After some searching, Xiao Zhi finally found the Ice Hell Island located on this frozen ocean.

As the legend goes, the entire island is made up of 10,000 years of ice.

Xiao Zhi found the tallest iceberg very easily, and in order not to have accidents, Xiao Zhi sat on the iceberg and waited for the day when Fang Qingyi said.

Bored, Xiao Zhi took out the magic knife to extinguish the void, scraped ice chips from the iceberg, and then took out the spirit fruit he brought with him from the storage bracelet, squeezed the spirit fruit out of the juice, and poured it on the ice chips.

In this way, the shaved ice of the Immortal Cultivation World Card was done.

While scraping the ice chips, Xiao Zhi faintly felt that there seemed to be an eye staring at him under the ice through the 10,000-meter-thick ice.

This feeling was fleeting, and Xiao Zhi didn't care too much.

Immortal cultivators' time always flies quickly.

The day that Fang Qingyi said finally came.

Xiao Zhi hurriedly took out the star chart, compared the arrangement position of the stars in the sky, and found the Taiwei Wall in the north, and found the Eastern Second General Star in the Taiwei Wall.

Xiao Zhi stared at the Eastern Second General Star for several hours in a row, and finally waited for the moment of Yin.

At this time, in the northwest corner of the Eastern Secondary Star, the starlight seems to be missing a piece.

This missing piece happens to be a semicircle.

Could this be the Extremely Dark Star?

Is this starlight obscured by the extremely dim star?

Every time Xiao Zhi had a question, he activated the pupil of identification.

This time, he did not take the initiative to launch, but unknowingly activated the pupil of identification.

The pupil of identification took a look.

A string of information immediately appeared in Xiao Zhi's head.

The Extremely Dark Star, also known as the Abyss of Time and Space, is an appendage created by the power collided by immortal-level powerhouses during battle to penetrate the Nether Space-Time. With extremely strong suction, it can devour everything and crush everything, even if the immortal power is lightless. Where the extremely dark star passes, it will distort time and space, which is very dangerous and cannot be approached by immortals.

Seeing this description, Xiao Zhi always had a very familiar feeling.

Devouring everything? Extremely strong suction? Can even light swallow?

Isn't this a black hole?

Xiao Zhi suddenly slammed his brain and said to himself: "Depend, I already knew that the identification pupil could identify the extremely dark star, so I didn't have to go to Fang Qingyi."

As he spoke, a silver light flashed quickly in the night sky.

The speed of this silver light was ridiculously fast, even a strong person of Xiao Zhi's level only saw it for a moment.

If the strength is weaker than him, he may not be able to capture this silver light at all.

"Could this silver light be the light of the extremely dark star that the ancestors of the Four Xuanzong said? Interesting. Xiao Zhi hurriedly flew up and flew towards the place where the silver light had just flashed.

The ancestors of the Four Xuanzongs did not know enough, thinking that it was the light of the extremely dim star. And the omniscient Fang Qingyi gave Xiao Zhi the most correct answer, which was the extremely dark star distorting space, causing the Heavenly Mark to reflect the light.

Xiao Zhi flew higher and higher, and in the blink of an eye he had already flown hundreds of thousands of miles into the air.

(PS: The world of fiction, which cannot be measured by science, the numbers are exaggerated, don't blame.)

This is the height he has never flown before.

Above the sky, there is also the sky, and the sky is layered, and there seems to be no end.

The higher you fly, the heavier an indescribable pressure becomes.

This pressure squeezed Xiao Zhi's body and soul, making Xiao Zhi very unhappy.

"You have to go up." Xiao Zhi muttered.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Zhi flew up hundreds of thousands of miles.

At this time, Xiao Zhi was more than a million miles away from the ground.

He couldn't see the ground anymore.

"Made, why is the sky so high here? What about the atmosphere? How is there no atmosphere? Xiao Zhi took the opportunity to twist his head.

With this twisting effort, Xiao Zhi unexpectedly found a ruin more than a million miles above the ground.


Does anyone live in such a high place?

Xiao Zhi didn't have this time to think about these things, and he had to continue flying up to find the Traces of Heaven.

It flew up more than a million miles, and at this time, the pressure around him had already squeezed Xiao Zhi to gasp.

Looking up again, the sky above is no longer the boundless sky.

In its place is a transparent barrier glowing with a faint glimmer of blue light.

The barrier is boundless and there is no end in sight.

Starlight came to this world through the barrier, dotting the night of this world.

"What is this?" Xiao Zhi was attracted by this barrier, and activated the pupil of identification to prepare to find out.

The crystal wall of the plane, the end of the plane, can block the existence of everything. The plane crystal wall divides the plane, separating one plane after another, which is an innate product at the beginning of the birth of the ten thousand worlds.

"Good fellow, I actually came to the end of this world." Xiao Zhi muttered, and after carefully admiring the beauty of the plane crystal wall, he continued to search for the existence of the Heavenly Trace.

At this moment, that silver light flashed not far from Xiao Zhi's side.

This is it!

Traces of Heaven, I can count as having found you.

Xiao Zhi was excited.

Hurriedly leaned over.

When Xiao Zhi approached the Trace of Heaven, he obviously felt a power that he had never experienced before oozing out from the Trace of Heaven.

The excessive excitement made Xiao Zhi not use the pupil of identification to see the Trace of Heaven, and he couldn't wait to take out the Chengying Sword and prepare to attack the Trace of Heaven, causing a crack to appear in the Traces of Heaven.

This is a very important thing.

Xiao Zhi did not dare to snub.

In order to commemorate this moment, he took out his strongest magic weapon, the Inheritance Sword.

He wants to use the Chengying Sword to split the Heavenly Trace.

"Rush, to the bigger world!" Xiao Zhi held the sword in both hands and slashed it out against the Heavenly Mark.

In an instant, a shadowless sword qi flew out and slashed fiercely at the Heavenly Trace.

The strength of this blow made Xiao Zhidu feel fear.

This was a sword qi that made him feel threatened to his life!

It is worthy of being a seventh-order magic weapon, and just one sword has such power.

Of course, consumption is also scary.

Just swinging this sword almost drained all the spiritual power in Xiao Zhi's body.

However, the effect is also remarkable.

The Traces of Heaven, which could not be seen with the naked eye, fluctuated like water under this blow.

Immediately, a spatial rift as black as a line appeared in front of Xiao Zhi.

The power that permeated through the rift made Xiao Zhi extremely strange.

"Is this the power in the spirit world? Hey, it seems that I still have to adapt to it after arriving in the spirit world. Xiao Zhi smiled so happily that his gums were showing a smile.

Soon, Xiao Zhi retracted his smile.

He lowered his head and took one last look at the world.

Goodbye, this world.

Goodbye, everyone of the Four Xuanzong.

Goodbye, my most beloved rat and mouse.

I'm leaving, I'm going to the wider world.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi was full of thoughts, and the scenes of the past flashed in front of his eyes.

"Time to go."

Xiao Zhi held the Chengying Sword and plunged into the rift.

Xiao Zhi was instantly sucked into it by the rift and disappeared.

When Xiao Zhi Xiao Zhi, the rift disappeared with it.

Can Xiao Zhi really succeed in smuggling into the spirit world?

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