"Roger opened the Age of Discovery, and the death of Whitebeard made this era even more chaotic."

"This is already the seventh pirate group encountered after coming out of the Evil Black Kingdom."

"Now you know why I hate pirates?"

The red dog smoked a cigar and looked very tired.

It's not physical exhaustion, but psychological exhaustion, no matter how many pirates you kill, these pirates are springing up like mushrooms.

This face was never seen by anyone before, and only relaxed when I returned home occasionally.

As long as there are outsiders, he will always be the cold-blooded, ruthless, and resolute red dog general.

Ain rubbed his brows distressedly, as if he wanted to rub away all the worries in his heart.

Akainu grabbed Ain's hand:

"After this trip to the Kingdom of Hixiano, we will return to Dr. Vegapunk's egghead island."


The kingdom of Hixiano is close to the royal capital, and Akainu and Ain investigated for a long time before finally choosing a very hidden cave.

Red dogs illuminate the interior with the magma fruit's abilities.

Take a closer look, the roads inside this cave are very winding and suitable for hiding.

Akainu and Ain went all the way to the deepest depths, where some ferocious beast may have lived in it, and now only some broken bones remained, and it was impossible to tell whether it was a human or something.

I looked at this cave, which was very suitable as bait for the revolutionary army.

The red dog nodded, and Ain took out the book that could affect the world from his arms.

"Revolution and struggle!".

Once this book is born, it will inevitably trigger a wave of the world.

The red dog turned out, and in a short time he took back the body of a pirate.

He intends to use him to impersonate Andy Klapham, who has written the masterpiece.

After the red dog disposed of the clothes, Ain activated his ability to speed up the time of the corpse and the cave.

In a short time, the corpse had turned into a pile of scattered white bones, and the clothes on its body were almost gorgeous, and it seemed that no one had stepped on the cave for hundreds of years.

After seeing the perfect scene, the red dog nodded, and sure enough, it was right to bring Ain out.

Through Ain's ability, all traces can be processed as if they were a long time ago, which can dispel the dragon's suspicion to the greatest extent.

The two men walked out of the cave and prepared to go to Egghead Island, and Ain asked curiously on the way

"Brother Sakaski, are we useful like this?"

Akainu thought for a while and replied:

"The revolutionary army is like a rat in the ditch, and timidity and caution are something they carve into their bones."

"There are not so many coincidences in the world, and if they get something easily, they will be very skeptical of the truth of the matter."

"But think about it from another angle, what if this matter is a cadre among them, who has gone through life and death to find out?"

"People are always suspicious of things that are easy to get their hands on, and they cherish what they have worked so hard to get."

"If I were a revolutionary army, I would definitely start first in the four seas, where the control of the world government is relatively weak, after all, there are many countries in the four seas that are not members of the world government."

"The Kingdom of Hixiano is our bait, they will fail miserably here, but they will also find the book and bring it back to the dragon."

The red dog looked confidently into the distance, Monchi. D. Dragon.

Will you choose to believe your cadres or doubt them?


After more than ten days of rushing, the red dog finally arrived on Egghead Island.

The yellow ape who got the news in advance was already waiting in the port early.

Looking at Ain carrying a small box, the yellow ape couldn't help but be curious.

He knew, after all, he was the one who had always been by Zefa-sensei's side, but he didn't know when Ain became Akainu's adjutant.

"Sakaski, long time no see, I heard that you have now submitted a request to the headquarters of the Navy to withdraw from the battle sequence."

Looking at the joking yellow ape, the red dog nodded.

"Borusalino, long time no see."

The yellow ape knew that the red dog was in a hurry, and now there was only less than a month before the day of the marshal campaign, so he did not delay and directly led the red dog into the research institute of Vegapunk.

When you enter the institute, the first thing you see is a variety of experimental products, most of which are pacifists who developed after His Majesty Nanabukai-Kuma.

Akainu looked at it, and seemed to be a little more advanced than the pacifists at the time of the war.

But what exactly he is, he is not very keen to discover.

The yellow ape passed the cumbersome verification and opened the door to the 001 laboratory.

The red dog walked in alone, while Ain stayed outside and waited with the yellow ape.

Vegapunk greeted with a smile:

"Senior General Sakaski, I'm glad you can help my hometown."

"I read the letter you wrote me, is the world government really not trusting me?"

Akainu nodded:

"Doctor, you are a smart person, but the only private place you have is this 001 laboratory."

"As soon as you step out of the door of this laboratory, all your actions are in the eyes of the world government."

"From the close protection of the CP organization to the monitoring of all your communication equipment, you are a genius and the biggest threat to the world government, and no one dares to let you go free."

"What about you, General Sakaski, for what purpose did you come to find me."

Vegapunk asked curiously.

"I want to build a world without pirates, without the nobles of the Draco world."

"In this world, people are free to choose the life they want to live, and they can go to the sea if they want to explore."

"If you want to live a dull life with someone you like, you can live a dull life, and you don't have to worry about being killed by pirates, and you don't have to worry about being captured as slaves by Draco."

"I know that you have a connection with the leader of the revolutionary army, Dragon, but IMHO, Dragon's thinking is wrong, and rebellion against the rule of the world government does not rely on ideas, but on the strength that can really change the world."

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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