Divine Brilliance

: 1065 Ma Tinglin riding

"The traitor!"

When Kong Yao removed his gaze, there was a violent anger in Fijian.

Imagine that this former subordinate will regret and despair. I also guessed that this woman may still be fighting high spirits and will definitely fight for death.

However, he has never thought about this woman and will completely ignore him.

There is no such thing as an indifferent and unrequited look, which is even more irritating.

Just for the people, the most needed maintenance is calm. Feiyin has been a **** for decades and has gone through hundreds of battles. At this time, even if the anger is attacking, it is still strongly suppressed. A few instructions will make the whole ride start to change.

The central government still used him as the whole army and sharpened forward. On the far right side, an arrow has also been struck, and the momentum is extremely sharp.

200,000 cavalry, this time is like an arm. With his commander-in-chief levying the prestige of the northern Xinjiang for decades, even the unruly Taoist Zilin flame gun ride is also willing to admire.

Once the blood cloud ride cannot be defeated for the first time, the arrow on the right wing will be inserted obliquely and break into the waist and abdomen of the enemy. Then with six times the military strength, Mo Kezhen, the 30,000 blood cloud ride completely crushed and defeated!

After that, the whole army was in the middle of the battle, and the bare-chested nakedness was exposed to his eyes!

He wanted to give this woman a feeling after the war, but then think about it, or just give up.

However, a few small wins, but actually so discouraged. If you are in the big business, it may not be the blessing of the community.

In the heart of the killing, the distracting thoughts in the heart of Feiyin gradually came to an end.

The eyes are not stunned, and the whole **** permeates and looks at the opposite **** ride.

Although there are only 30,000 rides, the people of the Tongjun are the Donggan Shuangxiong, which is known as the Zongyuan of the unparalleled rider.

The ability to ride the army to fight, it is said that the world does not think twice. Despite the disadvantages, there may be some unexpected moves.

Getting closer and closer, the opposite of the cavalry did not change anything, still like an arrow, a wall is generally pressed over.

The blood red armor reflects the cool luster, and even the sight of it looks like it can freeze people.

It’s a **** ride, even if it’s facing six times the enemy, it’s not shaken.

It is said that the blood riding killing method can control people's hearts. Imperceptible, can make the Cavaliers, loyal to the Lord. Even if they want to die, they can not hesitate. It is the most terrifying cavalry among the Xuanjie Dao soldiers. Today, it is true!

However, it is only like this -

Under the trample of 200,000 iron rides, no matter what kind of soldiers, they will be crushed and crushed in front of his horseshoe!

Kong Yao, Kong Yao!

At the beginning, the old man misunderstood you, but today, the old man can completely break the pride of your pride!

The sound of the iron hooves rushed, less than twenty feet apart. In the ears of Fiji, suddenly I heard a weird beast.

Full of majesty, low voice, but domineering,

Feiyin never cared about it. At this time, the army was most distracted. It can also be perceived that at this time, countless sights in the vicinity are watching, and I am looking forward to the result of this collision.

Even the river outside the domain, there are dozens of tyrannical ideas, betting.

On the opposite side, the Zongyuan, who has been quietly rushing, has finally got an action.

The dragon's horns of the dragon's horns suddenly accelerated, and the **** paintings were lifted up, and the body was covered with blood and purple lightning. The cold voice also passed through the battlefield.

"You are the same robes, please follow my original, horses and thousands of troops!"

The 30,000 blood cloud rides are silent and silent, and there is no response. But at the same time, they also improved the speed of the horse, and the momentum soared. Twelve thousand iron hooves trampled on the earth, as if the blood was flowing, and nothing could be done.

Is the horse riding a thousand troops? Big words!

That Feiyin’s cold smile, also raised with a knife, began to gather the army.

Employers must be good at using the power! He is naturally inferior to this original, but the military he masters can be stronger than the original!

But in the next moment, his face suddenly froze. Only afterwards, the entire army was disintegrating at an alarming rate.

Countless exclamations of anger have come. Among them, the screams of the Xuanyan Jinlin beasts are full of uneasiness and fear.

The heart was horrified, and Feiyin turned back and looked back, but I saw that the whole sixty-five thousand Zilin flame guns were riding.

Tens of thousands of heads of Xuan Yan Jinlin beasts, or suddenly stopped suddenly, turned to the body; or completely violently, four times collided; or directly squat down, body trembling.

The neat queues are now a mess. And the Megatron in the world, the purple collar riding, naturally collapsed.

"What is going on? How can this be?"

Feiyin looked at the fear for a moment, and his eyes were full of gloom. However, this is his last thought, the last thought.

A **** ride on the shadows and even in front of him, it is Zongyuan. The **** red scorpion waved, the vast force that could not be used as a giant force, directly smashed his body, along with the riding beasts.

After the 30,000 blood ride, it was like a torrent, followed by a collision into the enemy front.

The iron hoof is everywhere, and the flesh and blood are scattered. All the knights in the front of the door, Zilin flame gun, together with those Xuanyan Jinlin beasts, have their bodies broken.

In order to become a blood element, he was inhaled into the blood. The thick **** fog spread out, but it was only a dozen breaths, and it was already filled for ten miles!


On the big safari, all of them were dead. Only when the teacup broke, the people woke up.

Yin Yu Huo Ran got up, looked gray and defeated, looking at the right direction. The eyes are still unbelievable.

He is regarded as one of the left and right arms of the generals, so he died in this way?

The Zilin Flame Gun Knight, who is known as one of the strongest sects in the cloud, has collapsed?

"what is the problem?"

"How is it possible? Fei Shuai and his Zilin flame gun ride, it is so simple to lose?"

"This is definitely what the demon law has!"

"These Xuanyan Jinlin beasts have been cultivated for more than 10,000 years and have been improved for more than a dozen times. The nature is gentle and tame, even if the beast is in front, it can be fearless. It is almost perfect! How can it be a problem at this time?"

"It seems that I am really afraid of what? In the end, what is it that makes the Xuanyan Jinlin beast out of control?"

The Yuntai real people are already anxious and anxious. The previous leisurely light spots, of course, have no existence. It was him who just crushed the teacup in his hand. The mount was out of control, and the tens of thousands of Zilin flame guns were trapped on the battlefield at this moment, even if they wanted to escape.

That 30,000 blood cloud rides the edge of the man, all things are invincible!

Almost every time, there are hundreds of Zilin flame gun knights, who died under the **** ride!

When the gods dissipated and only recognized it, they discovered the power of the battlefield. At the source, it is the opposite of the jade!

"The konjac! What magic tricks did you make, and I taught the unicorns!"

Reaching for the opposite side is a five-color giant mountain, pressed against the opposite side.

Zong Shou’s eyes flashed, and the sword clenched in his hand was squirted half an inch.

However, at this time, a **** knife, suddenly raised from his side, split the sky.

It was the first snow, the **** knife was controlled, and the mountain was smashed with only one blow.

The five-color giant mountain was scattered and reunited. Instantly formed, and turned into a sword, smashing into the first snow.

"The five elements of the road are back to the spirit -"

Zong Shou can not help but stunned, this Yuntai real person, but it is also the same as the first snow, repairing the law of the five elements of the road!

Although the first snow repair is weak, but with the **** knife, it is barely able to compete.

The sword is still not sheathed, and the suffocation becomes more and more agglomerated.

Zong Shou can feel the faint feeling, a wave of turbulent waves, the vast ah, the king, is pouring from the throne of the nose.

The power that can be mastered by the king of martial arts is growing wildly.

It should be due to the potential change! It has always been his most anticipated moment,

The collapse of the 65,000-thousand-purple flame guns made the country's national movement abruptly increase at this moment. The temperament of the kingdom is naturally accompanied by a surge.

It was blocked by the first snow and the **** knife, and the Yuntai real person immediately threw a giant whip out of the sky, turning into a sky, and slamming in the direction of the **** gas mist below.

Knowing that a little delay at this time, there may be more soldiers killed in the gate.

Yuntai also refused to pursue the truth, and almost did not hesitate to put all the magical powers of Xianbao.

"One person in Yuntai, the strength is not good! Please help me with Xue Zhaidao!"

Xuezhai Ju Shi Liu is also a white and white face, and he has never been dragged with water, and he has slightly decapitated: "The two brothers of the Confucianism are now in the same breath, and they should do their best! Let's do this!"

The 60,000 knights of the Daomen are defeated, so today’s demon mob is only a failure, but it is a big defeat.

The hand is slightly raised, and a jade is thrown out. With millions of Ruixia, like a meteor, it is the head of the **** fog.

There is also a manuscript article that is full of handwriting, flying in the air.

After the opening, it was in the void, condensed into tens of thousands of 'protection' words, and tens of thousands of Zilin firearms knights landed below.

Zong Shou looked, but shook his head slightly. These two, when are you dead?

At this time, I felt up and down, and I was shrouded in coolness. Slightly tingling in the heart, the jade necklace on the chest is also an abnormal red mans.

However, there was no time to pay attention to Zong Shou. Mindful to silence, at this moment, suddenly out of the sword!

The savings have been enough to kill for a few months, and finally can be vented from the sword.

So when the sword was unsheathed ~www.readwn.com~ is already a gas-filled Quartet, an innocent killing, traversing the void inside and outside.


If there is no sword light, you must have crossed the battlefield for dozens of miles.

Yuntai was shocked and took the black steel whip back without hesitation. The gas of five colors is also condensed into a shield in front of the body.

Xue Zhaiju also has no other thoughts and other tens of thousands of ‘protection’ characters, which must be recalled. Condensed into a mask and caged. And the giant python is also hanging in front of it.

The blood sacred master in the air is also discolored. When I was willing to help, I saw Zong Shou’s side, and a figure flashed. It is Qiankun, but has no choice but to stop.

The ability to see the sturdy sword light, through the five shields, and more than enough, avoiding the steel whip, wearing the throat of the Yuntai real people!

The ruling code is indifferent, and it has been repaired for months. It is only a sword today! (To be continued)

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