Distribute Marvel, I Sign In Doomsday at the Start

Chapter 100 Establishment of S.H.I.E.L.D to protect the old farms

Everything is fate, and it is impossible to control it. Many people have come to understand from this war that almost overturned the world, that their lives are like ants.

No, Umbrella's products are even more in short supply. The things are so good that many people are reluctant to buy them. Now I understand it all, buy them with loans!

Just as they were buying and buying this afternoon, another news swept across the country that Umbrella would launch a lottery business.

One dollar per bet can hit up to 100,000 yuan, and the 100,000-dollar bills this year are incredible~!

Everyone will be tempted. Everyone thinks that they are the lucky one. Even if they don't win the highest 100,000 yuan, they may win three or five yuan, and they will not lose.

So people with this kind of mentality spread like a virus, running around and telling each other, waiting for the official operation of the lottery in ten days.

In the afternoon, Howard personally went to the Umbrella Manor to find Chen Xi and tell him a big news.

Howard said excitedly: "Cousin, the World Safety Committee called me and they agreed to the establishment of S.H.I.E.L.D! 55

Chen Xi was still squinting and basking in the sun, without raising his eyelids, he returned a word, oh!

Howard was immediately depressed. What does this mean? He said, "Big cousin, can't you say two more words?"

"I have nothing to say, it's all to be expected, S.H.I.E.L.D I will push for its establishment no matter what!

Chen Xi moved his body a little, and the old god said, "Isn't it enough to have hands?"

Howard's mouth twitched, this guy is so calm, Joker is actually himself?

"Then guess who the chief is?"

Then Howard said with a mysterious tone.

Chen Xi knew Howard's smug tone and knew it was him: "Don't guess, isn't the first director yourself, anyway, S.H.I.E.L.D now has only two or three big cats and kittens, empty shelves.

"Cut, it's boring!"

Howard shrugged, and then he found a reclining chair to lie down on himself, not to mention it was quite comfortable!

While the two were chatting casually, looking at the lazy Chen Xi, Howard sighed in his heart. He didn't expect that many years later, he was still in his prime and his style was the same as before.

From 1943 to 1963, the time is too fast. For 20 years, the young man who was just starting out, shining like the sun and appearing in the eyes of the world, has made great progress all the way, and now he has become the savior of mankind and the strongest of mankind .

Chen Xi naturally felt the thoughts in Howard's heart. He pointed to the sun in the sky and said to Howard: "Howard, have you seen the sun? You are also young, and I hope you can see the wonderful future."5

Howard shook his head!

Howard knew what Chen Xi meant, but unfortunately his lifespan was not enough to support him. After sixty or seventy years, his magical aptitude was at a medium level.

Chen Xi patted him on the shoulder and said, "Go to Umbrella headquarters, Baan will give you what you want. 35

Hearing what Chen Xi meant, Howard sat up instantly, he knew what Chen Xi said.

"Thank you! Cousin!"

Howard gave Chen Xi a deep bow. He knew that Erskine would not be seen for more than ten years after he left, and he knew that Erskine was in Umbrella.

What he guessed was that the side effects of the Super Soldier Serum had been eliminated long ago, and the effect would definitely be better. He never opened his mouth. He believed that Chen Xi would definitely give it to him.

Chen Xi waved his hand and said, "Hurry up, it's just a small matter, don't block my brother from basking in the sun.

"I'm leaving!"

Howard went straight to Umbrella's company with excitement, Super Soldier Serum, here I come!

Just when Chen Xi was basking in the sun, an earth-shattering but silent event happened outside!

In order to boost the votes for the next election, Kenedy went to Dallas, Texas to give a speech to raise funds to support post-disaster reconstruction.

Originally it was a good thing, but his competitor didn't talk about martial arts, he directly assassinated him, and he could also pass the blame on Mutant.

There is absolutely no way to hide such a thing, the entire Congress is like a sieve, and Umbrella has been infiltrated too seriously.

Baan told the news to Charles and Eric, and asked them to secretly protect the old Ken.

Eric was naturally furious when he heard that the other party wanted to put the blame on his Mutant side!

He and Charles rushed to Dallas, Texas, to kill the assassins and protect Lao Ken.

"Charles, why do you think this group of people is staring at us? We have never done anything harmful to society!

.....for flowers ................................

Eric doesn't understand very much, obviously the public has finally corrected their views on Mutant, but these old foxes just don't let it go!

Charles looked at Eric and sighed: "Sir said a word, we have the ability to rebel, this is our sin!"

Eric nodded vaguely. He was not as knowledgeable as Charles, and he didn't understand the tolerance of Chinese culture.

In Eric's mind, he doesn't need to understand much truth, he just wants to be the sword in the boss's hand and kill all the disobedient ministers.

While Charles was secretly investigating, a suspicious person appeared within a kilometer radius of Telepathy.

Charles quickly invaded his mind, and sure enough, he got the answer he wanted, that man was an assassin.


Charles glanced at Eric, Eric understood it, and touched it quietly, sensing that the man was holding the parts of the sniper rifle, assembling it there.


The blunt muzzle turned into a sharp knife and inserted directly into his heart. Before he could react, it ended his dirty life.

Done, call it a day!

Lao Ken on the stage was still giving a passionate speech, unaware that he had just passed by Death God!

"Lao Ken, let's go back after this is over, you almost went to see Satan just now, someone assassinated you, and it was solved by us, don't talk about it.

Lao Ken, who was giving a speech, was taken aback for a moment, why did Charles come, I almost fell on my knees just now?

Lao Ken paused and thought to let others find out what was wrong, he thought it was a sign to applaud them, so they almost slapped their hands in red!

After hurriedly ending his trip, Lao Ken approached Charles and expressed his gratitude.

"Charles, thank you, or I'm screwed."

Charles smiled and said, "You're welcome, we're compatriots!"

"Okay, don't be rude, we'll go back with you, don't show up in public during this time.

Eric directly interrupted the two of them to be polite. As for what. . .

When the two heard it, they immediately smiled awkwardly, and then glanced at Eric with contempt: "Illiterate!""

PS: This part is also the part of Eric's plot, if anyone has seen it, they will know. And can I ask for some flowers! Corpse.

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