The old man was very happy.

"Kuroma, stop talking nonsense! How long will it take for your tail-breaking substitute to be completed?" Naruto looked helpless.

Kuroma counted on his fingers: "Because my body structure is different from that of the cow-ki, the preparation time is a little longer. According to the current progress, it will be completed in a week at most."

Although the tailed beasts are chakra aggregates, they also have some characteristics of physical animals. For example, the lower body of the eight-tailed cow-kiss is an octopus, so it can easily regenerate after the tail is broken, but the upper body is a cow, so the broken horn cannot be regenerated.

For example, the seven-tailed Chongming used to be a caterpillar crawling on the ground, but when he grew up, he broke out of his cocoon and became a flying insect. The five-tailed Mu Wang also likes to run around like a wild horse, and the four-tailed Sun Wukong has retained most of the characteristics of monkeys. He likes to call monkeys, walk and run on all fours, but can also stand on two feet to fight, etc.

Although Jiu Lama does not have many characteristics of a fox, he is more or less a fox. For a fox, it is not so easy to cut off its tail, so it is completely okay to prepare for a little longer.

Naruto sighed, looking at the sea level with a gloomy look: "But I'm so bored now, and the lecherous immortal won't help me practice."

"Don't you still have the sealing technique to learn?" Jiu Lama turned over and said, "How far have you learned the Yin Seal and the Diamond Seal?"

Naruto's breathing stagnated, and then he covered his head in pain: "The sealing technique is so difficult, I can hardly recognize those words, they jump around in front of me every day, just short of drilling into my brain, but they just don't go in."

"Heh." Jiu Lama sneered disdainfully, "If you hate studying, you hate studying, what excuses can you find for a poor student like you."

Naruto couldn't refute.

At this moment, Sasuke, who was practicing on the sea, suddenly jumped up from under the boat, landed on the deck, and said with a happy face: "Naruto, there is land ahead."

"Yeah!" Naruto was shocked, and then overjoyed, "Have we finally reached the Snow Country?"

Although there is nothing wrong with taking a boat, it feels really annoying. It's not annoying, but it's definitely not enjoyable. So Naruto and Sasuke have been thinking about getting to the Snow Country as soon as possible. If they don't get there, they will go to the Snow Country on water.

Jiraiya walked to the two of them with a bottle of wine: "It takes more than five days to get to the Snow Country from the start. It's only the fourth day now. How can we get there so quickly?"

Naruto's face fell instantly.

Sasuke frowned and turned to look at the front of the boat: "But I did see land, a piece of white covered with snow, and the map doesn't show that there are other islands or continents in this sea area?"

He had a puzzled look on his face.

Jiraiya leaned against the edge of the boat and shrugged his shoulders and replied, "It should be just a large piece of floating ice. The sea area around the Snow Country is full of such large glaciers, which look like a continent connected to the Snow Country continent."

"When the temperature rises in the summer, the glaciers around the Snow Country will melt, and sometimes some will float out of the Snow Country continent, which is also a unique scenery in this sea area." Jiraiya looked towards the direction of the Snow Country with a touch of nostalgia, "I went to the Snow Country to get materials before, and I have to say that the hot spring industry in the ice and snow country is indeed very developed."

"Hehehe~" Jiraiya also revealed his vulgarity as he spoke.

The two people who were originally listening to Jiraiya's popular science seriously suddenly turned black in their faces. This guy is really serious for only three seconds.

Just when the two were about to denounce Jiraiya, an ethereal voice came from behind them: "There are indeed a lot of floating ice around the sea area of ​​the Snow Country, but a piece as big as this is also very rare."

Turning around, it was Fuji Fuyuki who had finished filming this scene and was taking a break.

She stood beside Naruto, looking at the sea in the distance with a gloomy look: "If you don't want to die, I suggest you tell the director to turn around, otherwise you will regret it when you get to the Snow Country."

Sasuke sighed, turned around and jumped off the boat: "I'm going to practice."

Naruto rolled his eyes: "Ah, yes, yes, you are right."

After that, he ignored Fujiki Fengxuehui.

This woman said this to them several times along the way. Every time she said how dangerous the Snow Country was, but she never said why. At first, Naruto was a little worried, so he asked Jiraiya.

Jiraiya's original words were: "Oh, where is the danger in the Snow Country? Snow Ninja? Their chakra armor is really interesting. If there is real danger, you and Sasuke can go up and try your hand. Aren't you looking forward to the battle?

Have you been fighting for a long time?"

That's it.

Although Jiraiya is unreliable, he is very strong. According to Kurama, the strongest of the three ninjas was originally Orochimaru, but Orochimaru broke his soul, and his hands were sealed, so his weaknesses were very obvious, and his combat power ranked last among the three ninjas.

Tsunade is a medical ninja, but she is also very strong, but her combat power has hardly improved during her decadence, so she ranks second.

Although Jiraiya is unreliable, he has been constantly improving his strength over the years. Although he is very wretched, he is indeed worthy of his title of "Sage", because he is the only user of celestial arts in the entire ninja world, and his strength deserves to be ranked first among the three ninjas.

At this stage, the people in the ninja world who can beat Jiraiya can be counted on one hand. If Orochimaru didn't play himself to pieces, he would not be weaker than Jiraiya. What a pity.

Fuji Fuyuki was also a little angry when she was ignored: "You don't know what kind of enemy you are facing! "

Don't blame her. After all, she is not a ninja. Even if she knows that the reputation of the three ninjas is not much left after seeing Jiraiya himself, plus the Snow Country has an 'invincible' chakra armor, Fuji Fuze Xuehui feels that it is impossible to beat the Snow Ninjas with an old pervert and two Genin brats.

Naruto looked at Fuji Fuze Xuehui, his face full of seriousness: "You are wrong, you should say, 'Our enemies don't know what kind of opponents they are facing'."

Jiraiya, that's Jiraiya!

To be honest, Jiraiya wants to overthrow the Snow Country in a day at most. If he is more ruthless and ignores casualties, it may not even take a day. How can a small marginal country have the courage to provoke Jiraiya? They don't want to live, right?

Fuji Fuze Xuehui doesn't think so. She just thinks that the brat in front of her is really arrogant.

"Whatever you think, I just hope you don't kneel down and beg me to save you when the time comes. "Fuji Fengxuehui's face was full of indifference, and her right hand unconsciously clenched the pendant hanging on her chest.

Naruto was speechless: "You are really..."

The next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes wide and subconsciously cast his gaze towards the glacier in the distance, only to see that the glacier that originally stood on the sea level suddenly began to drift and approached the ship at a slow speed.

Jiraiya paused in drinking, and his eyes unconsciously glanced at the glacier.

Naruto was excited, lying on the edge of the boat and shouting to Sasuke who was treading water below: "Hey! Sasuke! The enemy is coming! On that glacier!"

"What?" Sasuke was also startled, and then the whole person became excited, "Did you sense it?"

"Ah!" Naruto nodded heavily, "Three malicious people, get closer and I can sense their chakra reaction. At that time, I will deal with two and you will deal with one. "

Sasuke frowned: "Why don't I deal with two and you deal with one? "

"Because I discovered the enemy first!" Naruto proudly puffed out his chest.

Sasuke fell into deep thought, frowning tightly. What Naruto said made sense, but he didn't want to give the enemy to Naruto...

So, he looked at Naruto and said, "Be fair, rock-paper-scissors!"

Naruto thought for a while and nodded, "Okay."

Fuji Fuyuki looked at the two with a dull face, and kept hearing words like "three games, two wins" and "five games, three wins". She was a little confused: "No, you have sensed the enemy, aren't you going to run away?"

Jiraiya took a sip of wine and chuckled twice: "Just three Chunins, the two of them can handle it."

If he can't even handle this, then he really taught these two guys in vain during this period of time.

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