Divine Brilliance

: 1028 black and white unicorn

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; However, it is considered to be a blessing in disguise, although it is broken within the dilemma. Within two thousand years, this sacred environment will be a holy place of worship.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; blood immersion in the environment, fragments of numerous avenues of avenues, residuals of the minds of the world, and the ‘road marks’ left by the sages. For the monks, they are all things that can't be met.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; What's more, these are within the control of thirty-three days, and the possibility of accidents is small and small.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Today, there are 170,000 Cangsheng Taoists who have watched this battle. Without exception, there will be a large number of people who will advance to a higher level in a short period of time.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "However, this black unicorn, but not necessarily all will be swallowed up by this little guy."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shouyi, looking at Xiuguan, quite a bit surprised.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; listen to this teacher's meaning, is to leave this black unicorn? But this beast is a catastrophic birth, and the world is surrounded by evil thoughts. There will be ominous things in the past.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; the world's people are shunned.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "It's a good thing, this world, good and evil is not a good thing. Just like your usual way, light and dark are intertwined, there is me in me, I have one, where It’s clear that even if it’s noon, there’s no place for the sun to shine. Even in the middle of the night, there’s a bright light—”

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; It is the dragon shadow that says this sentence, and it is also a step forward. Xu is this big robbery has passed, and repaid Wei Xu's human feelings. The face of this old man is just a smile and a relaxed face.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "This black unicorn can't be afforded by others, unless it is a wicked person, or a strong person like the beginning. But in your case, is it unique? For you and Xiaori, there are also great benefits -"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shouyi, get the best u? What are the benefits? What is the meaning of Dragon Shadow?

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; said that he kept a slogan and did a lot of bad things. However, it is generally bright and upright, worthy of people.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; not so much evil, nourishing black unicorn, the evil spirit of this gas--

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; that whistling day seems to have pre-feeled what it is, continuing to smother the black unicorn's breath source, stored in the impression of the eyebrow.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "It is the heart of the people, how pure and filthy in the spirit of the king. There are black and white sides in the world. Otherwise, this black unicorn, why is it born? If you have this black Kirin is, as a escort, then at least ten pieces of the nine towers -"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Xiu Guan directly wakes up, and then in the black unicorn, the expression gradually fades, when a real yuan has fallen under the holy.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; 蓦地 is a finger to find out, also in the eyebrow of this mutant animal.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; suddenly an unexpected burst of sound, from the black unicorn's body.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; The look of this strange animal is even more painful, and the eyes are full of anger.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shou doesn't have to look at it, knowing that this is Xiu Guan, has destroyed the mark of God's mind that Tai Shi planted on this black unicorn.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; His heart is still shaking for the words of Xiu Guanfang, like a madness.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; ten pieces of nine towers? That is almost enough to get two two-nose.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; The so-called Jiuyi Tower is the name of Wei Xu to him, the nine-storey golden pagoda. It is a king's weapon, and it is also one of the control centers of the 33rd day.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Before getting the nose and the magic mirror, Zong Shou has always relied on this object to suppress the infection of the king.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; If the truth is as good as the show, then the impact of this so-called kingly spirit on him will be minimal.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; just this beast, how to subdue? This black unicorn follows Taishi and should have been at least three or five thousand years.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; It is impossible to simply surrender under the ban.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Kirin is proud, and Black Kirin is the same.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Xiaori is attracted by his father's solitude, by his sacred sacred king, and when he is a parent, this is surrendered to him.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; and this black unicorn, but clearly has been dead. Even if it is banned by secret surgery, once he releases the control, he must be self-suppressed.


&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; one channel 吟, interrupted Zong Shou’s thoughts. When I turned back to God, I saw that Xiu Guan was actually grabbing the head of the black unicorn, the silver light pattern, and violently infiltrated the past. Brilliant and splendid, sweeping back and forth over the black unicorn's body.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; With the bursts of sound, the black unicorn's resistance to hatred is finally disintegrated. In the blind, it is gradually a look of utterness.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; that was originally revealed in the darkness of the darkness, but it is implied that it is pure and innocent.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shoujian's eyebrows pick one, and the accident is endless. In the end, I was aware of the plan of Xiu Guan, and it was awesome to wash away every memory of this black unicorn with its unparalleled power, so that it was completely white as paper.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; About half an hour later, in the hands of Xiu Guan, there was another huge whirlpool.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; The black unicorn's body, which was converged, turned into a black dark ball.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; and then in Zong Shou, when they are completely confused. Xiu Guan’s hand was suddenly placed between Zong Shou’s eyebrows.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; The power of the instantaneous sky, pouring into his **** mud pill, and finally directly into the soul of the soul.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; A black light input directly hits into the black hole method.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shou was shocked and full of eyes. The first time, the soul of the body.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; There is nothing wrong with the law, and the black hole method is still stable.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; wrong, it should be said that it is more stable -

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; there seems to be a living thing in the middle. It is the birth of the child.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "This animal memory of the gods has been cleaned up, all consciousness, a blank. Like a newborn. The source has been sucked away most of the time, it has been hit hard. In your dark big law, cultivated indulge, most It is suitable."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Xiu Guan also felt that Zong Shou, with a bit of annoyance. However, he smiled faintly: "This beast will surely be your natural **** once it is revived and revived. It depends on your infinite succession method. For the end of the darkness, the foundation will be much more purely-- ”

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shou is dubious, but since it is the first word of the world, there will be no falsehood. Judging this way, there must be a basis.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; but I feel a little awkward in my heart. After all, there is a beast in my own soul.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; If it is launched on a certain day~www.readwn.com~ Will it make him devote himself?

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; and Xiao Xiao, from the black unicorn into his black hole law, he looked anxious, around him, and made a dissatisfied roar.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Zong Shou at the beginning did not know what to expect, and slowly understood. This little guy actually wants to break into his soul.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; actually is the black unicorn that is now unconscious at that end -

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;This little guy, is it your own soul sea, is it something like a beast cage? I really don't know what to say -

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; "It doesn't matter!"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; Dragon Shadow is next to it, like laughing and laughing: "Your final method, the most important thing is the way of balance. In the infinite black day, since there is a black unicorn suppression, then it corresponds. In the infinite day, nature also needs a holy unicorn to sit down."

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