In an instant, a glance of ten thousand years.

The moment Xiao Zhi entered the rift, his eyes were dark.

The five senses are completely blocked.

He couldn't see anything.

He couldn't hear anything.

He couldn't smell anything.

He couldn't touch anything.

Even his soul perception was blocked.

This feeling of being completely out of touch with the world is something Xiao Zhi has never felt before.

At this moment, he had no concept of time, and the hearts of the strong were a little shaken, and fear was also quietly germinating.

At this moment, it seemed as if 10,000 years had passed for Xiao Zhi.

When Xiao Zhi recovered his five senses, he had completely passed through the rift and came to a magical and strange world.

The sky was empty purple and black, with no clouds, no sun, no stars, only a little dark light projecting down.

Dark light was cast on the earth, and the whole land was hazy.

The soil under him was extremely damp, exuding a pungent stench that Xiao Zhi had never smelled before, grabbed a handful of soil, gently squeezed it, and a dark red liquid like blood water was poured out of the soil.

The surrounding area is endless desolation, only rolling hills trembling in the cold wind.

Xiao Zhi closed his eyes, he did not feel a trace of spiritual power from the air.

Only a strange and icy energy wandered in the air, like wandering souls.

On the ground again, Xiao Zhi felt a little blocked.

There seemed to be an invisible force suppressing Xiao Zhi in this world.

Under the suppression of this invisible force, all of Xiao Zhi's power will be greatly reduced.

The most terrible thing was that the spiritual power in Xiao Zhi's body was exuding uncontrollably out of his body.

Although the loss is very small, if it continues like this, the spiritual power in Xiao Zhi's body will be lost sooner or later.

And by that time, Xiao Zhi will just be a mortal with relatively great strength and a relatively hard body.

"Is this the spirit world? It's so weird.

Xiao Zhi took two steps forward, and a strange plant appeared in the distance.

The trunk of this plant is very thin, as thin as a strand of hair, growing straight and more than thirty meters tall.

Although its torso is too thin, it has a rough and wide canopy, and many purple vines extend from the crown, and strange fruits hang from the vines.

The shape of this fruit is like a human heart, the whole body is like purple glass, and it flashes purple like a star.

The closer you get to the plant, the more obvious that strange force becomes.

"It's so strange, how can a plant grow like this, let me see what it really is." Xiao Zhi's eyes widened and he activated his pupils of identification.

The lightless purple heart tree, a special plant produced exclusively in the lightless land, can produce lightless purple heart fruit, which contains special energy, which can extend a certain lifespan, and can also be used as an auxiliary material for special elixirs.

"Lightless purple heartfruit? This thing is shining, how can it be called lightless? Saying that, Xiao Zhi frowned, sensing that something was wrong.

He grabbed a handful of earth from the ground and used the pupil again.

Lightless Black Earth, a special soil in the Land of Lightless, contains the power of shadows and can refine shadow-type containers.

Or no light?

Land without light?


Could it be that this is not the spirit world? But a land without light?

The more Xiao Zhi thought about it, the more wrong it became.

"Isn't this the spirit world?" Xiao Zhi muttered, doubting in his heart.

His suspicions were not wrong.

This is not the spirit world.

It's a weird special space, a place without light.

The Lightless Land is a very special existence in the heavens and realms, it is not a complete plane, but exists between the planes under the spirit world, together with the strange space of multiple low-level planes.

Here, there is no aura, no immortal qi, and no demonic qi from outside the domain.

There is only one special energy called the Shadow Force.

The so-called Traces of Heaven is a weak node between the lightless land and the normal plane, which can only lead to the lightless land, and it is impossible to smuggle into the spirit world in this way.

And once a cultivator falls to the lightless land, he will disperse the spiritual power of his whole body until he exhausts all his resources, and the spiritual power in his body can no longer be replenished.

Once he loses the replenishment of spiritual power, the immortal cultivator will become a mortal.

Unless they can master the power of the shadows, they will be torn to pieces by the native monsters of the Lightless Lands.

Want to leave the Land of Light?

That's impossible.

It is easy to come in and difficult to get out of the land without light.

Almost no one can leave the land of no light.

As long as you come here, you will inevitably die here!

Xiao Zhi was pitted by the ancestor of the Four Xuanzong, and the pit was very miserable.

And Xiao Zhi has not yet realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Explore the surroundings first, maybe this is just a special place in the spirit world." Xiao Zhi muttered, carried the Chengying sword on his back, and walked on the vast land of the lightless land.

At this time, in a black castle thousands of miles away, a man with protruding eyeballs and black patterns on his skin was standing on the observation deck on the castle, staring at Xiao Zhi with his black eyeballs that protruded from his sockets.

Even if they were thousands of miles apart, he could see Xiao Zhi's existence very clearly.

This man's name was Black Eye, and he was once an ordinary immortal cultivator who had fallen to the Land of No Light, coming from a plane called Condensation, but he was lucky enough to quickly adapt to the power of shadows here and was able to use the power of shadows freely.

The power of the shadows mutated his eyes, allowing him to see anywhere in the Land of Lightlessness.

And because of this, he became one of the thirteen overlords of the Shadowlands.

"There's someone new coming." Dark Eye said.

Inside the castle, a man with a strong upper body and a thin lower body, with black patterns all over his body, and an out-of-proportion figure was holding a chain in his hand.

The chains were divided into five, each of which held a beautiful woman.

The women were covered in scars, kneeling on the ground like animals, their eyes full of fear.

This out-of-proportion man named Black Hand is proficient in the power of shadows and is one of the thirteen overlords of the Lightless Land.

"Is it male or female? Does it look good? If the woman is good-looking, arrest her. The black hand said.

"It's a man." Dark Eye said.

"There is no need for the man, you let the black whistle drive the dark beast, and let the dark beast attack this new guy until his spiritual power is exhausted. At that time, we will kill him if we want, and torture him as much as we want. The black hand tugged on the chain, causing several women on the ground to fall to the ground.

"This new guy is not ordinary, his realm has reached the peak of the out-of-body realm, it's not so easy to deal with." Dark Eye said.

"Hmph, realm realm, what's the use of their high realm! Come here, they still can't live, they still have to listen to us! We are the hegemons of this world! We are the masters of this world! The black hand was very excited, yelling like a madman, and as he screamed, he grabbed a woman and bit her with his broken teeth.

The white and tender skin instantly cracked, and blood oozed out.

But the woman did not dare to speak.

The black eye withdrew his gaze and glanced at the black hand.

He knew why the black hand was so excited.

Because before coming to the Land of Lightless, the black hand was just a small cultivator of the Golden Pill realm, because he said the wrong thing, he was chased and killed by a cultivator whose realm was higher than his Yuan Infant realm.

By chance, the black hand fell to the land of no light and mastered the power of shadows.

And the realm has become the deepest scar in his heart.

He couldn't hear others mention the word realm.

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