Divine Brilliance

: 1169 Gods and spirits

After seven days, Zong Shoucai reawakened from the finalization.

The essence of this piece of time and space is actually enough for him to take it for three days before it will eventually dry up.

However, Zong Shou did not know how to do it at this time. From a few days ago, there was some feeling of horror.

There is always a feeling that something really bad is happening.

So obviously three days later, he can make his body more important, but he is not ready to continue.

The mind is tempted and holds the curse. In a beggar, the flow of residual refinement suddenly accelerated, and it became a whirlpool and merged into the battle.

Before Zongshou’s body, he formed a drop of transparent golden pulp, which was round and shaped like amber.

This is the essence of the marrow, which is the method used by the ancient monks to preserve the essence.

In fact, it is still a lot of wasted, but it is always much better than giving up. In the future, you only need to open the marrow, as for the dragon inside, it has already been separated by Yuan Yijian.

When all the fine elements here are condensed into beads, they are preserved by the sect.

This piece of small world debris has lost its support and the pieces have been untied.

Zong Shou had been prepared, and a move, with Su Xiaoxiao and Chu Xue, jumped out of the original space. In the void world, avoid the burst of time and the storm of time and space.

In fact, he repaired it, even if it is not a force. It can only be unscathed by the hard body.

The reason why I avoided it is that I don’t want Su’s small injury and what is repeated.

"It should be!"

Zong Shou is a surprise at this time, looking at the purple gold epee in front of him.

He woke up at this time. It is not only because of the ominous feeling of the heart, but also because of this refining, finally crossing the boundary and elevating to the level of the gods.

The red-white light shrouded it, hitting the blade and bombarding the spirit.

Artifacts are also robbed. After the looting, it is equal to the monks entering the country.

The spirit of the spirit will last forever, and the treasure itself will never wear out, and it will be with the Tao. Even if it is shattered by a more powerful god. It will also be revived after a period of time.

Unless there is one person, the monk will forcibly take the ‘dao’ fusion and achieve the foundation of the situation.

God treasures robbery, but it is much easier than the monks. Although there is a ‘spirit’. However, after all, it is a dead thing.

However, his master can't intervene, and he needs to refine the sword to resist it.

In fact, this robbery itself is also a process of self-refining.

The red light thunder continued to shine, and the refining sword also spit out the sword from time to time. Circling and empty, incomparably dexterous, entangled with these light thunders.

Zong Shou is watching the side, and is also concentrating on understanding and understanding the roads contained in the thunder!

On the one hand, it can consolidate the ‘dao’ word gods that gains its own. On the other hand, it prints its own understanding of these ‘rebellious robbing’ into the sword of the refining.

Can not directly shoot. However, in such an indirect method. But it does not matter.

Make the latter more relaxed, a sword and sword out, one by one to break through the endless mine.

The accumulation of swords gas gradually spread over a hundred feet, shining the entire boundary river.

Until the last glory. Also shattered by Jianguang. The endless sword light, only then received a slap in the face, Guanghua concentrated, and returned to the hands of Zong Shou.

Zong Shou held. Immediately there is a sense of flesh and blood, more like yourself, is holding the big 'dao' itself.

It is similar to the feeling of the **** moon knife. However, although the sword of the refining sword is not his second sword, it is a spirit, but after all, he has been with him for nearly ten years.

The connection between the two minds is not comparable to the ordinary Shenbao Xianbing.

"Beautiful sword -"

The first snow was amazed and the eyes glowed slightly. Zong Shou only noticed that the sword itself is still a purple-gold sword. A piece of scales, covered in layers, covering the blade, as if it were a dragon scale.

On top of these 'scales', there is a **** pattern. Make this sword even more beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

These lines should be innate lines.

Zong Shou has a hand touch, these lines are the refining of the sword under the impact of robbery, and his own ideas, born innate.

It’s not too much to rob the ‘Away of the Sky’ in the Scriptures, but it’s infinitely close.

And the inside of this refining sword is also unexpected, up to four.

——Receive the word gods, refine the word gods, pure word gods, and make up the word gods.

Every kind of avenue does not touch the roots of the Tao. Except for the second ‘refining’ word, it is not complete. However, it forms a flawless chain, and the four avenues are almost perfect.

Zong Shou silently sensed for a moment, then the eyes with different colors, let the sword of the refining.

The heart is a great pity, but unfortunately the last kind of avenue is not complete.

The ‘complement’ word of God’s decision is not a simple replenishment, but a deficiency of the heavens and the loss of the heavens and the earth.

Not only can he reinforce the sword itself, but he can also strengthen his body, his soul, his spiritual method, his martial arts. Even the lack of his avenue.

It is a pity that only half of it is like a **** knife. Only half of the word 'borrowing' is a god. Otherwise, this is a half-piece of the gods.

I don’t know if it’s because of the scorpio, or because of the thoughts of the scorpion ten thousand years ago, I have not been able to achieve perfection.

The congenital pattern that condenses after the refining of the sword can not be completed.


Zong Shouxin regrets this magical treasure. It has been able to absorb all the similar soul and blood in the refining world. Refining and purifying, replenishing itself.

Into the order of the treasure, you can increase the power of nine times, nine times the body, nine times the law!

Nine is the ultimate, the refining sword has achieved the ultimate ability to enhance. However, it is impossible to enhance the essence of the law. Let the 12th and so on destroy the world, and advance to the thirteenth. Bringing the strength of his early days to the late part of the Holy Land

Although it is also rare, the gods who dream of the world can compare with the latter, but wait for it.

However, this sword has another function, but Zong Shou is quite happy.

‘Refining’, this sword can refine everything! There is the meaning of refining and refining.

Originally, there is not much use, but a pure word can be added, but the meaning is different.

When Zong Shou’s mind was moved, a pale flame was ignited in the palm of his hand.

First, it is into the body, you can feel the body of the body, are being burned.

Just for a moment, Zong Shou can know. If it is burned by the fire of the sword of the sword every year, his flesh and his fairy power will increase by six times the usual practice.

Introduced into the Yuanshen, I felt a sense of tingling. There are also a lot of subtle magazines, which are burned and refined by this fire of refining the gods.

Zong Shou also held a momentary dragon, holding it in his hand. Then he only had to be embarrassed, and in his eyes, he once again expressed ecstasy.

Sure enough!

Recently, he has been worrying about the swords and the stars of the Ten Commandments. Although he has enough materials, he cannot refine.

The usual spiritual fire is enough, but it can't make him integrate God's perfection into these objects, and realize the integration of the mind.

You can only slowly use the water to practice the exercises, and engrave the mind with your heart.

I even thought about it, and went to the innocent world to find a white hole.

At this point, the refining of the sword is advanced, but it is the solution to his problem.

There is a kind of enlightenment in the heart. This fire of refining the gods is passive and has no quality. It is a fire without roots. Should be integrated into any flame -

So many times, his three thousand stars, ten annihilation of the sword, can be a climate.

Xi is not self-satisfied, and Zong Shou has directly absorbed this sword into the sea.

The soul of the sea is the two major nuclear cores in the monk. The soul sea is occupied by Yuan Yijian, and this sea of ​​sea is naturally owned by the Excalibur.

Then with the idea to pull, so that the fire of the refining **** spread throughout the body. Zong Shou is prepared from now on, unless there is a war, it will burn with this fire every day.

Just forcibly poured into countless fine elements, many can not absorb, still precipitated in the body.

This refining of the fire of God is just enough to help him refine.

Although this sword of refining is strong, it is stronger than the **** knife. It can also make a half step to the ground and have the equivalent of the early stage of the battle.

However, for its own sake, the use of aid is stronger than its ability to fight.

Helping people to practice can save six times.

Such a value, ten **** knives, can not be compared.

In a certain sense, it can even be compared with the increase of Xuan.

"This refining **** has been promoted to the soldiers. I don't know what other six swords are like?"

Refining God is the head of the Seven Swords and the main sword. The most advanced qualifications, and the experience of the robbery, the other six swords will also be sensed. In essence, it will also improve and form a chain effect. The possibility of promotion will also increase greatly.

Therefore, this sect is admired for the eternal scorpion. Only two of the seven swords have been successfully promoted. For the rest of the swords, there is no possibility of failure.

That is, a whole set of killing soldiers!

When you are here, you will be able to get it, but once you get together, don’t say it is the character of Li Bixue. It’s half-step truth, too -

Zong Shou’s eyes flashed, suddenly realized,

This set of swords, I am afraid that it is not only used for the town, but I am afraid that it is for the sake of the deep behind the scenes.

A peerless powerhouse that stands shoulder to shoulder with the blind!

The heart stopped again, and the face of Zong Shou~www.readwn.com~ was suddenly white, and woke up from meditation.

It’s a real ominous sign that it’s a whim and a sympathetic world.

There was a black dragon's breath blocking, and until these days became thinner, he could perceive it, but it was vague.

So, the ominous things have already happened a few days ago?

what exactly is it?

Unexplained in the first snow, he asked with concern: "There is nothing wrong with the Lord, is the sword refining God? Cher is looking good, at least better than my **** month -"


Zong Shou shook his head slightly and suppressed his mind: "In the first place, go back and say!"

Su Xiaoxiao has rebuilt the Taoist base, but still relies on the nine top-level Xianzhen to continue his life.

In the midst of the urgency, it is the first time to return to the shackles of the world. Then I will ask carefully, what happened during this month.

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