Divine Brilliance

: 1164 New National Teacher

"After the courtiers, please practice by the spirits, leaving the soul of the gold that is not regrettable, and is in the head!"

The noise in the temple was silent, and the eyes of the people were slightly strangely cast to Shi Yue.

If you have not heard the mistake, the person who speaks is the one.

Shi Yue did not care, calmly said: "This person is so arrogant and rude, disrespectful of the father. It is so embarrassing, it is too cheap for him. Since he is going to hang his head in the city, let this gold I don’t regret seeing my big business, ZTE. So it’s better to leave the gods and let them see for themselves. Is the big business dead in three years? The minister also wants to know that he doesn’t regret it, is he really not remorating?”

Yin Yu listened quietly, and at first sight, it was slightly unpleasant. After a while, there was a bit of sarcasm, and I looked at Shi Yue with a bit of fun: "Shi Yue, do you want to save his life? It’s really painstaking! I also heard that you used to live with the sect. , 惺惺 惺惺 ??"

The more the stone is silent, this is the only thing he can do for Kim. He owed a few years ago to his loyalty, and he always remembers it. At this time, it may be the only opportunity to be repaid.

"It’s just like what you mean!"

Just as the atmosphere in the hall gradually became suppressed, Yin Yu suddenly became a chuckle and was born: "However, Kim does not regret this son, and he hates it deeply! This generation of enemies can kill, leaving his gods can, However, it can't make it better. You can punish the soul every seven days-"

Shi Yue’s face has finally changed slightly, and I know that this matter is already fixed. I can’t change it anymore. It’s useless to persuade myself. Yin Yu Ying Ming wise, can not be arrogant to deceive.

However, once Zong Shou can't save people. Kim does not regret that he may not be able to die in the next few hundred years.

That is to be able to escape, and in the future, there is no way to enter.

A sigh. Shi Yue returned to the original place. Keep your eyes open and look no further.

The only thing he could not have expected was that after defeating the South Xinjiang and getting the Yin Yu of the 12th National Copper Man, it was already the image of the former generosity and forgiveness.

At this time, another person came out of the class, but he was a minister of the Ministry of Rites.

"Your Majesty, at this time by the Dagan messenger. Has been to the Imperial City, want to see his Majesty. Words and sorrows of the world of the world, the military front is less than ten days from the cloud. At this time, the big business, the lips are cold. Please face the holy, please send your troops under the arm. Take the army with the imperial demon. Do not make the war of aliens burn to the cloud!"


The Yin Yulu was interested and curious: "With the arrogance of the sect, I will also bow down to ask for help from my big business?"

The priest of the rites was first ceremonious, and this was elaborated: "The lord of the big lord has disappeared. It has been a few days since, and so far there has been no result. I only heard that it still exists. But what is the situation, it is still unknown. The messenger came when he was ordered by the cabinet of the Dagan."

"The life of the cabinet? Then Li Qing, how can he not expel him from the Imperial City? Is it in favor of his words? The lips are cold and cold. Qing thinks it makes sense?"

Yin Yu’s gaze and cold questioning made Li’s surname, suddenly, like a earthy color.

Zuo Du Yu Shi Zuo Xin, also sneer out loudly: "I only remembered asking for help from me at this time? However, before. I have never seen the sect, and I have been merciful to me. I helped them. Let that Big dry and slow, then can you calmly use the soldiers again?"

Li surnamed helpless, and sincerely feared: "It is the sorrow of the sorrow, please kneel down! The court heard that the dark world has a hundred million troops, palms four hundred worlds, there are seventy provinces, and it has been sweeping in the past. In the cloud world, I have been forced to die in the three kings of the cloud. I am in the middle of the Central Plains, and I am the first to bear the brunt.

"The world of that day, lost when you lose it. The army of the night demon, you also have the law of retreating the enemy! Li Qing, you really care too much."

Yin Yu said so, but my heart is already thinking. This person in front of me, the root of the ear is too soft, it is not suitable for the position of the minister. It is best to use it for leisure, not for the real power.

However, in the next moment, a piece of text suddenly pierced into his mind.

- Your Majesty seems to be guilty of conscience, but in fact you just use it yourself, you can't listen to the words of the ear. It is often seen as a pawn, like a mustard, rather than a skeleton.

It was just one of the many words that Kim did not regret when he recorded the left singer.

Yin Yu’s face was suddenly white and white, and for the time being, he reprimanded the dismissal of his resignation. He said: “But it’s not impossible for me to send a soldier to the military. Let’s let the defender hand over the land of the Jiangnan Wuzhou, and cede it. Nanfeng Yunlu, you can send troops to help fight!"

After a little hesitation, he then sneered: "Besides, I have seen his love for Kong Kong and Yao, and it is absolutely beautiful. I have missed it recently, but I can ask this woman to enter Beijing as a quality-"

The voice has not fallen. The ministers are all in shock and look at the Yin Yu above.

In any case, this sentence should not be from the mouth of a Mingjun.

I also always feel that this Yuanchen emperor seems to be somewhat wrong, slightly different from the past.

Whether it is the means of disposing of gold, or the words of genius, it is not like the previous Yuanchen.

Zuo Xin also slightly doubts the color of doubt, subconsciously wants to make words and exhortations.

However, the next moment, I saw the cold eyes of Yuan Chen, and scanned it. It is extremely cold and cold, making people cool and cool. Suddenly shut your mouth and hang your head down.

At this time, it is never wise to anger Yin.

These conditions are extremely demanding, and the meaning of Yin Yu should be just a humiliation of a slogan, and a bit of a bad breath in the chest. It’s no big deal to think carefully.

If Dagan really agrees, the shameful will only be Dagan and Zongshou.

The stone is next to it, but it is hidden. Is this the Yin Yu, swallowed up the beginning of Qin Longqi, the reason of the Qin Emperor?

The history book says that Qinhuang’s tyranny is by no means a cause. Yin Yu’s Wang Dao martial arts, though strong at this time. After all, its martial arts foundation is weak, and it is also expected to be affected by the Qin Emperor.

Legend has it that the dragon has a reverse scale, and it will die!

Zong Shou is undoubtedly a true dragon. This Yin Yu today, but two consecutive things, has touched the Zongshou bottom line. But I don’t know what the defensive, what will happen?

Shi Yue shook his head and felt that Kim did not regret it. In order to preserve the big business, the company has lost its position.

The palliative group of ministers, in order to cage the family Confucianism, so that domestic corruption. I can’t see myself anymore, and I don’t know the details of the people.

Even if there are twelve towns and bronzes in hand, the people’s hearts have been lost. The disasters everywhere in the country, the only places of tranquility, but also by many powerful families, the court heavy tax crush, has been unbearable.

If there is no governance for more than a decade, it is difficult to clarify the people of the world.

In just half a year, I want to rebuild the troops, and in Shi Yue’s opinion, this is simply crazy.

On the contrary, it is a big job. The people are less than big businessmen, but they are frivolous. If you really want to fight again, it may not be really weak. At the time of crisis, you can double your soldiers at any time.

Zong Shou was called by the body of the Holy King to resist the night army, but he was afraid that it would be the best in the world.

But all people of insight know that if the night magic army is coming, the cloud world will be a big robbery.

Yin Yu thought that there were twelve towns and bronzes in the hands of the people, so they could rest easy, is it too big?

The foundation is unstable, and there is no such thing as a town or country. In the future, I am afraid that the town will not be able to live.

However, at this time, Yin Yu is really qualified to have no fear. Unless Zong Shou can evict the night demon, or step into the border, it really takes the Yin Yu helpless.

Just thinking deeply, I heard that there was another person in the class that said: "The Southern Xinjiang 殒龙原一战, Zong Shou erect is mean! Let me be the elite of the business, ten percent off. Chen asked to rebuild the ban! Practice millions of soldiers!"

Someone immediately opposed: "A million soldiers? But I am a big business, and now there is still a lot of money here? All the disasters in the land need to be helped. The four soldiers will also be repressed. In these years, the tide has risen, but there is no drought. However, there are frequent floods everywhere, and the river banks have been in disrepair for a long time, which requires money."

"In the first battle of southern Xinjiang, it is even more necessary to supply the food of the Baishengguan army. The savings of the households have been consumed. It is powerless!"

"This is a singularity! Now there is still room for national taxation. If you add a little tax, it would be no problem. I must be willing to help the country. For a maximum of two or three years, you can reduce the tax. Self-cultivation!"

"In fact, there is no need to start with taxes. I have a lot of minerals in China, and there are countless minerals. In recent years, the courts have lost their investigations, and most of them have fallen into the pockets of the world's families. There are more greedy ministers, and they only need to go to the court. Check, clean up, and have the resources to raise the army!"

The more the stone listened quietly, the eyes of the Emperor Yuanchen were squinted. I saw Yin Yu’s faceless expression, but the eyes were cold and ironic.

Shi Yue couldn't help but move in the heart. Is it the scene of the Yuan Chen Emperor, deliberately arranged?

The chest can't help but sink again. The more the stone shakes his head, whether it is or not, it means that Yin Yu is ready to work on the families of the world and the ministers of many countries.

Not a mistake, but a little anxious, and can't see yourself.

It’s just that this matter has nothing to do with him. Shi Yue is not willing to speak again but persuade.

At this point, he has been disheartened. Say what loyalty, that is pedantic.

The matter of conscription, about half an hour~www.readwn.com~ This is a stop.

Later, it was discussed that the Prince was in the cold, and he had disappeared for seven days. I only know this one. A few days ago, I also entered the tomb of Qin Emperor.

Yin Yu is a burning sensation and is concerned about a few words.

Shi Yue, somehow, felt that the Yuanchen emperor, in fact, did not care about the death of Yin Han, but he was happy to see it.

If you think about it carefully, you will know why, and you will devour the beginning of Qin Long, the Qin Emperor. Yin Yu has already extended his life, and he can rule the country for another 200 years. What is the use of the Prince?

The ministers are talking about it, and Shi Yue suddenly gave birth to induction. Immediately, the spirit and the eye, through a lot of obstacles, looked into the distance.

Before I saw the palace gate, a man with a black robe and a strange charm was standing there.

"I am Li Bixue! I am willing to succeed as a business teacher -"

Shi Yue's pupil, suddenly shrinks, and then laughed, it turned out to be the ultimate magic, no wonder! This is Yin Yu, not afraid of the family's rebound, unscrupulous emboldened,

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