Divine Brilliance

: 1066 life is extremely hard

One zero six six life is extremely hard

The Jianguang was stirred up in the throat of Yuntai’s real person, and it was completely cut off in his head.

However, his body was turned into a magical fog in a flash, disappearing without a trace. Only one piece of broken paper, fell, fell.

The figure of Yuntai was revealed at the distance of Sanzhang.

However, there is also a wound in the throat. It looks pale and papery, and it is very difficult to look across the eyes.

The only one is the average, and it’s only a short time. It’s the game of death.

But even at this time it is not good, a strange sword force rushed into the body. It is constantly impacting his life, so that the real yuan is smashing and smashing.

The body's veins are also broken, and the strength of the body is ten to 90%. It is necessary to fight against this sword, so that it will not be seriously injured.

This sword is a smash!

It is above the killing of the sword, and has reached the late stage of the sword soul!

Strong swordsmanship! Such a kendo, such a powerful Wang Dao martial arts. Even if he joins with the Yuntai, it may not be able to resist.

Then look at the right direction, then see a **** light, pierced into his eyes.

Only this moment has been delayed, and the 65,000 purple flaming guns have been left. The **** fog went out and opened a few miles away!

The pain in the chest was difficult, implicating the injury, and Yuntai suddenly spit out a blood.

At this time, Yin Yu, also feels cold and cold, and looks at the front.

If it wasn't the blood that splashed out from the gimbal, and the smell of odor, he still doubted whether he was dreaming.

"It’s just a loss of 60,000 Xuanjie Daobing. I have a 700,000 army!"

"There is still a chance! The only affected is the Zilin flame gun ride. The right wing still has an iron ride of 100,000, and 20,000 Xuanjie Daobing!"

"There is a chance to have a fart! It was absorbed by the blood cloud and absorbed the blood of a whole sixty-six-six-order powerhouse. Even with the second-order war, it is hard to win. Not to mention the door valves of the various worlds. mob?"

"How long can it last for a long time! I can only expect that I will be able to break the enemy before the right wing!"

It seems to confirm the words of the previous person. When the blood fog spreads out to twenty miles away, the momentum of the blood cloud ride is no longer possible.

Three thousand rods of blood, like a **** of death, are harvesting life.

The 20,000 Xuanjie Daobing soldiers are still okay, able to resist the blood and fog.

The rear of the 100,000 large commercial iron ride, but most of them do not exceed the third-order peak. Entangled by the blood, often squatting in the dozens of breaths, it has gradually exhausted. The speed of the sprint is greatly slowed down, and even returning to escape is not available.

Was drowned by the surging tide of redness! trample! Broken into blood meal!

After easily smashing the 200,000-strong squadron of the right wing of the big business, the 30,000-year-old blood ride was not tired. Not only is it not tired, but it is more inspiring!

With the help of **** gas, physical strength is better than before the war, and the fighting is extremely prosperous.

Under the leadership of Zongyuan, the entire array of horses completed an unusually beautiful roundabout and began to hit the waist of the Dashangzhong Army.

Blood cloud rides invincible name, is built with countless blood and record! As long as there is **** gas to take, and there is a spiritual slaughter, then there will never be exhaustion!

"This is simply a demon!"

On the brakes of the forty-nine dragons of the Marathon, the body of the left letter trembled and looked purple gold.

"Sure enough, it's a devil, a demon! So riding a army, how different from a demon?"

Everyone did not speak, silently looking at the front. Just in the moment of the moment, a group of illusory Buddha shadows came. The Buddha’s light, the 100,000 soldiers in the forefront of the Dagan Zhongjun, were shrouded in a layer of golden vanishing.

With a little insight, I can see that this is a Buddhist guardian of the Buddha. I have already read the King Kong Mantra. For the army of the big dry, bless the body of King Kong.

At this time, no matter how unimportant, I also know the 200,000 Yellow Steps of the Chinese Army. No matter how many times it is possible to defeat the opposing army in a short period of time.

The situation is changing, and it is still a big win, but now it is in a desperate situation.

Is it true that Dashang is going to be defeated here today?

Just then, at this moment, the golden sky flashed in the void. The blue sky outside Sanli was cut open in a hollow space, and more than a hundred people were seen crossing it.

"Well? This is the Damen swordsman!"

"One hundred and forty-two people, this is three sets of Dabeidou Zhenwujian array!"

At this time, all the ministers in front of Yin Yu’s body seemed to have caught the straw and the spirit was slightly refreshed.

Yes! In addition to the ruined Zilin flame gun ride, there are thousands of Heaven and Earth second-order soldiers.

This war is still far from the time of desperation.

Yuntai is not optimistic, the battle of the shackles, the most lost of the gates are the true swordsmen, and the second-order squadrons of the various worlds.

At that time, there were fewer than one in ten who followed the few people who entered the world and were able to survive.

Although Daomen bought thousands of slaves a few years ago, he lost his money at this time.

After the war, the power of the high-order soldiers between the six circles of the cloud industry once again restored balance.

Therefore, the entire door up and down, from the beginning to the end did not pin their hopes on those heavenly soldiers, just need to hold each other.

At this time, the intervention of the three big Beidou Zhenwujian arrays also means that the situation will be even tighter.

The Cangsheng Road and the Swordsman Buddhism will surely oppress the counterattack.

Looking at the opposite side again, after seeing the car that was guarded, there were also 72 monk monks who rose slowly. They are similar in each other's breath, and they are similar to the swords used by the ancestors.

"Source sea sorcerer!"

The pupils of Yuntai’s real people are shrinking, and the battle of the nine dynasties is over, and he has heard it a little.

The group of sea otters who are under the sect of Zongshou are also famous for this.

Sure enough, this teacher Ruolan brought back to the cloud world, it is impossible to just be the fifteen ground-level airships!

Seventy-two source sea otters, even if the combat power is not as exaggerated as the rumors, it is enough to contain three big Beidou Zhenwu sword array.

His gaze turned to look after the brakes.

"Your Majesty, dare to ask the yin and yang nails of Xuan Guoshi, how long does it take to complete?"

Even if you are defeated today, you must remove the blood sword monster!

Yin Yu’s eyes flashed slightly, and his look was light: “Before the forty-nine days, the national division has begun to prepare. When it is finished, when it is seven o'clock!”

In the end, it was the king who had experienced countless storms. The situation was so sinister, but it was calmed down, showing the style of Ming Jun.

Next to the snow, the layman Liu Li looked in the eyes, but also showed appreciation.

Winning is not arrogant, it really is the owner of ZTE of Dashang!

"You don't need to worry about your majesty, this sorcerer's lord will go against it, and sooner or later there will be a day of sacredness. Heaven will bless the big business, the country will last forever!"

Yuntai listened to the side while watching the day. It is a slight sneer, if today is defeated, the entire cloud world, I am afraid that they all fall into the palm of the opposite devil!

Heavenly condemnation? It is better to count on those foreigners.

However, what time is it? Look at the hour, this time has passed six times. Only a little time, the heavy yin and yang nail mantra can be completed.

still have a chance!

Less than half a quarter of an hour is enough for the spell to be completed.

But only the next moment, a thought suddenly came from outside the void, into his knowledge of the sea.

The Yuntai suddenly stopped, and the whole body was completely petrified. After an instant, it only feels ridiculous.

how is this possible? That single person, killing hundreds of thousands of disciples, killing the blasphemy; even being rejected by the entire Confucianism, regarded as a Confucian enemy, the person who is disgusted with the prince, how could it be -

Lifting his head, the Yuntai looked subconsciously to the opposite side, and then he saw that the snow-stayed layman Liu Li, his expression was even more shocking, as if he had seen a ghostly expression, but he still had a few points. Panic and stunned.

"How is it possible? How can a strange prince compare to the ancient sages?"

In front of the Jiuchi Palace, above the imperial concubine, Zong Shou Duan sat on the royal chair, his brows wrinkled tightly.

Yuntai escaped at the last moment, not too much beyond his expectations.

Daomen's amulet has always been famous. In particular, the two characters that are produced in the world are the power of life and death.

Seeing that the two opposites no longer interfered in the battle, Zong Shou also stopped his hand and took the sword back.

Not eager for a moment, his mind has been set. In front of this wine palace today, within a hundred miles, above the spiritual level, no one can escape from his sword!

Even the holy order is no exception!

At this time, I was more concerned about the abnormality in the body, which made him feel vigilant and puzzled.

At this time, the feeling of shadyness in the body, somehow, is becoming more and more powerful.

The tingling sensation in the heart is even more pronounced. The red jade necklace on the chest gave a crisp ‘咔嚓’ sound.

It was a trace of cracks, as if it could be broken at a touch, and more red light appeared.

Kong Yao felt it the first time. After turning around, in the stars, the color of the mistakes.

After all, I was born in Kong, and I saw some clues.

"It seems that there is a ban on the law, the atmosphere is extremely evil, and it can be straightforward!"

It is a pity that she has lost her eye and is extremely sensitive on the battlefield. However, at the moment, it is impossible to see what happened at this time.

That whispered day also seemed to feel something, once again lowered his body and snarled in the direction of the Shangjun. Not only did the body begin to swell, but a piece of purple gold scales appeared. The majesty of the beastmaster king ~www.readwn.com~ is gradually spreading.

It is also strange to say that with the roar of the roaring day, the power of the chill in the body of Zong Shou has instantly faded a lot.

Even the sense of tingling in the chest is gradually faded away, almost unconscious.

"Curse? Is it a mystery?"

The look of Zong Shou’s face is extremely unattractive. The curse of the master of the opera is not a joke.

But usually this kind of mantra does not require people's birthday characters, or even hair and flesh?

"This is not clear, I only know that this curse is extremely evil and requires a lot of blood and soul!"

Kong Yao shook his head and did not care, and continued to pay attention to the battle ahead. However, the view of the afterglow, but see the face of the Zun Shouqing, so the endure, endless smile.

"What are you afraid of? Kong Yao does not know what it is, but everyone who has a very hard life is uncomfortable with this ban. For example, the king and the martial arts king, a force to force the evil spirits to invade. You Zong Shou is almost the same -" (to be continued.

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