The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

Sakura is a smart girl. She was very smart and noticed that something was wrong between Naruto and Sasuke.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the two of them are having an affair, but recently the two of them have suddenly become very interested in recovering from injuries and improving their strength. Although they have always been very keen on practicing, their attitudes have changed a lot during this period.

For example, Naruto will not provoke Sasuke from time to time, but his eyes are full of fighting spirit. For example, Sasuke will not mock Naruto from time to time, and there is only victory in his eyes.

Sakura knows that there will be a battle between the two of them, and they are now conserving their energy and waiting for that day to come.

At first, Sakura was worried about Sasuke because Sasuke was not in the right state. She sensed Sasuke's inner heart, the kind of suppressed fear and hatred, and even the awareness of being willing to sacrifice his life, but now it's gone.

It's like a toilet that has been blocked for a long time is suddenly unblocked, and it's so smooth that Sakura is a little surprised.

But this is a good thing, at least Sakura won't worry that Sasuke will be abducted by Orochimaru.


She thought so, as Naruto and Sasuke's health got better day by day, about a week later, the two were discharged from the hospital. On the day of discharge, she felt, felt the fear of death from life from Sasuke.

Sakura was a little scared, so she couldn't sleep at night and ran to Sasuke's door to sit, just sitting there, silent, looking down at the ground, until late at night, the familiar footsteps sounded in her ears.

"Sakura?" Sasuke, carrying a bag, looked at Sakura in surprise.

Sakura looked up at him with a trace of pain on her face: "Sasuke...are you still going to leave?"

She thought there would be such a day, but she thought Sasuke would at least stay for her, Naruto or Kakashi's sake. Isn't there anything in this village that Sasuke remembers?

Sakura's face was sad.

Sasuke looked strange. He slowly came to Sakura and said, "What are you talking about? I'm just going out for training, not to find Orochimaru."

Sakura: "..."

Sasuke felt a little funny: "Naruto is right. My goal is not just revenge. I want to make Itachi regret doing such a thing. I will kill him with my own hands, not relying on things that don't belong to Uchiha."

The pride of Uchiha has returned to Sasuke. This familiar pride is exactly what makes Sakura intoxicated.

Sakura's face turned red, and she felt a little uneasy and hurried: "Yes, I'm sorry Sasuke, I'm just a little worried about you, so..."

Thinking about my emotions just now, it seems a little funny.

"I know." Sasuke waved to stop Sakura, and passed Sakura with his bag on his back.

But the next second, he suddenly thought of what Naruto said, 'the one who loves you'. This love does not refer to love, but a kind of recognition that is in your heart.

Thinking of this, Sasuke stopped and looked at Sakura with a gentleness that he had never shown before: "Sakura, thank you."

Sakura was stunned and looked at Sasuke stupidly.

In fact, she was used to Sasuke's way of doing things without explaining anything, and she was also used to Sasuke ignoring her. She knew that Sasuke was just not good at expressing his emotions, but at this moment, the smile on Sasuke's face was not false.

Sakura opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she said nothing.

She watched Sasuke's back in silence until only his back was left, then she took a deep breath and shouted to Sasuke with courage: "Sasuke, be careful!"

Sasuke's back did not stop, but he stretched out his right hand and waved to her.

Sakura smiled sweetly.

More than ten minutes later, Sasuke turned his head and looked behind him. After confirming that Sakura had not caught up, the smile on his face disappeared and his whole face became a little cold: "Sorry, Sakura."

As soon as the voice fell, four figures suddenly fell down. The four people from the Sound Village knelt on the ground and looked at Sasuke with great respect: "We are here to pick you up, Lord Sasuke."

Sasuke glanced at the four people kneeling on the ground and said coldly: "Why, what's your attitude now?"

"Since you have chosen Lord Orochimaru, then we are your subordinates, which is different from before." The speaker was Kidomaru, his face was full of respect, but under the respect, there was indifference.

There was no way. Sasuke's strength could not make them obey now, but because of Orochimaru's prestige,

Just kneel down.

Sasuke also figured this out, and looked at the four people with disdain: "I still like your unruly appearance before."

"Sasuke, you are joking." Kidomaru's words were not fluctuating at all.

Sasuke also felt a little bored: "Let's go."

The four people looked at each other, got up and followed Sasuke.

In fact, they have been waiting here for a few days. According to the time agreed with Sasuke before, if Sasuke cannot give an answer within a week, they will leave and declare the mission a failure.

Today is the last day.

The five people's progress was not blocked by anything, and they stopped only when they completely walked out of Konoha.

No, it should be said that the four Sound Ninjas surrounded Sasuke and forced him to stop.

Sasuke looked at this scene coldly, and his heart was alert. He looked at the four people with his Sharingan: "What are you going to do?"

This time it was Sakon who spoke, with a sneer on his lips: "Sorry, Sasuke-sama, because Orochimaru-sama has told us to do something in advance."

"That's why I asked, what are you going to do!" Sasuke's Sharingan began to rotate, and chakra had already burst out of him.

The fat man Jirobo standing behind him was a little surprised at Sasuke's calmness. He was going to scare this new "adult". He thought about it, sneered and said: "We need you, Sasuke-sama... to die first."

As he said that, the four people grinned and laughed coldly at the same time. Except for Tayuya, who looked okay and didn't look creepy when he laughed, the other three looked like ghosts, and Sasuke's eyes hurt.

He looked at the four people with great disdain, to be precise, the three people except Tayuya, closed his Sharingan and said nonchalantly: "Don't laugh, you are too ugly when you laugh, it's dirty to my eyes, continue talking."

Four people: "..."

It's hard to hold it together, to be honest.

Sakon's mouth twitched, but he continued to speak sinisterly: "Lord Sasuke, we need you to die."

"I said don't laugh, it's too ugly." Sasuke looked at Sakon and said nonchalantly, "And you can kill me if you want, as long as you think that the 'Lord Orochimaru' you mentioned can let you go, I'll do whatever you want."

He didn't believe that Orochimaru went to so much trouble to kidnap him for the purpose of killing him. Besides, Orochimaru still needed his body to obtain the Sharingan, how could he kill him? Anyway, Sasuke was fearless, so he didn't believe that these four people dared to really kill him.

The Four Otoninus: "..."

Fuck, that makes so much sense that the four of them can't refute it.

But this plot is wrong, isn't Sasuke afraid of death? Is he really willing to take the risk of dying before killing his brother?

The four of them looked depressed.

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