Distribute Marvel, I Sign In Doomsday at the Start

Chapter 101 Murder, it's true to make a movie

The speed of the supersonic fighter was very fast, and several people returned to Washington without knowing it.

After arriving at the safe place, Eric told Lao Ken not to move around and wait for their notice.

Before leaving, Charles reminded Lao Ken again: "Be careful in everything, don't make mistakes, safety is the most important, our compatriots are too few!"

Lao Ken nodded earnestly: "Don't worry! You guys have dealt with him, and I'll leave here again!

Eric and Charles both nodded at him and walked out.

Eric said to Charles on the plane, "Do you have a photo of that person? Just search for his location, that's all there is to it anyway!"

Charles nodded, pressing his right hand on his forehead, and the majestic Spiritual Ability spewed out and began to spread rapidly towards Washington's surroundings.

Countless human faces flashed through Cha "Nine Sixty Seven" Les' mind, as quickly as turning over a book.

Five minutes later, Charles suddenly stood up: "Found him, 155 Kling Avenue.""

Eric was overjoyed when he heard the words, and finally found this old silver ratio, let's see where you go!

Eric said quickly: "It's not too late, let's go!

Charles nodded, and the two of them put the fighter into stealth mode, then the two of them took a taxi and headed straight to 155 Kling Avenue to kill the extreme guy.

After so long, Charles' heart of the Virgin has been extinguished a lot, and he is no longer as resistant to killing as the original plot, and he will not show mercy to the person who died.

Since he chooses to be immortal with Mutant, he must pay the corresponding price, which is death.

Taxi is a chatty black buddy, which reminds them of Darwin, who is also a talker.

In America, jobs like driving cabs were never done only by blacks, and whites thought it was their low-class job.

Think what is the difference between their Mutants and these black people? No, it's all for survival, their Mutants just want to live, what's wrong with them?

In his wild thoughts, the car quickly arrived at its destination, and Charles tipped the driver 10 dollars, which was worth his daily income.

"Hey bro, you're the first white man to tip me and still look down on us blacks, and I thank you for my fellow men!"

The black buddy was moved to tears, this is the first time he has been respected and felt cared for!

"It's okay, brother, God created human beings, but he feels that the skin color is too monotonous, and all have yellow, white and black! Come on!"

Charles laughed and joked, and left with Eric, leaving only the black buddies staring at their backs! It seemed to be deeply embedded in his heart.

"Charles, I think the beauty of your heart surpasses 99.9% of people!" Eric looked at Charles and said slowly.

This is the reason why he is willing to be friends with him, he can rest assured to give him his back!

Charles smiled humbly and said: "If you read more books on Chinese culture, you will understand, since Mr. Fu asked me to read, I have understood! 39

"Really, sir, let me read, but I just can't get in, I'll be serious when I go back!

The two talked while walking, talking and laughing, and they didn't think it was a killing game at all.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the door, and Charles easily sensed the Senator's position, and then his mind ability moved!


Quietly, the congressman inside suddenly rolled his eyes, twitched his body, and then slowly fell to the ground. His nerves were dead, and he could never wake up again.

"Come on, Eric, get it done! 35

As if nothing happened, the two disappeared like passers-by!

"No, Mr. is in a coma, hurry up and call the doctor, hurry up!"

The condition of the room was quickly discovered by the secretary, and a shrill cry quickly resounded through the building!

Soon, doctors and nurses arrived in a hurry and began a careful examination.

After more than an hour, the doctor said slowly, "I'm sorry, we can't find out about Mr.'s condition, the nerves suddenly died, and he has become a vegetative state.

Years of planning, all in vain!

Umbrella Manor has now become the base of Mutant, and they are very satisfied to have such a stable and harmonious base that can continue to grow stronger.

Huge amounts of fighter jets roared, and the young Mutant knew that the two of Charles had returned.

Shockwave said enviously: "Charles and Eric are back, when will they be as strong as them, so that they can repay the boss!

The Kraken comforted him: "Just work hard to become stronger, how can there be less tasks in the future?

After finishing speaking, the two of them also ran over excitedly to ask whether the assassination was exciting, and whether it was very enjoyable...

"You guys, you know it's exciting and enjoyable, why didn't you ask us if we were hurt? Hey, it's so cool that you've been beaten by you!"

Charles covered his heart exaggeratedly and said very funny.

Eric couldn't help laughing when he saw this. This guy is gags and he doesn't know who he learned from, but now is not the time to chat, he has to report to Mr.

Eric pressed his hands down, motioned them to be quiet, and waited for silence before saying, "What are you going to do? Charles and I have to report the situation to Mr.

"Okay, Eric, get busy then! 99

Shockwave Alex took the lead and said a word, and left with his friends.

"I'll go too!"

After speaking, Eric went to Chen Xi's villa, and Charles chased after a few steps.

"Boss, we rescued Lao Ken and turned the mastermind into a vegetative state!"

"Are there any unexpected discoveries or emergencies?"

Charles recalled the scene again and said: "We found nothing unusual, everything went well.

Chen Xi nodded: "That's good, it just happens that the meal will arrive at 0.3 o'clock and stay for dinner tonight. Let's talk about filming."

When they heard about the filming, the two of them were a little confused. They were chatting at the time. Is this true?

Eric suddenly stammered and said, "Boss, it can't be true, can it? I can't act!"

Charles on the side saw that Eric was suddenly so cowardly, and he laughed directly: "Eric, Eric, I didn't expect your skills to be so powerful, I admire it very much!""

Eric was immediately unhappy, are you trying to challenge me? Good! I accept your challenge.

"Charles, just shoot, who's afraid of anyone!

The two of them are more energetic. At the same time, Chen Xi is also looking forward to how much waves can be caused by using real super ability in this era of no special effects!

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