Divine Brilliance

: 1033 Qinhuang Tomb is now

"This is a happy event, and the minister asks His Majesty to recruit all the soldiers and horses to get together!"

Yin Yu’s eyes brightened and he looked at the left letter again. High speed update

This method is not bad, it can kill two birds with one stone. That is to solve the aftermath of the conquest of the soldiers, but also to consume the strength of the Zhu,

The latter's expression is even more respectful: "I have a big reason for this big business, and there is a call for the first Zhuzizi. His Majesty only needs a paper order, like the Yang family Zhujiamenmen, they will not dare to refuse."

To get to the throne, you will need Confucian support. If you dodge it, it is not just against the big business, but the entire Confucianism and the Zhuzi Holy Respect.

In the battle of the shackles, the big business has already flowed through the blood and made a force. Now it’s the turn of these families.

"Even if these thieves do not refuse Zhu Zhe's sacredness and resist the call, they can also turn to the Daomen. The two sacred sacred sects of the two sects will inevitably be happy."

Yin Yu is already an act of action. If you really want to get a slogan, this may be the only way to maintain the foundation of big business. But at the moment, it is still hesitant.

"Qing is really a sacred lord! This policy is very good, but you still need to consider one or two. You can retire first!"

The direct academician of the Hanlin Academy, Zuo Xin, looked up and was slightly surprised. After the death of Yuan Chen, he has always shown his image with a strong and fruitful image. Governing the government for a hundred years, the arbitrariness. Whether it is right or wrong, it is unshakable and can be described as a rare and wise hero.

Why are there hesitations today?

It is rare that he is only saying what is wrong. What is wrong with it? Just when he wants to come, it is only the only feasible strategy.

But did not say anything, silently shaped a ceremony, it launched the temple.

After the shackles, this is only inside the government cabinet, only the Yuanchen emperor and Gao Ruo, the heavy mysterious.

After a moment of silence, Yin Yucai asked again: "How does the national teacher think?"

"This is the best policy! Today's Dagan, it is my heart and soul, can not help but!"

Yin Yu frowned. According to Zuo Xin, nature is good law. However, what he wants to ask is not this.

"If it was a month ago, your Majesty could dodge. Today's big business, but there is no room for rejection."

The heavy mysterious look is solemn, and the complexion is sinking.

"A Confucianism, a Taoist, can determine the rise and fall of a country. It can also replace the replacement of the royal family."

The last sentence. It is outspoken. In this temple, it is like a thunder, so that the other two are pale.

The words of Xuan Xuan can be described as the key to straight.

Yin Yu has been silent for a long time. I continued to ask: "I don't want to be controlled by these people. I don't know if the national teacher can have a good policy to teach me?"

Zhong Xuan smiled and said without thinking: "Thinking about it, only the twelve bronzes left by the First Emperor in the past can help the underworld to suppress the chaos. The Qin Emperor's tomb, the minister has found the position. Estimated. It doesn't take long before it can be born. I can try to get it out in advance -"

Yin Yu Huo Ran got up, and the face was all over the ecstasy. Today, after hearing the anger of the bad news, it finally faded a few points.

There are twelve bronze people. Twelve people who can compete with the top sacred places, as well as the inheritance and armor left by Qin Emperor. Dashang can stand in the world, no need to look at the faces of several holy people.

"If you can take out the twelve bronzes, it would be better. At this time, please come to the national division!"

The mood relaxed, and Yin Yu’s face finally showed a smile.

"The national teacher thought that this time, the pro-independence is a big deal, is it a win or a loss?"

"The big monarch, has been designated as a Confucian enemy! The people of the world. Everyone can kill. Even if the big dry is from the wild country. But there is no shortage of people to educate. There is Zhu Sheng this decree, this country It has been lost. The hearts of the people are separated, and the lowness of the army is inevitable! And I am still a big man, there are still thousands of troops. Many gates and teams can also take out more than 200,000 soldiers. The Taoist Confucianism is even more impossible. Sitting and looking."

He Xuan was slightly hesitant and said: "There is Kong Rui in this battle. The war is fierce. Most of the officials can't speculate properly. They can only judge according to common sense. I should have more than 90% of the odds. The remaining 10% is really difficult. If there is a victory, it will not be a good thing for the rest of the squad. If it wins, the forces of the gates will surely grow stronger. If it is defeated, it will be detrimental. majesty."

Yin Yu heard a smile but had a good idea: "That is still good!"

It’s a practitioner who can’t understand the joints.

The big dry east of Yunlu and Huizhou Island, now no longer a wild, but a well-known rich land.

It is said that not only are there many mineral deposits, but there are also countless fertile soils. An ordinary small people, as long as they are diligent, they can get a good food.

Once the victory is over, throwing out this dog bone, there will be countless families, and countless sects will compete.

I can even think of ways to turn down many of the great families in the big business, and temporarily solve the big business problems. After ten years, you will be able to fight against foreign enemies.

It can be said that it is a lot of things -

There was a slight uneasiness in my heart, and it was the same time and again. I always thought that the sect had been forced into a desperate situation, but it was always reversed by the person with unexpected means.

This time, will it be the same?

Then he shook his head sharply and smiled. In this battle, he has no choice. With strong bullying and rough calculations, the military power is almost six times wide.

Just the collar is not too incompetent, it can be crushed!

In addition, those who are in the Holy Land will certainly not allow the second defeat.

That is the case, then what is he worried about?

Is that the sect, the Confucian enemy? Really pitiful -

At this time, Yin Yu was quite a kind of pity.

As a monarch, no one knows more about the evil and annoyance of Confucianism than he does.

Mastering the Spring and Autumn Period, you can offend Confucianism and not follow the Confucianism.

Then even if it is a sacred monarch, it will be reviled by the world.

Sitting on the stunned name, that shou is now, afraid that it is already burnt.


At this time, Zong Shou is still in the territory of Cangsheng, holding the **** moon machete in his hand~www.readwn.com~ This is the thing that burned the land of Lujia. After the death of the person holding the device, the knife naturally falls on his hand. in.

It was not artificially forged, but it was made of a naturally generated heavenly iron. Inside, there is a forbidden formation of congenital formation, so that this **** knife is not a sacrifice, it is a sacred soldier.

"The natural artifact, it really got it."

Zong Shou secretly admired that the laws contained in this knife are two, which is exactly one and a half. One is the word 'Tibetan' and the other is the word 'borrowing'.

The person who holds this knife can hide the power of the air machine, far better than the ordinary monk.

It is also because of the magical power of this **** knife, that person can avoid the several sacred sacred sacred statues of Xiuguan, and can control the power of the robbery to attack the enemy.

This **** sect does not care, there is a sword of refining, there is no need for other weapons.

What he really cares about is the built-in rule in this device. (To be continued)

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