The truth is, the truth is that Jiraiya was disliked. Although Sasuke was there to help him, he was still disliked.

Because of Sasuke and Naruto's foreshadowing, no matter how Jiraiya explained, the Santaifu didn't believe him, and even put on an expression of "you are not even as good as your own disciple". In the end, it was Sasuke who said that Jiraiya might have been drunk at the time, and the Santaifu gave up the idea of ​​writing a letter of complaint.

Jiraiya was not stupid, and he had figured out what happened almost before the Santaifu criticized him.

No wonder these two little bastards suddenly showed kindness and gave him two horses and asked him to sell them for money. After all, this was a trap.

Jiraiya, who understood the whole thing, had a dark face. Although he was not afraid of the report letter, the current Hokage was Tsunade. If Tsunade knew that he was being plotted against by two little bastards, she would probably spend the rest of her life in her ridicule.

So Jiraiya had no choice but to take the blame and use this method to get the forgiveness of the Santaifu. Not to say that he was completely forgiven, at least he should not give the report letter to Tsunade. It was okay to give it to the daimyo. He could not control him anyway.

For the sake of the shameless old man Naruto and Sasuke, the Santaifu finally did not send the report letter. In addition, although Jiraiya had a bad character, his strength was indeed well-known in the ninja world. For the sake of the princess, the Santaifu chose to endure it.

This matter just passed.

Well, it was like this, until Naruto came to the Santaifu carrying the unconscious Fuji Fuyuki.

Because this woman was noisy and used all kinds of tricks to deal with Naruto, Naruto was so angry that he knocked her out. When she woke up again, it was already noon the next day, and the ship to the Snow Country had left the port for a morning.

She was very sad, but there was nothing she could do. After all, she was not a ninja and could not jump off the ship directly.

Since she could not resist, she could only choose to enjoy it. So with the mentality that she was going to die anyway, she might as well do something meaningful before dying, she devoted herself to the filming of the movie, and completed most of the plot on the ship in just three days.

The efficiency was extremely high.

On the morning of the fourth day, Naruto and Sasuke sat next to Jiraiya, propping up their chins and looking at Jiraiya: "Hey, lecherous immortal, it's been three days, you should calm down, right?"

Jiraiya slammed the wine glass down with a bang, and the whole person had a stinky face: "Calm down? Impossible, absolutely impossible! Unless you go and explain it to the task client now, don't expect me to lead you to practice!"

He was angry.

Being tricked by Naruto and Sasuke is actually nothing. He often tricked these two brats, but the point is that these two brats not only tricked him, but also ruined his reputation. The most important thing is that the so-called Konoha double team has spread throughout the entire ship, and almost everyone knows it.

The damn director actually asked him to perform. He thought that scene could be used as the villain in the movie.

Jiraiya just wanted to ask, isn’t it awkward?

To be honest, he felt like dying when he heard that scene. What on earth was Naruto and Sasuke thinking when they said that line? He asked himself if he was shameless enough to say such a line.

Oh, yes, Naruto and Sasuke used the transformation technique at that time, and they turned into him and Kakashi.

Jiraiya got even angrier when he thought of this, and his face went dark: "Just wait for Kakashi to punish you when you get back!"

"Teacher Kakashi won't punish me, my dad is his master." Naruto propped up his chin indifferently, "So you should just give up, lecherous sage, I'm not afraid of anyone in Konoha except Grandma Tsunade."

After all, others said that they could only hit him with one punch at most, but Tsunade said that she could definitely send him to the hospital if she hit him.

"Heh." Jiraiya sneered, "I remember Fuji Fuyuki's 'care' for you, your girlfriend would be very upset if she knew about it."

He really wanted to see the anxiety on Naruto's face, but unfortunately he didn't.

Naruto scratched his ear, his face full of indifference: "So you are too young, you don't understand Hinata's character at all. Even Sasuke knows that some things can be reported and some things don't need to be reported, because he also knows Hinata's character. She won't have any other thoughts on this matter."

Sasuke nodded beside him. After all, everyone is a classmate, and they are graduating Genin together. Even if they didn't know each other before, they would get to know each other later.

Jiraiya had nothing to say, he really

He didn't know Hinata, or rather, if Hinata hadn't confessed to Naruto, he wouldn't even know there was such a person.

"Fuck!" Jiraiya cursed, and then began to drink again.

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other, and then sighed at the same time. It must be said that Jiraiya was really willful. I don't know when this guy will calm down. They haven't practiced for three days! Sad~

Naruto walked out of the cabin and went outside. Sasuke went to practice treading water on the sea. He had already learned it, so there was no need.

At this moment, the directors on the deck were filming intensively, and Fuji Fuyuki was among them. Except for the crying scene that this woman couldn't complete, her acting skills in other places were really amazing.

Oh, by the way, ninjas' acting skills are generally very good, but for ninjas, their acting skills are more used for "imitation" rather than acting.

For example, Naruto transforms into Sasuke, and even if his grades are very poor, he can still act like Sasuke. Unless there is an emergency or someone who knows Sasuke very well, most people cannot see through Naruto's acting skills.

For actors, their acting skills are more general. For example, if you ask Fuji Fuyuki to play Sasuke, she will definitely not be able to act like him, even if she uses transformation. But if you ask her to play a "cold ninja", she can make it look real.

On the contrary, Naruto can play Sasuke, but he can't play a "cold ninja". This is the difference between the acting skills of a ninja and the acting skills of an actor. In essence, the two are performed for different purposes, and there is no comparison between them.

Even if you let Naruto become Fuji Fuyuki now, he can do it without being discovered by others in a short time.

Of course, the purpose is because... the actor who is the samurai following the princess in the movie is seasick, vomiting and diarrhea, and he can't recover after taking medicine, so he caught Naruto who has nothing to do to help.

Naruto agreed to appear on TV, and did not use the transformation technique. Then he was rejected by Fuji Fuyuki, and the director also told him to get lost. Naruto had no choice but to use the transformation technique and try to play the role of that guy.

Then he passed it in one take.

Fuji Fuyuki was stunned. She didn't expect that a transformation would turn a person into another person. If the people in their crew hadn't spent a long time with the actor, they wouldn't have seen that the guy in front of them was the Naruto before.

Jiraiya was surprised at the back, and he didn't expect Naruto's transformation technique to be so high.

After becoming Naruko, Naruto is more feminine than a woman. Kurama said he was impressed.

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