Divine Brilliance

Chapter 222: Cheng also this mine

At the same time in the car array, Zong Shou is silently watching the sky, the article has been reduced several times, is constantly being led by the original.

\"This **** God, today is really a thunder, and this defeat is also thunder!"

With the help of the Thunder in the sky, it is possible to smother the anger that is known for being unparalleled in the world.

However, because of this thunder, this time it is really the most troublesome situation. It can be said that he was the only one who had not been able to think of it beforehand.

Both Luo and Shi Dan are somewhat puzzled. Isn’t this a good situation? How is it good, this world child said a word of defeat? It seems that I have lost my confidence, and I have no confidence before.

They all turned their heads toward Zong Shou, and then the face was also white. I saw the black bronze mirror in the hands of Zongshou. At this moment, it was turned into a dark black color. The image inside was completely gone.

Then only a meditation, it is known what the degree is. When the electro-optic light enters the body, it is mostly the symbol of the Zongshou painted on the Zongyuan that is a piece of the magical armor, and it is completely damaged.

\"Sure enough, there is no good goods! I knew that it would be like this. I shouldn’t save money at the beginning. I bought all the six-order control of the soul. I regret it, I regret it!"

Shi Dan’s face is already white and white, and he wants to vomit blood.

The man who is in front of his own eyes, what kind of guy is it, obviously has seen the victory, but because he wants to save money, the result is that this battle, slipping the unpredictable land, is really speechless.

There is no control of the Zongshou, and the three thousand armor rides, I am afraid that it is only necessary to be shackled, and it is necessary to be joined by the Yuncheng Flame Two Cities. That original, not even the opponents of Xuanwuzong.

Zong Shou is also very angry, and he will throw away the magic weapon in his hand. Then he stood up and stood up and called: "" Cher, give me a hurricane! Come to the best."

The first snow that was avoiding the arrow in the box, hurriedly ran out. After hearing the words, it was a glimpse, and then suddenly realized: "" Shaogui, you are finally ready to escape? But what about me?"

Zong Shou was speechless and took a slamming look: "" Nonsense, who said that I have to run? Give me a spare, your family will save you!"

This war is dangerous, but he can’t sit down and watch the three thousand rides. He died here because of his miscalculation.

When the first snow smashed, I sneaked into the bottom of the stable to find the hurricane that seemed to be strong.

In order to avoid the arrows, the wind-winged dragon beasts and the hurricanes that they brought were all stuffed under the coffin and rowed in a row. It takes a little effort to find it at the moment.

However, only a moment, ten miles away, there was another whistling sound.

\"Flame Mountain Mujiang, die!"

The whole tens of miles round, once again a silence. Zong Shou's eyes also slammed, and Huoran turned back and looked at the direction. In the air, the wooden bird that is hovering at high altitudes, the situation below, is almost completely reflected in his soul.

I saw that there were tens of thousands of squadrons in the vicinity of the fierce battle. At this moment, the formations were slightly loose, and the momentum seemed to be low.

And the three thousand armor rides, still unstoppable, with the momentum of Hong Tao, stepped into the fifth black square.

Rows of black armored samurai were hit by the winged dragon beast.

Zongyuan is still the leader, and the choice of the assault route is exactly the same as what he thought before.

The next moment, I saw the distance, another body with a black heavy armor, was hit by a giant force, and the life was 50 feet high. Let everyone look up and look up.

And the original snoring once again resounded through the battlefield.


All hundreds of thousands of people are silent. At the moment, no matter which side is the soldier. At this moment, they all showed signs of shock and fear.

In the body of the four veins of Wu Zong, in less than a quarter of an hour, the rate of three thousand iron rides, and successively broke through five. Even picking three Xuanwu sects, killing more than 15,000 people!

This is a strong battle, cloud land has been unheard of for centuries!

Le Luo is also eye-catching, a dumb. After a long while, I sighed a little, and I went to Zong Shou, and I even admire it: "The son of the child is really eye-catching! This purple thunder gun was originally a matchless man! Before Luo, he even stunned him. ""

Shi Dan also nodded slightly: "I have some despise this person before, but I never thought of it. This person is not singing, it is a blockbuster! Shizi asked him to lead the whole army, for the iron riding front, but the cultivation and training heart What I have done is really good at one heart."

Zong Shou also has a big mouth open, and some of them are close together, and the eyes are all unrecognizable. He knows that this original talent is actually very strong, so strong that he can fight against the 100,000 blood-killing Zhao Ruran. Even the body of the war, which is more than Xue, is only inferior.

Can be strong to this point, but it is really unexpected. Just controlled his body, this guy actually took his purple thunder gun and realized the extent to which he could kill the two Xuanwu masters. Although I borrowed some of the power of the thunder in the air, but it can certainly understand some of the arrogant guns!

Not only the martial arts, but after him, still accurately find the flaws of the other party's formation. This guy, really is a talent, talented and unparalleled will!

Listening to the sound of Luo, Zong Shoucai returned a little, busy closing his mouth, coughing, turned into a face with a solid color. At the extreme of the atmosphere, I waved my hand and smiled faintly: "I have a good reputation. I have some talents under this one. But this is really not worth mentioning! What is the name?"

It’s a bit of silence from Lostdan, and it’s too fake.

Those previous records are of course controlled by Zong Shou. But behind this, even picking two Xuanwu masters, and almost no loss, will be the fifth stage. That was the real thing, relying on his own skills. Such a talent, not what is unparalleled?

Like this kind of talent, the world is only afraid that the total number of five fingers is even less than that of Lingwu. It is not only the great forces that regard it as a treasure, but even the great land of the land, the rule of the Central Plains dynasty that does not know the mortal, and even the sacred gate of the Holy Land, but also coveted, very envious.

At this moment, this guy has already laughed and is about to close his mouth.

At the beginning of the snow, he also jumped into the carriage and stood behind him: "The Lord, the horse has found it, are you going?"

\"not going!"

Zong Shou was very sorry, shook his head: "I was still thinking about making a big deal, coming to the army, taking the first level! It seems that it is not!"

The first snow slammed the mouth, and the covert showed some disdain. Then I looked at the face and looked at the distance leisurely: "The people in the Yunshan Mountain Flame Mountain can't stop it. The great brother of Zongyuan is good and powerful! It's so cool, killing and killing, killing them crying."爹叫娘. Tell them that they dare not provoke us to do Tianshan? It has already rushed to the sixth stage. The young master, Zongyuan big brother, how suddenly he is so powerful?"

Zong Shou is a bit uncomfortable, listening to some taste, scornful squinting at the first snow: \"Do you think he is like you? Just eat, there is no use!"

When the first snow suddenly burst into flames, he was very wronged and could not rebut his remarks. In the end, I simply slammed my feet and stepped on the toes of Zongshou, and I also tried a lot of hard work.

Zong Shou couldn't help but lick his mouth, and yelled at this little girl, and ruined the Lord. Staying will definitely beat a butt, and it’s a great lesson!


At the same time, in the distance of the ten miles away, above the canyon, there is no place where no one can detect it.

The thunder also took the unbelievable color and looked at the valley.

\"The Zongyuan, actually it is so! I said that the world, why always take him with him. It turns out that this person is so talented, so strong! No wonder, he dares to enter this strait, hard to smash the clouds here. The flames of the two 400,000 coalition forces, originally had such a card to care."

After a deep breath, after the tone of friendship, quietly: "" is a peerless talent! With three thousand iron rides, breaking through 400,000 elite. Today, this world will be more legendary! Even if today can not win, such a The record is also enough to astound the cloud world. I am afraid that even the "sail watermark" in the middle of the cloud will also be shaken. It’s incredible one by one”

At this moment, Zhao Ruran is sitting on the side of the rock. Below, it is a thousand and two hundred feet high cliff. When I looked down, I saw that it was a cloud, and I could not see the bottom.

She is not in the heart, barefooted, stirring the water cloud ~www.readwn.com ~ in the palm of his hand, there is also a white cloud bird, constantly splashing in her palm. In any case, she could not escape her palm. The anxious and helpless appearance only made Zhao Xiaoran amused and giggled.

The thunder stunned him and his heart stunned. The woman in this sacred road counts this female madman, the most abnormal. But it doesn't move: "Women, you said that we should do now, what should we do?"

\"Nature is a cold salad, don't you dare to squat?"

Zhao Yanran played for a while, and he only felt bored, and he simply did. Let the cloud bird go. With the hand and jaw: "It's so good! In addition to a kendo psychic, actually bought one get one free, with a pair of unparalleled. Fortunately, my uncle has gone, your uncle is not Being present. But in this case, you have to argue, can't you open it?"

The thundering skin, suddenly shaking, for a long time is speechless, my heart is very entangled, the most worrying is that the three-month deadline, but also to postpone.

I don’t know when I can see him again as a small "sail watermark" sister.

Zhao Yuran has no mercy, and then he has some thoughts: "You said that this world, will it be a candidate for the Emperor? Legend of the future Emperor, His Majesty is also a famous person like Yunyi"

\"Impossible!" Thunder shook his head. In the cloud, the cloud king of the three sacred latitudes, according to his masters, can only be the Yaozu. To be continued

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