The old man was very angry.

Sasuke wanted to become stronger, stronger, strong enough to kill Itachi, and for this he was willing to pay any price, even to become Orochimaru's vessel. As long as Orochimaru could help him kill Itachi, he could use his body in any way Orochimaru wanted.

Even if he would die!

Naruto also knew this. On the night he met Uchiha Itachi, Kurama told him about Sasuke and Itachi, but Naruto felt that Kurama had hidden a lot of things. At least when talking about the reason for Itachi's destruction of the village, Kurama said "to open the legendary eyes".

But Kurama's expression at the time made Naruto suspicious.

Seeing the three-magatama Sharingan in Sasuke's eyes at this moment, Naruto fell silent, and only spoke slowly after a long while: "Kurouma told me about Uchiha Itachi, so Sasuke, do you know why Itachi exterminated the clan?"

Naruto wanted to confirm his thoughts.

The scene in Tsukuyomi appeared in Sasuke's mind, and bloodshot appeared in his pupils unconsciously: "That guy said that he wanted to test his "capacity." "

"Capacity?" Naruto didn't quite understand.

"In short, it's to confirm his own strength." Sasuke took a deep breath and explained, "He is a madman. In order to confirm that his Sharingan has stronger power, he killed everyone in the clan, including... Mom and Dad."

Naruto was silent again, and then he said with doubt: "But what Kurama told me is that Itachi killed the whole clan in order to open the legendary eyes."

Sasuke was fully alert: "Legendary eyes? What is that?"

Naruto closed his eyes and recalled that he had asked the same question as Kurama, and Kurama's answer was-

"You don't have it now You are qualified to know what that is, but I can tell you that to get the legendary eye, you need to have the blood of the Uchiha people, and after having love, you need to see that love being destroyed. The pain caused by the loss of extreme love will stimulate the brain of the Uchiha to secrete a special chakra, and this chakra is the key to opening the eye. "

Hearing this, Sasuke was stunned, looking at his hands in disbelief, and even his voice was trembling: "In other words, that guy killed his parents in order to get that power? Killed the whole family?"

Naruto did not answer.

Inexplicably, a strong chakra rose from Sasuke's body, and the magatama in his eyes began to rotate slowly, and the speed was getting faster and faster, as if connected into a line.

The huge psychological gap made Sasuke's Sharingan unconsciously surge, as if a more powerful power would emerge in the next moment, but... it was still a little short.

The pain in his eyes made Sasuke subconsciously close his Sharingan, and the rotating three magatama stopped. Sasuke suddenly covered his eyes, and his blood-red pupils looked at the ground through his fingers. He gritted his teeth and said, "Just for that kind of thing! That power! Kill my parents!"

"Asshole Itachi!!!"

Sasuke roared, hatred and anger filled his chest.

Naruto watched this scene silently, and only spoke after Sasuke vented his anger, "In fact, I doubt what Kurama said, because that guy is very mean. What he likes to do most is to say something ambiguous, and then wait for you to misunderstand and jump into the trap, so that he can laugh at you."

"So you only need to believe half of Kurama's words."

Naruto was helpless. He was also deceived by experience, although he was still deceived often.

Sasuke looked up at Naruto: "Naruto, if you can get that power by killing your beloved, would you do it if it were you?"

Sasuke's eyes were a little wrong.

Naruto didn't notice, just shrugged and replied: "Even if it's true, I won't do it."

Sasuke was silent.

Naruto continued: "The purpose of my becoming stronger is to protect the village, to protect the people I love and the people who love me, but if the means of becoming stronger is to kill the people I love and the people who love me, then why should I become stronger? Isn't this a contradiction?"

Sasuke seemed to understand what Naruto said, and his eyes softened a little.

Then he seemed to think of something, and he laughed at himself: "And I don't have anyone I love anymore."

"But you have someone who loves you." Naruto subconsciously took over the conversation, "Sakura-chan, doesn't she like you very much? So does Kakashi. I am also his disciple, but he only taught you Raikiri. And Tsunade, she kissed you after knowing that you were injured.

She has been treating you since she was young, even though she hasn't cured my wounds yet."

Naruto got angry when he said this.

Tsunade came here happily in the morning, and Naruto thought she was here to treat him, but Tsunade just glanced at him and told him to "get out". Later, he found out that Tsunade came to treat Sasuke.

Naruto was completely stunned at that time, and pointed at Tsunade who turned her face away in disbelief: "You have another fox outside!!!"

Oh yes, Naruto is still lying in the hospital bed because of his bad mouth in the morning. After all, with Tsunade's level of medical ninjutsu, if she wants Naruto to lie down for a day, she will never let him lie down for a minute less.

Sasuke seemed to remember these people, and lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

Naruto was a little worried when he saw him like this, and after thinking about it, he said: "Sasuke, you have to be sure why you become stronger. If you don't even have a goal, what if you really have the strength to kill Itachi? At that time, all you can do is kill him, not take revenge. "

"Goal..." Sasuke groaned.

What is his goal? Killing Itachi is his goal. What keeps him alive is the killing intent against Itachi, or in other words, he survives to kill Itachi.

Sasuke took a deep breath and suddenly said, "Naruto, how strong are you now?"

"Me?" Naruto pointed at himself in surprise and thought for a while, "Kurouma said that before I learned the Diamond Seal, Yin Seal and Rasengan, my strength was at most Genin and Chunin."

"What if you learned these ninjutsu?" Sasuke continued to ask.

"Starting from Chunin, at least Special Jonin." Naruto smiled confidently.

"Really? "Sasuke understood.

He is very weak now. With the help of the ninjutsu of lightning release, the Sharingan and the Chidori, his strength is definitely stronger than Naruto's now. He can probably be called a Chunin. What he lacks is only experience and other things.

Even if he continues to learn from Kakashi, it will take at least one year for him to reach the level of Jonin, and he needs to practice constantly during this year. If he wants to reach the level of Itachi, he needs at least three years.

Sasuke clenched his fist and looked at Naruto; "Naruto, if you want to surpass Itachi within two years but you have to sacrifice your life and body, and surpass Itachi in more than three years without sacrificing anything, which one would you choose?"

"The second one." Naruto chose without hesitation, "Even if becoming the vessel of Orochimaru can kill Itachi, the one who kills Itachi at that time is Orochimaru instead of you. Think about sacrificing your life and body to let Orochimaru avenge, and disgust the enemy. It's too much of a loss."

"If it were me, I would definitely choose to live, disgust the enemy and disgust Orochimaru at the same time. "

Sasuke raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. He seemed to have thought of something, and the Sharingan appeared in his eyes again: "Naruto, fight with me."

Naruto was a little confused: "Now?"

"No." Sasuke's smile became more and more obvious, and the Sharingan began to move again, "There will be a chance, not long after, when that time comes, Naruto, defeat me, let me know that my choice is wrong, and then..."

"Let's get stronger together!"

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