinary people will choose to work in such formal hotels. Although they will be taken advantage of, as long as they are sweet, they can have a very good income...

Hmm? Why should I explain this?

In short, Jiraiya is not Piao. Although he used to be unrestrained and loved freedom, now that Tsunade is in power, he has given up that forest and turned to the embrace of cactus, so he now only looks for regular hostesses.

So... why should he feel guilty?

After figuring this out, Jiraiya instantly became confident and looked directly at Santaifu and said, "I slept alone after I came back. If you want to find Lai Lai, she is not here. She has returned to the store."

Santaifu felt his blood pressure rise.

He clenched his fists and pointed at Jiraiya with a trembling body: "I will definitely report you to the daimyo! Definitely!"

Jiraiya: "..."

Brother, I just ordered a hostess, it's not that serious, right?

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