Divine Brilliance

: 1027 麒麟之殇

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; within the shackles of the world, Qiankun God’s emotions are radical, and he is facing a show.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "Presidents thank you!"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; There is the first person in the cloud to come to the world. If the Dragon Palace wants to act on him, he has to carefully consider one or two.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; If the Sanctuary does not take the shot, he and Yu Yi can ignore it.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Xiu Guan, but he felt awkward, shook his head, smiled bitterly: "I am owing you to the sorrowful sorrow, and reinvented the Yuan Enshi to the foundation of the Yuan, even if it helped you to break the year." The enmity is also true. But at the moment, with the power of my life, I can only do this."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Although this battle is a knot, it has destroyed three of the holy sages. One of them will be sealed. Among them, Yu Ming Dong Zhongshu will take five thousand years to recover. It can be described as a heavy blow.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; However, the situation of Cangsheng Road is full of enemies, and remains unchanged.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; and if he expected to be good, this battle should not be over.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Before the peace settled, Cangsheng Road really did not extract much effort to help Qiankun.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;敖坤 is a look of indifference, does not care, my heart is enough to be grateful.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; He can get out of trouble and get rid of the gambling contract between Dragon Shadow and Qing Xuan, because Wei Xu will lead Zong Shou.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; and the existence of the law of extinction, but also because of Zong Shou.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; owe too much, today

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;i is only repaying part of it.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; At this time, the battle has already settled. Within the dilemma, it is a mess and a devastation.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Except for the five swords, there is no good building outside the golden pagoda.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Although the thirty-three-day array is powerful, it is impossible to truly introduce all external forces into the void.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; at the expense of destroying a world. Although the scorpion talent is unparalleled, most of the overwhelming robbery has been turned into a use for thirty-three days, turning into the power to protect the dilemma. But there are also quite a few, still in the dilemma, the impact is shattered everywhere.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; In the most critical period, the big array can only fully protect the 170,000 monks in the territory. So these school palaces were completely embarrassed.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; but when the south is in the sky, the last robbery cloud dissipates. The radiance of the colorful è is overflowing, a strange and familiar tyrannical idea, stretching from that direction. In the whole dilemma, it is still a thunder.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "Become! The lord has been robbed, and since then, longevity -"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"I am alive and well

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;i There is a return to the Xuan Frost ancestor, and then the Yuan Jingzu teacher completes the Taoist base. Wei Xu succeeded in robbing and stepped into the country. It’s really three happy! ”

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "Four hi is, Yu Ming Xing Xie and that Confucian Dong Sheng, I have three great enemies in the road, have been degraded. Not enough?"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "Nature is a joy! I still can't believe it, I am alive, I actually won-"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "Thanks to the seven swords left by the ancestors of the scorpion, my eternal celestial space is thirty-three days, and it is not the first guardian of the cloud. That person, today

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;i is mostly to fall to the sect. ”

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "Is it the autumn ancestor? No, it is said that the ancestor is!"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Before many of the circumstances, Xiu Guan personally admitted that Zong Shou was his teacher. Everyone naturally realized that this identity in the Cangsheng Road must be one of the second generation rumors.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; also really worthy, today

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;i this battle. Zong Shouxian sat in the Jiugongjian array, and later took over the refining of the gods, cāo control the Cangsheng sword array, all perfect.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; the amazing talent on the kendo can be said to be undoubtedly revealed.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "That is the Blood Sword Monster, the Heavenly Lord?"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "I am the savior of my life!"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "The refining sword is only worthy of his character,"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "At the beginning, I felt that the law of ruling the country was in harmony with my life. The original ancestor was really a disciple of my life."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "This battle, the demon king is the most powerful! Kill 300,000 soldiers, kill the evil spirits, really refreshing!"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "That Dong Zhongshu said that he wants to repair history and obliterate my life, what can he do now?"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "I can only hear the words of the people who are arbitrarily chosen. Although they are not the elected monarchs, they know that the water can overturn the boat and can carry the boat. Therefore, the people are empowered by the people. Under the rule of the orphan, there are differences between the rich and the poor, there are strong and weak points, but there is no distinction between the nobles. With the rule of law, the strong will not bully, the king and the people, the law is 斩-"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "Oath to wait for the rule of the people! Oath to this world!"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Some disciples are dancing and retelling these words. In the middle of the phoenix, the flash of dissatisfaction flashed, and then I thought that the dangerous situation at that time was only a sigh of relief, and my heart was comfortable.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "Zong Shou never feels himself, it is nobler than others. The country needs rituals, but it should not be so strict, only to bind the people - this is really my heart."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "Zong Shizu is naturally good, but this is a bit different from the teachings of my life."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "What doesn't? Didn't you see the sword of the refining, but also recognized? The legendary refining swordsmanship, the ancestor of the scorpion was cast in a little bit of his own soul, almost equivalent to the ancestor Since the recognition of the ancestral ancestor as the sword master, naturally it is also recognized -"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "I have to live forever, and I have to compromise."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "With the rule of law, regardless of race, the people and the people, all are treated equally! Can not achieve a truly equal world, but can make the people, fair world, fair law. Can do this, It is good!"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; almost all sights are looking at Zong Shou. The look is different, eager, grateful, excited, and hopeful.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shou at this time, but for the time being unreasonable. At this time, I was wholeheartedly, and I was suppressing the black 麒 麒 ,, and doing it before the private use of the public.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; this half-step variation of the beast, the strength is too strong, the realm is also more than


&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; also only today

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;i, he also controlled the thirty-three-day battle with the seven swords of the Cang, before he could completely suppress it. After this time, only the show will help.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; the first place in the cloud world, naturally it is impossible to do this unicorn.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; but after all, it’s not as good as his whistle

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;i's master's name is justified. In fact, it is also a kind of self-consolation, letting Xiao

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;i When you swallow its source later, you can have no psychological burden.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; At this time, the force of the entire thirty-three days was blessed on the black unicorn, and the layers were squeezed and locked.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; and the seven swords of the stalks guide the power of the heavens and the earth, crushing the soul of the unicorn in an inch.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shou cautiously, fearing that the power drawn by himself is too heavy, so that this sacred beast will be disintegrated on the spot.


&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;i, also rushed out of his sleeve. It is still the appearance of a small terrier, sucking it with your nose.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; There is a group of people who are invisible to the naked eye, and it has been taken over by it.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Kirin eats food, the orthodox sacred unicorn, eats the world's ‘good’, is a symbol of auspiciousness.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; and Black Kirin eats the world's "bad", which is a sign of disaster. Wherever it goes, the earth is dry and the war is frequent.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; However, the origin of the two is similar, even transforming each other.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shou’s secret to the Qilin family is not very good. But I saw this black unicorn constantly screaming, incomparable anger and hate, sorrow and unwillingness. The power and cultivation of the original scorpion are attenuating at an alarming rate.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; that source beast Dan, was screamed

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;i ingestion, turned into a glimpse of gas, flowing out, being whistling

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;i ruthlessly swallow,

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; while the latter's breath is growing wildly. It was originally a short period of time in the middle of the fairyland. It was only a short moment that it rushed into the peak of the wonderland, almost breaking into the realm of the gods.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "This dog, if it really swallows this black unicorn, it will not rush all the way to the holy place?"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shou is secretly surprised. If there is a sacred unicorn guard, it is really good.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; This time, it is really earned.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Just when he was thinking about it, an unusually familiar voice came behind him.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "Black and white unicorns swallow each other, I still see it for the first time. The source conversion, a few flawless. With this opportunity, you are a unicorn, afraid that it is only a few

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;i, you can step into the holy world. However, if I see you, the younger brother is still a little bit better. You unicorn, after all, the meat of the soul of the soul is still flawed, too weak. It is not a good thing to strike the Holy Order too early. It is best to press a pressure to the gods. After a hundred years, or if you have an organic relationship, the body is stable, you can get it in one step--"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; the person who spoke is Wei Xu. The smocks are ruined, and it is almost impossible to cover the body. I can imagine the dangers of being able to rob.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; However, Wei Xu at this time is a godsend. The temperament is arrogant, even if it is wearing an armor, it is still graceful.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shou looked at Wei Xu with a puzzled look, and then looked at Xiu Guan with the eyes of the inquiry.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; sounds like some truth, but still ask the latter, which is more reliable for the first time in the cloud world.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "This is a good statement!"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Xiu Guan chuckle, go to Zongshou, stay away

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;i's one-piece air machine, when it is into the realm of the gods, sticks out a finger, a little on its head.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; immediately a mark, appeared in the whistle

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;i's eyebrows.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; the origin of the black unicorn, although it is still being screamed

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;i phagocytosis, but it no longer strengthens its gas machine, and it is obviously sealed and stored in the eyebrow.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;i but do not care about these, obviously still relaxed and look like a sigh of relief, continue to madly swallow.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shou's look, but it is stunned. This little guy, after entering the realm, there is no day robbery?

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "It’s also robbed by me~www.readwn.com~

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;i. At that time, it should have been able to harvest this and digest the part. It was only after the war in the world, and there were countless fragments of the avenues of the world. Wei Xu was robbed here. It’s not a good place to go to the robbery. It’s good to be enlightened here. ”

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; More than a dozen places are here to make it happen, so that there are countless ‘road traces’ left in this sinister environment.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; There are three more flesh and blood in the vicinity, scattered in the vicinity, for the repairer, it is a great opportunity.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; 琨明方才身陨, although most of the fleshy body, are swallowed by Zong Shou’s infinite final method.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; There are still parts that can be spread out. Zong Shoufang was able to see the deserted land with his own eyes and instantly turned into fertile soil.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; However, here, it is really true, not the place where the robbery is. After this war, this territory of the vast shackles must be followed by the boundless will of the heavens and the earth.

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