Divine Brilliance

Chapter 223: Unparalleled

It is also on the edge of the canyon, about 30 miles from the battlefield, but at a peak that is a few hundred feet shorter. A white-haired white hair, covered with bright silver sè armored Junwei middle-aged, is a figure flickering, step by step, from the foot of this short peak, and then look at the battlefield outside the ten miles.

Without any spiritual method to enhance the eyesight, it seems that the distance of dozens of miles can be completely ignored. Glittering, watching this battle.

There is still a person standing beside him, and it is the life of the sect. Weak water leaving early. It is also a long-standing, and also silently looking at the distance.

And just below the foot of this dwarf peak, there is a flat, full of fragmented corpses, roughly a few, and there are a whole 8,000. They are all equipped with sharp weapons, wearing black sès, and they are all very strong. It can be seen that the fighting power is not weak before the birth, but at the moment it is deadly miserable.

At the center of those corpses is a huge altar. Dozens of men in ceremonial costumes squatted on the ground. There are no other injuries on the body, only the separation of the body, without exception, is a knife.

Next to these corpses, there is a team of knights of about a thousand people. The same is white, white hair, wearing silver sè armor, l out of the face, are not handsome.

It’s strange to say that it’s full of patterns, and it’s extremely bright and beautiful, but it’s not obvious. Instead, these people have a sense of looming ambiguity. If it is mixed in the crowd, at first glance, it will be ignored.

The war horse that straddles is also the same as the ordinary hurricane. But outside the skin is covered with a layer of natural silver sè scales.

Beautiful in appearance, both light and strong. It is conceivable that these silver armor horses will be fast and fast.

A whole thousand rides, lined up in a neat queue, waiting quietly under the mountain, no one showed impatience. Under the foot of the mountain, it added a calm atmosphere. It is as if everyone is integrated into this environment and they are one with each other.

"The one on the carriage is the world son? I haven't seen it for three years. He is so tall. It is a mold that he printed on him. It is only that he knows that this place has been occupied by the Yunshan Mountain City Flame Mountain City. More than 100,000. Why are you coming here to die?"

First, with a deep incomprehensible sè, I looked far away at the car array, and while the silver-eyed middle-aged gaze, including the entire battlefield, was in the eyes of the gods.

It is quite different from the situation in which he and the imaginary sect and the accompanying people are struggling to fight the dead. At that moment, the car array is clearly solid. Although there are tens of thousands of cyclists on the outside, they tend to be close to each other, and they are all repelled by the arrow that is shot inside.

Most of them are ordinary arrows, only mixed with some spiritual arrows that can burst out of the wind blade or fire. It can be shot with three arms and the power is strong. Every time you only need more than 20 volleys, you will often take away dozens of hundreds of people.

And ten miles away, the situation near the military barracks was even more stunned.

I saw three thousand mysterious iron rides, like a red sè iron flow, rushing in the enemy line, rampage. Forty thousand people could not stop even for a moment.

And behind them, it is already a piece of the body.

In the middle age of white hair, I almost thought that I was wrong. Shaking his head violently, carefully looking at it again, but found that in the field of vision, it is still as before.

Still the one thousand mysterious dragons riding two thousand mysterious iron rides elite. In the army of the army, it is invincible.

And those corpses that have fallen down are even more shocking.

Two thousand tigers and leopards ride, a thousand black clouds and dragons, 10,000 black clouds, and these elites of Yunxiaoshan are actually damaged. There is also the other side, actually all the flames of the mountain, the corpse of the corpse, the corpse of the corpse is obviously also a battle, the white hair is closed in the middle age, only a moment, it has already inferred what happened before. Eight or nine points.

"On the other side of the car array, if it is expected to be good, it should be the use of more than one hundred and fifty pieces of the smashing arrows. Or the Ming dynasty's Ming burned arrows. The three thousand armor, it should be the first The left wing of the Yunshan Mountain 50,000 troops defeated, and then the impact of the army. In a thousand interest, even five steps! But why do they not use the bow?"

When the line of sight touched, the grass in front of the moon was full of arrows, and if the middle age realized it, it took a cold breath. It is only possible to reciprocate with a constant back and forth, forcing the opponent to interrupt using the bow without stopping. This is what kind of pressure on the people who are in charge of the Yunxiao Mountain.

Then his gaze was completely attracted to the red knight who was completely defeated by the fifth black square.

Can kill two thousand tigers and leopards, even breaking five. There are a few people in Nayangxuan, I am afraid that more will be dead in this arrogant, invisible Xuanjia Knight.

Just in the moment, he even saw with his own eyes that the body of Yunlingshan Muling was provoked by the gunman of this person and smashed the body in midair.

"The shooting technique is perfect, and the technique of rushing the battle is also close to me! This is clearly the talent of the general! Who is the source of the world? It is no wonder that the two cities are not afraid of the 400,000 troops of the two cities. But this Why do people follow the world?"

A series of questions have caught his heart. Like this kind of talent, where is not good. Even if the Central Dynasty has a place, it will take only a few years to become a princely prince. Why do you want to play for Zong Shou?

Then for a moment, the middle-aged white hair was stunned by the pupil: "The purple thunder gun, this person is the purple thunder gun original! Weak water, I have guessed wrong?"

Weak water is on the side, this is always silent and does not speak. Allowing this handsome middle-aged self-speaking, at this moment, he turned his head and squinted at his eyes, and then he pointed his head.

"Sure enough, this kid! I used to say that he is just a good talent. I am a genius, the first generation of the ancestors. I don't care if it is still unparalleled! No wonder, he is so important to him!"

The middle-aged white hair of the white hair is tight, and the hands are also violent, and the eyes are more killing, and the line of sight is almost the essence.

"Weak water, this person, is it really a life-threatening thing, or is it still working for that son?"

Such a person, if it is still used by that yang, even if this child is important to their fox family, he will kill it!

The four wheels of the ground can be invincible on the battlefield. I have been waiting for a few years. The whole east is near Yunlu, how many people can make it?

This time, the weak water is a weird sè. When I think of the day, in the situation of the city of Fuzhou, it is impossible to let Zongyuan, and then to serve the father and son of Zongyang. It can be said that Zongyuan has been used by Zong Shou for his own use, but it is not entirely true. It seems that there is still some fire.

After pondering for a long while, the weak water is very serious and replied: "Don't worry, Shizi is very strong, very powerful!" It seems that the other party does not believe, and specifically strengthens the language: "More powerful than you and me, a lot stronger!" ”

The white-haired middle-aged glimpsed a little, and this answer, how can some bulls be wrong? Shizi has a double vein and cannot practice. What is said to be strong and strong, what does it mean?

"This original is actually a matchless species!"

Within the canyon, it is already the fourth person, so screaming. However, the owner of this voice, at the moment, is as white as paper.

Xiongkui leaned against the wooden fence and stared at the bottom. The three thousand mysterious iron rides, from this wooden platform, has only been less than one hundred and forty feet. In front of the Yunxiao City, there is a 5,000-square-old black armored array, and there are still two mad bears behind.

Just looking at the situation, but the morale is extremely low. The squadrons in the squadron of the city of Yunxiao are all desperate. Obviously there is no confidence and can resist the impact of this iron ride. Only by the discipline and obedience that was developed after long training, was it supported, and the formation was not broken.

And even if he is kneeling, the two thousand mad bears are also a bit embarrassing. These flame mountains are the strongest and the most tense, but at the moment, there is not much war, and more is the dignity and the heart of death.

One by one, the bears are warlike, only the opponents who are completely overwhelmed and feel unbeatable will be like this!

"Damn! Damn! Muling, Xie Fury, really incompetent! The three people joined forces, but they still can't kill a Wu Zong of the four rounds! What do I want them to use?"

The wind slammed the fist and shook the wooden fence in front of him. The male leader returned to God and looked at the side. Seeing the other side is stunned, but it can be seen in the eyes, but it is all sorrow, but it also implies a bit of fear. The Yunzi Mountain son, who is known for being strong, is actually afraid!

Xiongkui did not ridicule the meaning of ~www.readwn.com~ less than an instant, the three guns of the Xuanwu master, he is also a little scared. I was afraid of the man wearing a red armor and holding a purple gun, as if it could not be defeated!

"It's not that they are useless, but this one is too strong! Terrible one by one"

The wind snorted, and some of the violently above the high platform, walked back and forth, and then looked at the rear: "There are those spiritual masters, what is going on? How did you only make a thunder, there is no movement?"

"It's a bit strange! I think it's something wrong."

In the glory of the glory, the moment is already a sense of ominous, bursting into the heart. I don't want to think about it, I open the topic: "The previous time, you can force him to fall to the ground, but why not kill this original? If it was killed earlier, why?"

"That must be able to kill it!"

The brows were wrinkled, and the fists were tightly held. The gums were **** in the gums: "No wonder the predecessor, knowing that this son has been cultivated by Zong Yang, but also to try his best to save him. Who is then? Can you think that this person who is hopeless to break through the innate, actually has this kind of talent?"! .

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