In the capital of the Evil Black Iron Tong Kingdom, panicked steps and anxious shouts shrouded the entire royal capital in a tense atmosphere.

Members of the convoy covered the city, weaving through the streets and alleys, looking for the enemy who had taken the king.

The whole kingdom fell into chaos.

And the protagonist who started this chaos has already reached the beach before everyone notices.

Franky, who easily got rid of the pursuers, carried Wapole to the red dog.

With a relaxed face, the target person is placed on the ground.

"Mr. General, our deal is complete!"

Franky was very happy at this point, he just wanted to close the deal quickly so that he could become stronger, and then wait for Luffy to meet them in the Chambord Islands.

Akainu did not pay attention to his words, but stared at the kingdom that was constantly illuminated.

The noise can be heard even by the red dog standing on the distant seashore.

"What did you do?"

"Hey, I didn't do anything, I went straight into the kingdom and came back after catching this person."

"But I saw that many soldiers were searching for me, it must be that they clashed with some pirate groups who settled in the royal capital."

Frankie gloated and watched, anyway, this matter had nothing to do with him.

"Has it been cleaned up? Has anyone spotted you. Akainu asked again.

Frankie touched his head and remembered the woman.

"There should be one, it's this guy's wife, and I took him directly to run away when the situation was urgent."

Akainu smiled:

"In other words, others know that you are Franky of the Straw Hat Pirates, right?"

"Then your role has been completed."

Franky, who felt that the words were not right, directly put on a battle mode:

"Mr. General, didn't you say that you can let me go after the transaction is completed?"

Akainu smiled contemptuously:

"I will never spare a pirate, even if this pirate has never committed anything."

"But in my eyes, as long as you carry the identity of a pirate, it is no different from other pirates."

"What's more, the old man never promised you, and he will let you go after the matter is completed."

Franky was so furious, he quickly poured all his energy into his ass, ready to urge the wind to spray with all his strength.

Unfortunately, in the eyes of the red dog, his speed is too slow.

Navy Six - Shaving!

In Franky's line of sight, the red dog had disappeared.

A long knife came out of his chest, cutting off his energy supply.

Unconscious, French and Wapol are lifted up one by one by the red dog, who flies to the overseas ship on the moon step.

After seeing the red dog return, Ain controlled the ship and sailed into the distance with full power, leaving waves of water one after another.

After driving for half the night, the sky has already appeared a touch of white.

At this time, it was already driving in the endless sea, the sea and sky were the same, and there was no human at all.

The red dog lifted up Franky, who was no longer able to move, and although Franky could no longer move, he could still barely speak.

He asked intermittently

"For ... Why? We...... No...... Have you already completed the transaction? "

Looking at the unwilling French, the red dog simply fulfills his wish before he dies.

"First, you are a pirate, so I can't let you escape successfully, and I didn't promise you freedom."

"Second, letting you go and capture Wapol is to fancy the identity of your Straw Hat Pirates."

"That woman will definitely describe what you look like to others, so that others will know your Frankie's identity."

"And I am a navy, and I am a naval admiral who killed Straw Hat's brother, and no one will think of me."

"You can go with confidence, you are only the first of the Straw Hat Pirates, definitely not the last."

Saying that, the red dog stretched out his big hand and directly crushed Frank's head, and the entire torso was wrapped in magma and thrown into the bottom of the sea.

Wapol, who had just woken up, saw the scene of the red dog killing, and his pupils dilated sharply.

The red dog turned to look at Wapol:

"Don't worry, you are different from him, your use value is much higher than his, I will not kill you easily."

"Otherwise, the next devouring fruit doesn't know where it will appear, which will delay me a lot!"

The terrified Wapol was stuffed into the storage room by the red dog and firmly chained with sea lou stones.

"Where to go next?" Brother Sakaski. "

Ain stuck his head out of the cab and shouted.

"Kingdom of Hisciano!"

Akainu said resolutely.


The bonfire crackled and burned, and smoke slowly rose into the black sky.

Strong spirits wafted through the air, and pieces of roasted meat roamed over the campfire.

Pirates sat around a campfire, munching on roast meat and liquor.

On the pirate ship docked not far away, the deck was stacked with hill-like gold and silver treasures, reflecting the sparkling light under the light of the swaying bonfire.

"Thief hahahaha, boss, we made a lot of money this time! I didn't expect such a remote place to be so rich! "

"Fifty million Baileys, there are so many piled up!!"

A one-eyed dragon strong man excitedly opened his hands to his captain, describing how big the profit was this time.

Captain Kumagaj was also very satisfied, he did not expect such a remote island to be so rich.

Kumagai drank a glass of spirits and beckoned to his younger brother.

"Hey, boy, go and bring those women here."

When everyone heard this, a lewd smile appeared on their faces.

In less than two minutes, several pirates dragged several women out of the cabin of the pirate ship, and Alec was among them.

Their clothes were tattered and their faces were terrified.

"Come on, little ones, enjoy this wonderful evening."

Kumagai opened his arms and laughed loudly.

The pirates, who had long been unable to resist the desire in their hearts, looked at the group of frightened women and couldn't help but let out a presumptuous sneer.

They unzipped their pants and walked towards the panicked women.

After blood and fear, the best way to vent is to drink and release animal lust.

Unbridled venting!

Just when the pirates' dirty hands were about to touch several people in Alek, they only heard an extremely indifferent sound.

Canine red lotus!

The dog's head formed by magma arrived in front of the pirates in an instant, and before the pirates could react, it was melted by the magma.

Around the bonfire, the pirates who were originally drunk also climbed up one by one, raised their weapons one after another, and stared at the red dog that suddenly appeared with a fierce light in their eyes.

"Thief hahaha, who dares to attack our Crimson Pirate Group."

"Captain Kumagay, let me strike, I promise to take his head off and play."

The pirates had cruel smiles on their faces, and their faces looked particularly terrifying in the throbbing firelight.

In a burst of mocking laughter, their captain looked at the attack, unusually familiar.

The whole person's heart is filled with fear;

"The sea... Admiral ... Red Inu !! "

With Kumagay's shrill screams, which frightened all the pirates, a haze appeared above all of them!

"That's right, then reward you for dying."

After Ain rescued several injured women.


None of this pirate group can resist a single blow, as long as the screams before death remind the truth of this world.

Moments later, the red dog wiped out all the pirates.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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