Divine Brilliance

Chapter 251: Mingche Road

That Suman Mimi flashed for a moment, but it was a big laugh: This is the minister of the king, the minister of the world, how come a drop? ”

Recruiting the land and slashing the knife, the bright light of the knife flashes back, is dozens of heads, thrown high, blood springs.

Zong Yuan looked at these things and saw these people. Most of them were Fang Xu’s cronies. At the moment, they didn’t care. Suman went to the inside of the city wall and slammed it down: “You are all dead. The world has returned, and I will not open the door for you!"

The two hundred sergeants in the lower gate of the city gate first smashed the shackles, and then they were all in a hurry. They took the heavy steel door bars and smashed them back. After several people returned to God, they wanted to stop. However, Suman jumped down and slashed, and he was in the first two paragraphs.

But for a moment, the gate of the city suddenly opened.

Just after a few interest, Zongtang led two thousand iron rides and stepped into the city gate.

Although under the city, I was able to perceive the body of the room. The body of the room was first violently shot on the shoulders of Suman, and the old Su. Then he laughed happily: "A good purple thunder gun is the original! Even Fang Xu is dead in your hands, and the child is wise to know people. I really didn't mistake you."

Zong Yuan leaped into the air, faintly looked at the eye ancestors, too lazy to pay attention. After dismounting, he walked out of the city gate and half-squatted down.

"Chen Zongyuan, congratulations to the world back to the city! Fortunately, not insulting, has been the head of the house!"

Zongtang went back and saw only Baizhang. Zong Shou and Tan Tao are a few people, and they are also coming to the city gate. At the moment, it is a wave of hands, and more than two thousand rides have been dismounted. They are also half-squatting down the road." "We are welcoming the world to the world!" ”

Around here, there are still a number of thousands of East City troops who have gathered here. After seeing it, most of them are at a loss. I don't know if it's time to rush, or to kneel down with these people.

When hesitating and hesitating, he saw Zong Yizong’s original, and they all looked up, and the gaze like a knife swept over the mouth ‘Well? The sound of cold and cold immediately two arrogant martial arts ideas, suddenly across the square.

Nearly 90% of the sergeants were able to stand up and fell down. The rest of the people are also face-to-face.

Suman also succumbed to the sorrows of Zongxi and others.

In front of the two thousand knights, whether it is the Xuanhu iron ride, or the Xuanjiafeng dragon ride, are elite in the elite. However, like this fine ride, it has always been a thorn in the army, if not enough strength. Even if it is expensive, it is impossible for the demon king to convince them. At the moment, most of them bowed their heads and ears, and there was not much dissatisfaction. The singer’s xìng feelings also knew him well. If you are not tamed, you can only hold it if you are in the first place. Even if you are loyal to the world, you will inevitably be arrogant. At this moment, it is also a respectful look, and the eyes are burning.

As for Zong Yuan, he knows this person well, and he is the center of Zong Yi Zongyang and his son. At the moment, I didn’t know how, but unexpectedly voted for the world.

A few days ago, if the Straits battle, the three thousand iron rides through the thousands of troops, think about it is dàng gas.

If you are not a genius, look at Zongyuan with your own eyes. One shot will kill Fang Xu, it is hard to believe this, it is such a horrible record.

Looking at the look, it is obvious that there is no reluctance, and that attitude is also close to piety. Even before, when this son was obeyed by Zongtang, there was no such respect.

Zong Shou rode the fourth-order trench that was armed to the teeth, and ran through the door.

Then the scene of the crouching of thousands of people in front of him, and the scream of the ‘greeting the world, was shocked.

The horror was awkward and he barely returned to God. For a moment, I only felt that I was rushing.

It’s no wonder that some people say that the big man is drunk in the beauty of his knees and wakes up the world. This kind of hand-held army, the feeling of holding power is really fascinating.

After today, I will master the entire dry Tianshan City. At that time, it may not be possible to unify the east of Yunlu, and even compete with the Middle Emperor!

After a long while, he shook his head and shook his head.

My own pursuit seems to be far less firm than I thought. These days, just mastering some small powers, I almost wavered.

Without a deep breath, Philip tried to calm down his mind.

At this moment, he is still a small librarian after ten thousand years. Once upon a time, he left all the flamboyant fame and fortune and retired in the library he had worked in before.

Only for a quiet place, you can study the kendo safely and infer the hundred swords. In order to lay a solid foundation, the pursuit of martial arts!

The body of this life, although it is not the autumn, but the son of the demon king. All in one, but still unchanged.

Returning to the position of the demon king today is only to fulfill the last wish of his predecessor.

Handcuffed and grasped the thunder sword at the waist, Zong Shou secretly smiled, and the only inexplicable feeling of peace of mind, this is his own root!

The thoughts flashed, but only for a moment, Zong Shou has returned to God. The right hand waved, indicating that everyone got up and then faced the Suman.

This group of Dongcheng Army will be among the only ones, wearing this robes, the highest status and the strongest strength.

Recalling in the brain, although Zong Shou left small, he could have memories of the characters above the Xuanwu Master in the city.

However, for a moment, Zong Shou has recognized the identity of this person: "You are Suman? The deputy general of the East City Army? What is the situation in the city?"

That Suman is also a capable person. After he bowed to Zongshou, he answered the question very succinctly: "Zongyang Gongzi and Zong Shizong Shiyuan and others are in the Chongzheng Hall of Shanshan, and even knocked nine times of the bell, yù recruited people. However, no one has responded except for their cronies. Ba Guogong and Qiu Tingzhu are sitting in the town of Ganfeng, although they are in charge of 470,000 in the city, more than a hundred thousand people surpassing those traitors. Dare to move. The two horses are mostly confronted in the south of the city. Right, there is also the Gong Guo Gong Chai Yuan, I do not know why, did not go to the Chongzheng Hall. However, the 80,000 martial artists of the Wind Bear family in the city are also the mobilization of the family. ""


When Zong Shouwei blinked, he almost speculated about the situation in the city. The moment is the flow of eyes, sweeping the next four weeks.

"The Dongcheng Army has a total of five towns, plus the auxiliary soldiers, there are 60,000 military horses. I don't know Su Dutong, how long does it take for these people to use for me?"

Suman heard the words, but it was a puzzle. Since I have already returned to the city, why not go to the meeting with Qi Qianqiu and Qiu Wei, and go to the Chongzheng Hall together? At that time, most of them could be settled in one fell swoop.

I want to know that although the people of the ancestors have joined forces, they are not united. The hundreds of thousands of military horses gathered together are mostly threatened. Zong Shou is an orthodox. He only needs the help of the minister. When he rises, he can be recruited for a small half.

Why do you want to be in this East City and delay time?

Is it scrupulous that the famous master and Fang Suzong sent the master? But now the general trend has been made, are these people really dare to take the plunge and do it in the dry Tianshan City?

With only a little hesitation, Suman said in a slap in the air: "A quarter of an hour! The fourth town of Dongcheng Army is in my control from beginning to end. In a quarter of an hour, I can master the second and third towns. The other two The town’s commander is Fang Xu’s death loyalty, and he still needs to be sent by the world.”

Where the gaze is seen, it is the two sons of Zongtang and Zongyuan.

Zong Shou did not answer, thoughtfully, looking at the distant mountains. The main peak of the dry Tianshan Mountain is 1,200 feet high. The second peak is the town's dry peak, which is 970 feet high.

At this moment, the city of Tiancheng is dark and dead, but above these two peaks, it is brightly lit.

Then it was unpredictable to provoke chún, which is several times better than he had imagined.

Looking at the memory in the distance, the wind bear family, especially the residence of the Chai Yuan family.

He seems to think of a solution. Today's battle seems to have a few more chances.


In the town of Ganfeng, Tiger Qianqiu is just licking his mouth and laughing wildly: "I don't want to be a child, I really didn't let my tiger down. It really broke the town, it was better than I expected. Half a day! The ability is hard! A shot is a thunder and a slap in the face, there is a gentleman on the wind," "Is that person is the purple thunder gun original?"

Although it is separated by a few tens of miles, when Qiu is inflated, he can still see it faintly.

Just now, I saw Zongyuan with my own eyes, and with a thunder and a gun, I shot the room of the house.

This person, sure enough, is the unparalleled rumor.

Zhenshanguan was attacked. Although it is shocking, there may be such a person, and it seems that there are some possibilities.

If there is such a person, it is really a blessing to the world. I don’t know what the means of the world are, and let this person be willing to die.

This horror only lasted for a while. When he was far away, seeing the people who entered the city in the near future, it was just a few years when the young masters were not seen. Qiu Wei’s mind is also a moment of silence: “It’s really a child! It’s good to come back. Those who are small and ugly are already looking for a dead end. The most urgent task is to send people to **** the world to join us.”

Just talking, then a slight glimpse. I saw the city gate orientation of Dongcheng, and the nearly 10,000-strong army that followed Zongshou into the city was unexpectedly not coming to the direction of Gantianshan. Instead of taking a break, they are diverted. Going to the land where several military towns of the Dongcheng Army are stationed.

What is this?

Qiu Weizheng feels strange ~www.readwn.com~ Since returning to the city, it is time to combine the power of the people to set the position of the demon king.

With the name of the monarch, those who are in the world can no longer afford to see any waves.

And like the original Zongyuan, it is only a special case after the murder of Fang Xu.

The other party has preparedness, and those who will rule the army will be cautious and cautious, and they will be heavily guarded. Besides, under the sect of the world, there is no strong person.

At this moment, even if you can control the 50,000 East City Army, it is of no great use. At the moment, it is a slap in the face, and the military power is more and more useless. On the contrary, it gives the other party more time to react. It is really unwise.

I was puzzled by my heart, and when I frowned, I suddenly listened to my life, and suddenly smiled: "It’s Zong Shi’s rabbits, and they ran out of it! I knew they couldn’t sit still.”

Qiu Wei looked at the sight of Hu Qianqiu, and saw that Zongshi and others were at the edge of the mountain and looked down.

The night is deep, but it is still visible. The ugly faces of these people are to be continued!) .

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