Divine Brilliance

: 1034 Secret in the past

The ‘hidden’ word **** also paid off, and half of the ‘borrow’ word gods, but it surprised him.

It is not a avenue to design the origin of the world, but it is quite a magical place. Especially the latter, borrowing from heaven and earth for your own use is very overbearing.

With the royal gods he mastered, they can complement each other.

"So, it should not be a mysterious family -"

If Lu Wushuang can get this half of the gods to enlighten, the combat power will inevitably increase by more than double, and it will certainly not let go.

The artifact within the family is borrowed. Only if the two sides are opponents, they will not borrow.

"This device is also one of the artifacts of the five great temples. It is estimated that it is a private owner. Unfortunately, there are only half of the words in the device, even less than half -"

Zong Shou shook his head, he could understand some of the heavens and the earth, but it was impossible to prove this.

These two kinds of gods can only be integrated into his ten annihilation swords and three thousand stars*.

Because of this, the sword array, as well as the power of the three thousand stars, will be on the upper floor.

This device is a thing of the Lu family. He himself is the first to be the first to be burned by the Lujia First Emperor. It is naturally honest and accepting.

The spirit of the artifact, the initial struggle to struggle, but when the sect keeps a few drops of blood, immediately become honest.

Zong Shou all the way is also like a broken bamboo, breaking the ban in the middle.

It is based on the secret law, and it is preserved with the blood of the burning of the land of the Lujia. The others will win the device and will be able to control it, and even fly back to the master's hand. Forcing a sacrifice will only damage the spirit.

However, he used the only pure blood of the Lu family to break the ban, but there was no pressure.

In the meantime, this artifact has changed hands. Zong Shou also threw this **** knife and left it to the first snow.

The first snow was the body of the war, and he was arranged by him. It was the road of the five elements of the road, and it was inseparable from the headless beasts. Fighting with people. Often need to borrow strength. This device is in her hands, it is still appropriate.

In fact, weak water is the most suitable, but unfortunately it is not enough, but it may be captured by the artifact, but you can wait until later.

At the beginning of the snow, she licked her mouth. She didn't like this machete. She liked swords or straight knives. But I also know that this knife is accepted. When you are alone, you can be like a monk. I don’t say anything, laughing and holding the knife on my chest.

The body of warfare, born to be good at using any weapon, like a master, this scimitar can also be used.

"It's incredible, natural. The intrinsic ban is almost perfect. The innate generation is more perfect than the sacred sword. It's no wonder. No wonder the world artifact, so hard to make, less and less ——"

Even if it is a scorpion, the power of a thousand years is only the casting of seven top squadrons that are likely to advance the artifact.

Zong Shou then took out several space appliances. This is the sacred monk who fell into the dilemma, and it is his trophy.

As for the monks at the border, the relics of Dong Zhongshu and Yu Ming were taken away by Zhu Zi and Qing Xuan.

Only the King of the World has something to leave, but unfortunately the ban on the border is that he can crack it. Zong Shou is very interesting and does not compete.

A handful of those space devices were forcibly opened, and the look of Zong Shou was gradually overwhelming.

Most of these people are too confident. Do not think of this war. How many sinister dangers, with a lot of treasures around.

Among them, the heavenly spirits. There are more than ten pieces, enough to create a supreme saga. There are also twelve whole sacred beasts in the inner world. What is rare is that the attributes are different, and the intrinsic magical powers are also strange.

This is the best material to be integrated into the artifact, the material of the twenty-eighth star, this battle, has already been more than half.

Only the three images, the material of these main stars, is still incomplete.

At the time of excitement, there was a light cough next to him.

When Zong Shou returned to God, he saw him, including Xiu Guan, and more than a dozen people looked at themselves with strange looks.

The main hall of the Palace was broken and replaced by the thirty-three purple pagoda. This device is innately isolated from all the magical powers of the heavenly sights, and naturally becomes the place where the sacred sects usually go.

Several sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sects.

Zong Shou was bored, hiding aside and looking at his own gains.

At this time, I was noticed, only a cheeky smile, if nothing happened, put away those pieces of space artifacts.

The dragon shadow Kun Kun did not feel anything, but all the people of the heavens, but they all sighed.

This sacred road has been the most outstanding in history, and even the disciples who are chasing the scorpion are really unwilling to get involved in the sacred road. This attitude is intended to exclude yourself.

The war of the awkward situation is estimated to come only for the sake of love, so that the people here, love and hate it.

"So, when the scorpion's predecessors entered the cloud world, wasn't it just to borrow the open artifact? And it was pure, and wanted to take it out of the cloud?"

When Zong Shoucai just received his heart, he heard this sentence and suddenly felt awkward. Wrong, look at the show and the dragon shadow who are talking about the head.

When the scorpion tried to take away the artifact, it was not for the purpose of taking the artifact, but just for the simple removal?

"Exactly! According to my brother, the open-air artifact was severely damaged before 100,000 years ago. It has not been restored yet. Even if it is taken out, it will never be used to join the road. The brother is proud of him. In the 5,000-year period, I will walk to the half-step truth. Will you want to go outside and join the truth?"

This sentence says that all the people inside the Jinta are all in awe-inspiring colors.

Thinking about it carefully, it makes a lot of sense.

The blind man at that time was invincible. With the power of one person, it is the only way to pressure tens of thousands of worlds in this field.

It is true that you don't have to worry about it~www.readwn.com~ step out of the last step, not to borrow the power of the heavenly artifact.

"What is the reason for that?"

"This is related to the covenant of the sacred ancestors thousands of years ago. At that time, the sages of the sages joined forces to ban the wave of the clouds. It was advocated by the scorpion brothers-"

Zong Shou quietly listened to this public case, he did not know very well before, can enter the Cangsheng Road. As a core disciple, it is natural to know the details.

"But the reason why the blind man was so, but not just to expel the aliens. The biggest cause, or the open-air artifact. My cloud industry is so prosperous, can you feel normal?"

Zong Shou shook his head and naturally it was not normal.

The same is the world, Lujia has been operating the tens of thousands of years of the nine worlds, but they can only support one god.

Here, the light is a broken and banned cloud world, there are seven sacred gods at the same time, the strong are even more endless. (To be continued)

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