Divine Brilliance

: 1035 Another big enemy

Like the world of clouds, this world is unique.

There have never been other worlds, like the cloud world, with a lot of spirits and numerous veins.

It’s just that the monks who are at the scene are counted as disappearing, and there are as many as seventeen from ancient times to the present.

It is also strange to say that in the era of 10,000 years ago. In fact, the aliens have been cleared almost, but the scorpion Xiuguan, and the eight sects of the Confucius in the Daomen, are enough to force the hunters.

Even a single person can make all the aliens jealous.

At that time, it was somewhat unreasonable to ban the miracle.

Instead, afterwards, several sects in the cloud industry fought each other, so that several of the sacred sages were not seen. Give those interracial machines -

Therefore, there is a stranger after the Qin and Han dynasties, and the rise of the martial arts king, with the power of one person to support the overall situation.

"Xunzi brother, he once said to me, that open-air artifact, although relying on parasitic inside the cloud, can complement each other. But since 27,000 years ago, this artifact has been hand-footed. Someone If the device was born in advance, it would inspire a lot of the origin of the cloud. Among them, nearly half of it was scattered outside, so there was a time when the cloud was in a state of great enthusiasm. He was also a brother-in-law until he stepped into the half-step. I was only slightly aware of it. So I used the power of one person to force the sages of the cloud to agree to seal the spiritual tide. This is also the beginning of my sorrow and grievances with the sages of all religions."

The shadow of the dragon shadow is solemn, and the color of the dragon is unexpected. He returned to the cloud world this time, but he never thought that he would hear such secrets.

There is also a sense of guilt, after all, it is also a character 10,000 years ago. I have heard a little about the original.

"Then the scorpion brothers refined the refining technique and the martial arts, repaired and refined, and found that even if the cloud world is banned, it is useless. The open-air artifact has been able to swallow the flesh and blood of the soul of the warrior, and it is nourished, so there is the underworld. The chaos. The entire cloud world has almost become the blood sacrifice of this device. It is said that it will be connected to the holy sage, under certain conditions.

Zong Shou’s heart moved, and he remembered the maiden Gong Gongran.

Is it related to the will of the underworld and the world of the Holy One?

What is going on in the chaos of the underworld?

And after the show, it is even more shocking.

"--So, the cloud world will sooner or later fall into exhaustion or even collapse. So the brothers started to take out the open artifact. The result was an unprecedented battle. The participation and the gods, the foot Twenty. The rest of the holy world. Not knowing a few. Confucianism, Taoism, and the three religions, almost all involved. And I was also seen by the Taishi Mozun contract digital sanctuary, intercepted outside the cloud It’s hard to make it happen. If you are injured and return to the holy, he has fallen.

The room is still unspoken, but it’s too shocking because it’s heard today.

Is it really a blood sacrifice in the cloud world?

Among the people, only Wei Xu looked calm. It seems to be known early.

After Yi Mei’s eyebrows, after a little indulging, he asked: “I heard that the door is compassionate and sorrowful. It is a person with great compassion. In the past, the Confucian monk was also a great self-cultivator. The predecessors. If the truth is true, these four should be persuaded."

It is not doubtful that Xiu Guan said. Just some doubts are puzzled.

When the scorpion died in the war, the Confucianism Confucius and Mencius were both sacred, and they all disappeared in the war with the aliens, and they disappeared.

It was the first sacred son after the First Emperor. It is difficult to pass the Confucianism.

At that time, Xunzi had already violated the politics of Confucianism with the Confucianism, but he still participated in the siege.

The law of Xunzi believes that human nature is evil, saying that the people are like water, and they can carry a boat and can resurrect. Advocating the ritual of the ritual. Even the inheritance of the legal family originated from this holy deity.

Although there is no similarity between the doctrine and the sacred path, it does not particularly exclude the sacred path when it is in the world.

This is also involved in the siege, it is not without cause.

"The problem is that the brothers, even if he explained, can someone believe?"

Yu Yi is silent, she is replaced by her, and most of them will not believe.

Even if you don't use this thing to make it come true, if you master this open device, then it is not just a pressure on the cloud world.

And even if someone can know the benefits, they may not be with the blind.

The opening of the heavens also means that hopes come true.

"As far as I know, afterwards, compassionate Tao Jun should be aware of it. The reason why the door is split is that it is different from Qing Xuan and Huang. There is a Confucian sacred scorpion, which was extremely light. He was instructed by him and had a half-teacher's friendship. Even in the most critical moment, it is impossible to kill him. However, after the war, but for a hundred years, the blind man has fallen. It is one of the best. The sacred soldier is really smashing the inexhaustible soul. It takes at least 100,000 hours to reunite. Even if it is resurrected, it will forget the memories of the past life. Unless it is repaired, it is equivalent to the new life. Then thousands of thousands. In the year, the Taoist and the Confucianism and the Three Religions are all trying their best to find a way out. Even the swordsmen are the same. Even when the Buddha was introduced into the cloud, they did not fully resist -"

The interior world is a generation of intelligent enlightenment, and in the first place, he noticed what was otherwise mentioned in Xiuguan’s speech.

"The meaning of the brothers, but that the open artifact is passive, the brother of the scorpion is banned, and even the scorpion is shackled. Is there another black hand behind the scenes?"

"Not Qing Xuan?"

"Qing Xuan is the road, it is 14,000 years ago, the cloud waste age. It is always impossible for him to enter the ban on the open heaven artifact. Besides his ability, it was only the same as the scorpion holy sage. It’s not even better.”

The dragon shadow is silent, and the thoughts are not. It seems to think of one person, but it is not certain.

After a while, I looked deeply at Zong Shou.

Zong Shou did not notice, thinking about future generations. The Ten Holy Lands of the Ten Holy Lands are all quiet, and there are very few people collecting them every year.

At that time, there were rumors ~www.readwn.com~ all the teachers had already moved to the foreign domain.

Even under the rise of the Emperor, the rule of the millions of worlds did not take the cloud as the capital.

Is this also relevant?

"So to say this, this time the spiritual tide has risen, it is actually a major disaster for me in the cloud world. Is it necessary to be banned again? Or to prevent the open device from being taken out?"

Xiu Guan shook his head: "I don't know how to be good, take a step and take a step."

Seeing people puzzled, he explained: "The brother-in-law has had speculation that this field should go beyond half-step and true. It should be more than one person. I am determined by Xuan Huang to prove the eternal way. I also felt that because of my scruples, I dared not try to solve the ban of my nephew brothers from beginning to end."

Zong Shou’s heart was awkward, and then he saw the outside world, and the golden light was volleying and shining for thousands of miles.

After he had to squat, he smiled again.



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