Divine Brilliance

: 1064 Kirin Wangwei

"Active attack? That Kong Yao is a handsome man with no one in the middle, and his ability to command the army, before the previous wars, can be seen in general. Why?"

"There are only 30,000 blood rides on the right wing, and most of them are one shot and cross!"

"Is it a suspicious question? People don't understand it -"

After Fiji’s departure, above the imperial concubine, it is still the master of the military.

Looking at the army of the big dry that was pressed like a wall, at this time it was all confused and confused.

"The strength of the Chinese army is better than that of the big business. However, the enemy is Ren Tianxing, one of the unparalleled names. In a short period of time, it is evenly matched. Therefore, this battle is decided to win. When you are on the two wings, take the initiative to strike, but certainly not But it can make the opposite 200,000 iron rides run to the momentum -"

"That is also true, the enemy army is 500,000 people. But the army is just the Xuanjie cavalry, there are 110,000 giants. How long will it avoid weakness?"

"Is it a last resort? Naoyao's dilemma can be seen in general! This war is a big deal."

When the generals talked about it, the heavy mystery was a cold-eyed look. Like a dead man, he looked at the opposite one. I will not be in love again, and I will go to the army after one person.

The Xuezhai layman licked his lips, intended to stop, but did not say a word until the end.

The gimbal is a light-eyed, sneer. It’s a good way to say that this is a mystery.

Yin and Yang nail surgery? No matter whether today’s battle is a win or a loss, you can completely remove the demon king.

At this time, Zong Shou, but frowning. In order to burn the world, the **** hole is completely empty, and it looks out into the river outside the domain.

The refining sword was flying far away, and it was necessary to establish contact with the remaining six swords in the vicinity. The circumstance is forbidden, and when the swordsmanship is completed, it begins to gradually mobilize and pre-control the power of heaven and earth.

However, at the same time, a majestic idea of ​​the times is also oppressed.

The gas machine is familiar with it, and it is the Confucian sacred Zhuzi who has played twice in a row. This time, it is also the same as the three gods. Bless your body.

Even if the sword front is in the middle of the sword, it will not fall.

At this time, it was just entangled and put the whole set of swords. All are firmly locked and pressed.

Let Zong Shou try to use the sword array to break the attempt to block this regional seal and completely put it into the water.

And the river outside the domain. It seems calm at the moment, but it is undercurrent.

Still, there are still dozens of people who are in the midst of criss-crossing, constantly colliding and tempting, and they are evenly matched.

Zong Shou has the eyes of the burning world and can be roughly identified. The two Buddhist monks of Buddhism are involved in it.

In addition, there is one more person in the Qingxuan side.

"Tai Shi Mojun?"

Zong Shouxin was shocked, and the demon was hit hard by him. At this moment, it is necessary to stay away from the cloud to heal. On that day, he controlled the heavens and minds and attacked the core of his origin.

The two fellow initiates have the end of the road. Therefore, Zong Shou is also the most aware of its flaws.

The injury of this demon ancesm must be imagined in the people, but also heavier.

If you don't feel at ease at this time. Not only will the date of entering the half-step truth be postponed, but it may even fall from the peak of the situation in the future.

This person's heart is arrogant, it is impossible to allow.

"It turned out to be an incarnation of the body -"

Carefully distinguishing, the idea is ten times weaker than the one in the original situation!

If this person really came over, then even the show. I am afraid that it is difficult to hold the situation.

However, it can be seen that the recovery of this person's injury is indeed extremely speedy. In just a few months, there was a little more effort, once again interfering with the cloud world,

Zong Shou shook his head. It seems that this level of the environment and the sacred world is indeed unable to borrow.

The refining sword should be the core of the sword array, and the other six swords can be integrated and cannot be used.

Fortunately, before this war, he had already known that there was no hope at all.

In addition, within the boundary of the river, the Confucianism and the Three Religions, the 19th Order of the Holy Order, one hundred and eighty of the monks. At this time, they each hold the imprint, and they live in this void.

There are also at least seven holy steps to protect the law for those who hold the battle.

"Do you have a big day in the gates of the gates? No?"

In addition to this, there are some means of mixing Confucian magic doors. This large-scale ban on time and space barriers is even more sublime and completely unfounded.

Zong Shouxin suddenly realized that he could make the magical law of the Taoist and the Demon. Only the monks who are at the border can do it.

This array is mostly Qing Xuan Tai Huang and the Supreme Yuanmo, even after the serious injury, Tai Chi, for his temporary joint deduction.

I really can see him -

"Most of the time is the eternal forbidden magic locks!"

It is in the magic road that it is not inferior to the inheritance of the banned ban on the road. Take the length of these two battles, and even have the mighty power of the thirty-three days of the dynasty.

It was only slightly weaker because it was a temporary cloth.

Zong Shou tempted to burn with the fire of the burning world. After half a quarter of an hour, it still could not be shaken.

"The monarch is very knowledgeable! This array is called the last Sunday, the ban on the ban, the three sacred sects, designed for the monarch!"

A fierce voice, suddenly sounded in the ears of Zong Shou, screamed and said: "So if you want to escape the monarch, you will be pleased!"

Zong Shou raised his eyebrows. Although he was talking to himself, he used his power to sing his voice. It was only a few people around him who could hear it.

This person can hear it? Is it the beginning of the six-handed supernatural power?

I don’t feel right, this voice is familiar to him, but his thoughts are far from being too strong. Even if it is the beginning of the body,

It is also far from good.

Looking at the sound, I saw a young man with a pale face and no living atmosphere. From the sky outside the 200,000 feet, he appeared.

The face is full of sarcasm and ridicule: "Before February, I said that when the monarch was degraded, it was fulfilled today. Come here, Guan Guojun is defeated!"

A cold smile: "The monarch is only praying, and finally he will fall into the hands of my demon. At that time, you will be called the monarch, you will not want to die, you can't die!"

Blood sorcerer Xiao Xiao is still dusty?

Zong Shou's eyes are slightly stunned, and the long-awaited killing anger in his chest suddenly bursts out like a volcanic eruption.

Twilight blood red, but at the last moment, forced to suppress the meaning of the shot.

The refining sword could not be used. At this time, Zong Shou changed the singer of Xianxian Zhongpin.

But the sword handle, but almost forced by the Zong Shou!

That killing can't be vented, so I have to fill it all in this spare sword. The purple scabbard was unbearable, and a trace of fissures was produced, almost breaking.

Zong Shou is too lazy to talk to the blood sage master, after this battle is decided. It is the time when he and the sects of the demon are clearing the **** debts!

The 500,000-strong army stepped forward before moving forward. The 30,000-year-old **** ride on the left wing is gradually accelerating.

The sound of trampling hundreds of thousands of horseshoes is like a thunder.

The opposite commercial army also has an action. The voice of shouting in the array began.


"Today I am a big business!"

"There is a command from the majesty, the first to break the enemy is the tens of thousands of people! The people of Zong Zongshou, can crack the earth to seal the king!"

"In the life of the saints, on behalf of the heavens, crusade this no way to faint!"


A total of 400,000 cavalry on both sides of Shangjun also started Mercedes-Benz acceleration. With just a few breaths, it is close to the extreme speed.

Ten miles between the two armies, they were pulled closer in a few breaths.

The little terrier in Zongshou’s arms also felt the impending collision and went out from Zong Shouhuai.

The body was slightly stunned, as if to hunt the beast, his face was stunned and whispered.

Zong Shou, but seeing Kong Yao on the side, was in a daze and lost his heart at this time, could not help but laugh.

"What is Xiaoyao thinking? The war has started, you are the master, this time you are distracted, but some should not."

Kong Yao heard awakened and calmed himself: "I want to think about the stone, I don't know when this person will shoot, and what kind of means will be used to turn the tide. I don't know if those arrangements made in advance can prevent him. ?"

When I spoke, I used an undetermined tone.

She never handed over to Shi Yue, and at the time of Da Shang, she only knew a little about the ability of Shi Yue.

Regarding the strength of Shijia, Shi Yue’s means are very little known, so it is completely uncertain.

Suddenly in the heart of the movement, the afterglow of the perspective, I saw a person looking at himself with the sharp eyes of an eagle.

It was just across the left wing, before the 65,000 purple flaming guns, holding a huge cross knife, the side of the horse rushing in the big business of the Southern Army General Fei Yin.

At this time, this person is a three-point provocation, three-point pity, three-point sarcasm, and a greedy admiration.

Kong Yao bowed and looked at his eyes and looked too lazy to see. She did not know why her boss, in the left-wing army, had nothing to do with her.

The battles of drowning several times made this Philippine face, and she was already out of that bad smell.

This person is dead or alive, and has nothing to do with her. Anyway, there is no friendship between them.

The same number of shackles, leaving only the resentment and resentment.

At the moment, Zong Shou is also looking at people. It was a few gaze from the unpretentious imperial concubine opposite.

One of them is the center of the Yuan Dynasty, Emperor Yin Yu. The rest can be ignored, only the holy step of the companion can enter his eyes.

Although he did not directly talk to ~www.readwn.com~ he could see the thoughts of these people from the opposite eyes.

"A good wine pool palace! So indulge in luxury, this is not enough to fear, today can win a battle!"

"Fait! Confucian! If you don't die, what is heaven?"

"I will kill the enemy, even if I can't kill it myself, I can't let this escape!"

Zong Shou smiled and was indifferent. I feel that I am at this time, just like reading a mind, all the thoughts and thoughts of these people are all in my heart.

Only slightly strange, why is that heavy mysterious person not here?

After the big business army, I don’t know what to slap.

The 30,000 blood cloud ride has gradually accelerated to the apex, piercing forward like an arrow.

At this time, the whistling day suddenly rose. He was filled with the daunting Wang Wei, and he whispered and passed down the battlefield. (To be continued)

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