Divine Brilliance

: 1163 does not regret robbery

In the Fenghua Palace of Emperor Jingcheng, Yin Yu was expressionless and looked at several memorials before the case.

And a minister, it is just a quiet voice, standing under the gallery.

The previous storm, from top to bottom. Countless people have lost their official positions, and even seven families have been on the verge of falling.

The master can't help but be frightened.

Some of the old ministers, but the eyes are gratifying. At this moment, Yin Yu made them seem to see the Emperor Yuan Chen when he was young. It’s very popular and sharp.

In just three days, I will sweep away the enchanting atmosphere. The family of the door valve that is becoming more and more mad is completely ruthless, and even dare not speak.

After waiting for about half a moment, Yin Yu finally put the hand down.

"It is the general of the town of South China, the governor of the South, the West, and other seven continents. Shi Qianli Shi Qing, the book said that the old and weak, lack of energy. To resign the military of the seven provinces!"

The ministers below are all a glimpse of each other, and they are silent. The rise of Shijia in the past six months has implicitly the momentum of the Southwest King.

At this time, the resignation of the book, is this ready to admit defeat to the emperor, the concession shows weakness? Still have another plan?

On the side of the royal drive, the stone stood quietly, and the face was calm and stone-free.

"Your Majesty! Shi Qianli is at the time of the year's rich and powerful, saying that he is old and weak? It is nothing more than a test of the court. This person has a bad heart. Before the war in Jiangnan, this person has more arbitrarily adjusted the army and restrained the court. Please squat down.诏 Reprimand, Sona Jingzhong asked for sin!"

A figure, from the class. It seems that since I asked myself to figure out the meaning of Yin Yu, this person’s words are stunned and upright.

"Further, the general of the south of the town, the governor of the seven provinces, is indeed too weighty, almost equal to the separatist party. In the opinion of the minister, it is better to abandon."

Shi Yue raised his eyelids and looked at the person. Look at the official gown should be from the seventh house to the imperial history, but he did not remember the name. It seems that the surname is sealed.

At this time, momentum. It seems to be a strong mountain, but from time to time to look at the side of the person.

Is this a pawn?

The fine mans in Shi Yue’s eyes converge. He also wants to know, at this time, Yin Yu, what is the attitude towards Shijia?

With twelve bronzes, you can suppress the Holy Spirit. However, in Yin Yu itself, there are enough Saints before the monks. It is far from being invincible.

At least at this time, Shijia, although there is no force to confront, there is Enron's ability to escape from the cloud.

Yin Yu smiled, with the pleasure that others could not detect.

At this time, it was an arrogance, and even the five gate valves could only bow in front of his throne. It is as embarrassing as the lamb to be slaughtered.

But who knows his embarrassment a few months ago?

He was forced to decentralize and gave the land of the seven provinces to Shijia. In the middle of the DPRK, it was almost joined by the family of the powers, almost completely overhead.

Until then, when I saw Shi Qianli’s resignation, he only felt the evil in his chest.

"The general of Zhennan is in charge of the Baisheng Pass, but it is the insistence of the general. It leads the seven provinces in the southwest. There is nothing wrong with it in the past six months. It is the meaning of Qing. Is it to punish the minister without sin?"

The cold voice made the name of the seal in the temple. Suddenly, my heart sank.

However, the tone of Yin Yu, then another turn.

"However, I am a big merchant and a half-country tax, the power of the seven provinces, the army of ten million. The war will be a million members. But after the teacher can not be shackled, only one Yushengguan is held."

Shi Yue still has no expression, but faintly has already guessed the meaning of Yin Yu.

Sure enough, I only listened to Yin Yu and continued to say: "I have always been deeply aware of Shi Qing’s talents, and I have relied on the arm of the shackles. I don’t know if Shi Qing can recapture the land of Jiangnan within three months?"

The voice was implemented, and within the hall, it was silent. All eyes are on the stone.

Shi Yue is helpless, can only be a ritual, sighed and replied: "My father has a long time, if you know the words of your Majesty, you will definitely go all out!"

"Let him not be too careless, to move."

Yin Yu laughed and looked unpredictable: "I heard that the dark world has sent a large army, and the power of the ruling is under the jurisdiction of the heavenly world. This is a rare opportunity, only hope that your father will not miss it. In addition, he should be in need of the army. Capital, I will definitely do my best to raise him here. Whether it is tax increase or conscription, it is up to your father."

Shi Yue is not only not happy, but his eyes are even more heavy.

The more Yin Yu is doing everything seemingly impeccable, the more he can't push it.

And within three months, you can't attack Jiangnan. Then it is a matter of course to plead guilty.

At that time, Yin Yu was righteous, and even if it was a stone house, no one could have objections.

The coldness of the heart breeds, and Shi Yue once again greets one another: "There will be a teller."

Yin Yu just smiled and put the play in front of him in his hands.

At this time, there was another person in the class, but it was the direct scholar of the Hanlin Academy.

"Chen has a present!"

The hand-cranked chapter was taken over by the **** and sent to Yin Yu.

"The guilty minister does not regret, and he does not think of repentance in prison. He speaks loudly. He is faint and incompetent in his words. He can't listen to his words. He has been arrogant and arrogant. He said that it is so good, then the collapse of the big business is in front of you. Not more than three years. These words are clearly a resentment for your Majesty."

Yin Yu frowned, took the chapter in his hand, only for a moment, his face was a burst of white. That sentence is a thorny one.

The robes of his body are all without wind and the blue ribs rise next to the forehead.

"If you want to go your own way, and then you don't think about politics, you can easily move your troops and spend your time in the country. I will die in three years. This is very good!"

However, he calmed down in an instant, and Yin Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

"Zuo Qing, this gold does not regret, is your student, what do you say?"

"Chen and this erect, although they were masters and apprentices. However, a year ago, they had been ruined."

Zuo Xin looked awkward: "Even if it is still a teacher and apprentice ~ www.readwn.com~ This is a disciple who has no father and no king, the minister has to cut the robe to break the righteousness. The minister asked to apply the punishment of the waist, to see and hear, to warn the descendants! ”

The more the stone is smashed, the gold does not regret? Waist? How can this be?

With a heart to discourage, Shi Yue is dumb.

At this time, the Shi family itself is hard to protect, and what to save?

If it is still heavy, it will certainly be exhorted. But at this moment, who else can stop Yin Yu?


Yin Yu took a few breaths and seemed to be still angry. The last one was cold and cold: "Even if it is the punishment of the late bus, it is hard to get angry. However, after reading this, after all, it is a public. Seeing your face, it is a gauntlet! After death, the head is hanging over the palace gate. Before. I would like to see if this big chamber of commerce is really as he said, three years will die!"

Shi Yue’s body was shaken and then calmed down. The ministers in the temple, either indignantly filled with anger, or praised in the mouth, utterly wise, no one opposed. (To be continued)

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