Divine Brilliance

: 1170 I don't know how to live and die

Leaving this emptiness of the emptiness of the boundary river, Zong Shou drove the demon gods, looking for the direction of the cloud world to go empty. M

The time-space storm caused by the bursting of the tomb of Qin Emperor is still looting nearby.

The speed of Zong Shou has also dropped drastically. It is not as difficult as an ordinary monk. But this magical gods, but also more or less affected, as if entering the illusory sea,

Let Zong Shou’s heart sink again. This time and space storm covers the sixty worlds. The world of heaven is also within this range.

If you want to transport your troops, you will definitely be affected. Only the ground-level warships can be safe and sound, and walk through this time and space storm.

Therefore, the speed of transporting troops will certainly be unsatisfactory. To know that Dagan is in the cloud world, there are only a dozen or so ground-level warships.

But think about it carefully, if the night demon family wants to invade here, I am afraid it is equally difficult.

Temporarily let go of the heart, and then the sects will see two light and shadows in the distance, and come to this place.

One of them is Lin Xuanzhen, and the other is the original. As soon as he was close, he smiled awkwardly: "I will say that your sect, the invincible figure, how can it be planted in a small Qin Emperor's tomb? It is unscathed."

Lin Xuanzang’s face is extremely unattractive: “You know that I am two, in this void, how long have you been looking for you?”

Shen Yuexuan rushed to the heavenly world early, in the Qin Emperor's tomb, when Xiaoqian world finally collapsed. Shen Yuexuan received at least 20,000 uncontrolled 傀儡仙兵.

No matter where you are, this power cannot be underestimated.

However, Shen Yuexuan left and searched for the traces of Zongshou. Only she and the original were harmless.

"It is helpless, it is hard to say!"

Zong Shou shook his head and felt strangely: "Is Li Xin not telling me where I am?"

Follow his thoughts. Just Li Xin returned with his script. Cangshengdao and Dagan ministers should know that his whereabouts are found.

"Li Xin?"

Lin Xuanzang is a beautiful airway: "He said that you have a special situation at this time, and I don't know who is credible. So I don't want to speak, saying that it is better to wait for a few people and risk your own return."

He also looked weird: "This person should be the best-known general at the time of the beginning of Qin. But it should be a corpse, but how did it become a living person? How did you get him down? It’s not easy to make this person a favorite."

"It's a coincidence! I have just another artifact on my body. I can restrain this person."

Zong Shou smiled and explained a sentence briefly. Then he asked calmly: "In the cloud world, what happened? I have been restless for a few days. I can't calm down -"

Just said here, I saw Lin Xuan’s look silent and slightly apologized.

In the heart of Zong Shou, suddenly squeaking, I know that the situation is not good.

And the original no injury is a sigh, a little headache: "The dark world magic has already broken into the heavenly world, it is said to be ten festivals. That Yin Yu won the twelve towns of the bronze people. Also invited Li Bingxue For the Dagan Guoshi. Recently it is very arrogant. But the most important thing is that Kim does not regret this idiot--"


Yangzi Jiangnan, Jinling City is in the east.

Wide light black and white Tai Chi stone altar. The two sit opposite each other.

This is the big dry new capital, just finished the good heaven. Jinling is one of the major business associations, and it has its own palace and complete official residence building.

It was built at the time of the big business, and it has been well preserved. Over the years, the Emperor has been patrolling.

Therefore, it is cheaper to make a big dry dynasty, just a little repair. No need to spend money.

This is also true for the Tiantan altar, which is many times more than the Tianshan style, and the location is excellent. High ninety-nine feet, located in the eye of the eye, all the body is the best stone.

Here you can cross the stone wall and view the scenery outside the city. It can be seen that a ship is striking each other.

A large ship is constantly passing the army of Dashang through the river and landing on the south bank.

In the entire Jinling City, it is also a sword. The 300,000-strong army is holding on to the four walls. There are also 100,000 troops stationed in various streets to suppress the city.

However, Kong Rui, but does not care.

Although the merchant army is flourishing, its military is elite, and it has already been in the battle of the gods.

At this time, it is mostly a newly-built army. It is not a big dream to want to conquer a city like Jinling City in a short time.

At this moment, he cares more, but it is the person in front of him.

"The emperor star moves to the left, this is the dragon swims out!"

The soul is reflected in the sky, Kong Rui's eyes, a hint of excitement is implicit. Then, with the eyes of the inquiry, I looked at the opposite side.

"I don't know the Mingri Xuan seniors, why do you think?"

That tomorrow, Xuan Xuan laughed: "It seems that he has already escaped from the disaster, but he is grateful. In fact, Kong Jianzheng is the master of the world, why do you need to ask me?"

Kong Rui smiled and said: "When I was born, I have already heard the name of the Japanese singer. The layman is not the ancestor in the eyes of those who study these numbers. But it is also the sect of the past and the master. So Kong Ruicai I want to ask!"

He smiled slightly: "It’s not as good as you and I bet a gamble. This big business country is a long-lived country.

“Is this a test?”

On the surface of the Ming Dynasty, the face is slightly different. When is a younger generation who has been separated by 10,000 years, dare to go to the school?

However, the people in front of you are reluctant to have this qualification.

Looking up at the sky, I saw that inside a scorpion, a stellar star was especially bright, and it seemed to be taking nutrients in general, so that dozens of stars around it were bleak.

Even before January, you can faintly contend with two stars. It was also suppressed at this time.

In fact, this star is like the sky at this time, and it has been chaotic again. It is covered by layers of force and disturbed. He is one of them.

The starry sky observed at this time is the situation that occurs after tomorrow's exclusion of countless illusions. It is also not true that it is right. It can only be used to judge the trend of the world.

"The swallowing of the dragon has not been solved. At this time, it is already a dragon. This is the new star bureau, the dragon is nine days, and the clouds are covered with rain. What is the difference between the big business and the national life? Is it nothing more than a return to the light? As for the big dry -"

That tomorrow, Xuan closed his eyes, and after a long time, this opened: "This is a smoldering tiger!"

Among the eyelids, there is a color that is unbelievable. Inferring such a star, it is beyond his imagination.

Kong Rui is also very surprised, he can only play the dragon dragon nine days star bureau this step. Then beyond his ability -

Compared with this tomorrow's Xuanju, his road, is it still a gap?

With a little meditation, Kong Rui has already smiled: "It seems that the hero sees the same thing, but others may not see it like this -"

He also said: "There is a gamble, and the last sentence @真能如如士士言, Kong Rui is willing to write a book, please squat, and seal the layman as my great teacher."

As for the future, he is only holding the hope of the day. At most, he only hopes to get Confucius' understanding. From Dagan, he won the title of a national guardian and gathered more gas for himself.

Unexpectedly, Kong Rui will be so high-spirited.

In the ancient times, the spirit of the qi is a pulse, and the qi is practiced. The gas is a thousand miles a day, and the gas is not as good as the boat.

Therefore, the name of 'Da Gan Guo Shi' is in the eyes of the practicing qi, not the same as the world's top Xianzhen.

The gas is like a spring, but the water is thin, so we must cherish it.

Kong Rui is obviously also a vein of refining, and he is assisted by the name of Tian Tianjian. In just a few years, it is up to Xianjie.

It is hard to imagine that this person will give up the position of the national teacher at his fingertips.

The look is different, and the reaction of Ming Ri Xuan is not slow: "Why do you need this? Mingri Xuan actually has no such intention."

"You are ignorant of the layman? The same is the practice of the gentleman, so the mind of the layman, Kong Rui can understand."

Kong Rui's faint smile: "The daughter of Kong Rui, not only in the big dry, but also in the side, the blood is connected. Kong Rui wants to be free from the scorpio, the position of this national teacher, or hand in hand."

Speaking of this, Kong Rui smiled again: "I will say that Kong Rui still has something to ask for help!"

That Mingri Xuan thought about it carefully, and that was the case.

But what about Dagan Guoshi? It’s really exciting, but it’s a matter of careful consideration.

I also thought about what Kong Rui was doing and asked for help. After a while, it is already clear.

"But is the battle for the Baishengguan? It is said that this battle was hosted by Kong Yaogui and personally sitting in the town?"

Kong Rui’s faceless expression of the dagger: “Exactly! Kong Rui wants to ask the layman to practice with me, and to invite the wind and rain.”

As tomorrow, Mingxuan knows that Baishengguan has been trapped by the Raven Lord.

To restrain this person's law, only a large amount of water vapor can be coalesced.

It is also clear that this is the real condition of Kong Rui.

If you want to be on the position of the national teacher, you will need his Mingri Xuan, first what to do for Dagan, and then open your mouth.

There is a decision in the heart, but tomorrow Xuan still laughs: "Now it is July, when the summer is dry. At this time, in the Baisheng Pass, the clouds are called, but it is against the sky."

"Not a Baisheng Pass, but the entire Jiangnan. As for the anti-day act? Since the layman has already decided that the big business is not enough, then this time it is against the sky, or it should be a good day, but it is two."

Kong Rui looked faint and did not move: "I broke the life for Kong Yao a few years ago, and I learned it. After the change of life, her life is no disaster! This life is smooth-"

When it comes to this, ~www.readwn.com~ Kong Rui suddenly paused, and his eyes looked coldly in the city.

I saw a dozen houses in the city, and suddenly there was a big fire, and the flames were soaring.

The quiet streets, countless people rushed out, the entire city is in the midst of noisy.

Kong Rui was not surprised, only sighed.

"I don't know how to live and die! Unfortunately, I am tired of the people in this city-"

There are Zongyuan in charge of defending the city, and there is a veteran of Tiger Qianqiu in the city, which can be used as an aid. A little chaos, not a climate.

As for tomorrow, Xuan smiled and understood. Why Kong Rui, to make this land in the south of the Yangtze River rain.

Only this method can delay the movements everywhere.

And at this time, a smirk, and suddenly passed.

"It can be seen in the present. Mr. Kong Rui, you are not knowing how to live and die!"

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