Divine Brilliance

Chapter 252: Killing and setting fire

"It’s Zong Shou! I saw him two years ago. It looks like a vulgar, just a little bigger!"

"There is Zongtanghu Zhongyuan followed by the side, it should not be wrong. The person next to it is estimated to be the purple thunder gun original."

"It's good for him! Killing Fang Xu, actually only used one shot. This is really comprehending the arrogance!"

At the foothills, there was a lot of discussion. Zong Shi’s hands were clenched, and a series of squeaking sounds were heard at the knuckles. However, the sound is very small, hidden in the sleeves, and the surface is not moving. Other people can't see clearly, but the Taoist son is still holding the city, and the wind is light.

However, the horror of ōng is difficult to prevent. At that moment, I almost thought that the master had saved two hearts. What kind of hands and feet could be used when he was not moving, but when he looked at the past, he only saw each other, and he was also pale, and lost a moment.

When you think about it, it was already a few months before he was born. Since Xue’s marriage with him, he has begun to fall to himself. This has gradually revealed that Zong Shi can live in anger, and Zong Ming is next to his anger, and his look is behind him.

"I want to know how this guardian is going to do the Tianshan City. Isn't it that he needs at least one day before he can go back to heaven?"

Zong Ming’s visual point is a Jinpao man. The martial artist Qi Feng of the six-wheels of the ground can be seen under the eyes of Zong Ming, but it is cold sweat. He leaned over and explained: "About three days ago, the subordinates of the subordinates were found to be Zong Shou and Zong Yi and others. In the west, the commander of the two thousand fine sneakers penetrated into the forest, and then they disappeared. The mysterious fox ride, everyone and spiritual practice, the most illusion and the way of disappearing, even if others want to pursue, it is difficult to go to heaven. But the mouth is only under the estimation of their footsteps, even if it is all-powerful, it will take another day to go to the dry Tianshan one by one bright face, then slammed, strode over and slap a slap in the face, directly fell on This is the face of the person who will explore the camp.

Still, I only felt anger and anger, but when he was yelling and kicking the other side directly, Zong Shi shook his head and said: "The uncle is angry! This person is doing his duty, in fact, it is good. He one"

It’s just ōng, but it’s more like a storm.

It’s not wrong to go west of the ancient sea. At this time, I can get here, unless it is from Zhenshan.

I don't know how this keeper, how come over?

I remember that before half a day, I had contact with You Wusheng. To say these people, it took less than half a day to attack the majestic man. He did not believe in death.

Is it really a wing that flies over the evil spirit ditch?

In addition to the faint sensation, on the dry peak of the town, the two roads that come over are inexhaustible and slightly obscured.

Zong Shi could not help but be retrograde in the body and angry with the heart.

Originally full of confidence, but with the inexplicable return of the one, but faintly began to feel a little uneasy.

Immediately and secretly sneer, what about coming back? Your own arrangement, enough to completely defeat the other side, to the abyss, and then difficult to overturn!

He had really had some feelings about his feelings, but this moment was a violent upswing. Separated by a few tens of miles away, under the blessing of the spirits and spirits of the next division, I glanced at the situation in the city and looked at the neck of the guard.

The thoughts are even more yīn cold, these old parts of the ancestors, really toasting, not eating and drinking!

Really think that no one in the Wudao martial arts can sit in the position of the demon king? If you have always been scrupulous, you can kill him!

But now this situation is also good, if today is the demon king, the first thing to do is to keep this guard, hanging for the first time in March!

It is necessary to completely eliminate the thoughts of some people, but also to discount the arrogance of these old ancestors!

Even if the whole dry Tianshan City splits, it will be a big injury, he will not hesitate!

Since you can't do it, you can't use it for him. It's better to get rid of it early! Do not believe, these people do not care about the family life and death.

The mind is ready, and in the eyes of Zong Shi, it is once again revealing the calm and self-sufficient sè, just a little more spicy.

A few dozen miles away, the sect of the size of an ant, in the eyes, is already waiting for the dead.

"You don't have to worry about this. It's not a good thing to keep it back. It's not a good thing. It's right to say that it's just right for me. I just waited, don't you lie in the Central Plains, don't come to this Chongzheng Hall? These people don't, How to get rid of the net? It’s just a matter of trouble at the beginning and the end. It’s really nothing big. When I heard it here, Zong Ming’s eyes flashed again and shined, and the thoughts and thoughts were empty. Forbidden, look to Zong Shi.

The talent of the future demon king is indeed a jealous one. Zong Shou rushed back at this time, and anyone else would go back and forth.

This sect clearly thinks of the advantages and the stability of the military. Even though everyone at the moment knows that the situation is impossible, as Zong Shi said, it is simple, but it is also a little peace of mind.

"But Fang Xu has already died, and the Dongcheng Army is afraid that it will be difficult to control. The momentum of my waiting is still weak."

Sideways and indulged for a moment, Zong Shi suddenly smiled toward Zong Ming: "I also asked my uncle to take a trip to Chaijia! Then advise the uncle Chai Yuan. If this Tianshan City is really bad, it is not good. Dry Tianshan is in me. In the hands, even if it can't be Weiling, it can be self-protected. It is better than falling into Zongshou's waste. Once things are understood today, I will raise them again. I have three uncles, I know. If you make a good relationship with Lin Jia and Fang Jia, I am afraid you have to work hard."

I was talking to Zongtang, and after the sect of the sect, I stayed at the gate of the East City, but it was stupid. But I saw a sudden silence around. Zong Shi looked a glimpse and looked down again.

I saw the five-town military horses stationed near the gates of Dongcheng City. At this time, the whole team suddenly began to follow the avenue and marched north. The speed of travel was fast, and for a moment it advanced forwarded nearly two miles.

Together with the 10,000 horses brought by Zong Shou, a total of 70,000 troops, Hao Hao dàngdàng, went to the North City.

Why do you want to go to the North City? The essence of Dry Sky City is in Nancheng. If you want to meet with Hu Qianqiu and Qiu, then you should go to the North City.

When the heart was strange, Zong Shi’s gaze suddenly stopped in one place.

That is where the wind bears are inhabited. It is also Chai Yuan, where the house is!

Frowning and thinking, but always unable to understand. In the end, I could only shake my head slightly and laughed. This sect is really inexplicable, and he is also somewhat suspicious.

Going there, is it also trying to win over Chai Yuan? But this wind bear patriarch, not enough cards and interests, can you be so easily convinced?


The dry Tianshan City covers an extremely wide area, with 70,000 horses and a marching army. It is a journey from the east of the city to the north of the city. It is also used for nearly one hour.

On top of this road, Zong Yi mortal has compiled a lot of sporadic people. In addition, according to the order of the sect, the army was scattered, and the people of all ethnic groups along the way were forcibly recruited, regardless of the old and the weak, and they all caught together. When finally arriving at the destination, the 60,000 army has expanded to 200,000.

The front is the place where the wind bears live together, and the nearly 80,000 sergeants in the distant bears seem to be aware that something is wrong. These are the main roads, and the array has been waiting.

The Zongtang Suman and others of the United Army did not move forward. In an orderly manner, commanding the army and deploying here. Several people are experienced, and although the subordinates are all temporarily governed, even as the main force of the Dongcheng Army, they have been cleaned not long ago. However, it is still rigorous and orderly.

Next to Zongshou, only Zongyuan, Tan Tao and Tiger Zhongyuan were separated from Luo. Tan Tao is an outsider. The former is the commander of nearly 10,000 fine rides. Tiger Zhongyuan and Luo, it is the leader of the close shì Wei. From the tens of thousands of people, we have selected a thousand strong tyrants and a firm stand, and guarded Zong Shou.

Including the mysterious fox riding and the armored wind dragon riding, the total number is nearly 10,000, all of which are well-prepared and well-trained.

However, it is obvious that the opposite side of the wind bear family, the momentum is much stronger. There are only 80,000 people, but they are all tall and close, and their muscles are knotted and burly.

However, at this moment, Tiger Central Plains did not care much. On the contrary, it is very worried for the other side: "Shizi, this seems to be a little bad? This hand is really 忒yīn 狠 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

Tan Tao frowned, and some despised to look at this guy: "How can you say yīn狠? On the battlefield, naturally you have to resort to the means. The world is wise! If there is no Thunder, how can you survive these big families?"

Tiger Zhongyuan was quite dissatisfied, and said: "You are not a Tianshan person, you can not care about it one by one."

Zong Shou could not help but slightly flipped his eyes, only when he did not hear the quarrel around him. Standing on a four-story building, looking at the distance.

When the sound of a rumble illuminates, the eyes are bright. Knowing the front, I have already started.

I saw dusty, the hard work that I had previously caught ~www.readwn.com~ under the coercion of those auxiliary soldiers. I began to forcefully remove a house. No matter what the building is, it will be flattened.

More than ten thousand people work together, but a column of incense. Just flatten the house of this piece.

A large area was vacated, and the place where the wind bears were concentrated was all violently smashed in front of the tens of thousands of horses in Zongyuan.

There are also nearly 10,000 sergeants, and the siege cars that have been brought over, and the smashing car and the like, are assembled one by one.

The Dongying Army’s 12,000 archers have ignited a rocket and put it on the string, ready to go.

Zong Shoujian, very satisfied, mōmō jaw, and looked at the sky.

"It’s the southeast wind, just set fire to kill people."

Just yù ordered, but heard the distance, but a roar: "Stop!"

Zong Shou raised an eyebrow and looked into the distance. I saw the array of the wind bears sī army, an unusually broad figure, is coming out with a few followers. ! .

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