Divine Brilliance

Chapter 267: Zongmen finalization

The man’s voice is clear and hoarse, revealing magnetic sensation. Involuntarily want to approach his voice. Also faintly with a sigh of noble and noble, implied.

"It is said that in the north of the mainland of China, there is a young boy who was born in a family. At the age of 19, he was alone in a sword, killing a seven-order Lei Li giant butterfly alone. It has been optimistic by the cloud sects." People are also spiritual and martial arts. Because of their family history, the martial arts spiritual law has been returned to the realm of Yang Xuanwuzong. It can be said that it has been the first person in the east of Yunlu since ten years. He also lost his family and kept the snow for so long. ”

When I talked about it, the eyes of the young man sighed slightly: "You can kill the seventh-order giant lemon with the sixth-order realm. Even if he is a spiritual and double-education, it is not possible, it is estimated that it is not the emperor martial arts. By borrowing the power of one country and one army, it is the double repair of Lingwu."

"While this person was born into a family, he did not have a military, nor was he the head of a country. But his family, ambitious, is eager to recruit, recruiting heroes, accumulating strength, fearing that there is a heart of writing. I don’t know anyone else, but if I don’t expect it to be correct, it should be under the pressure of the seventh-order giant butterfly, suddenly suddenly realized, and entered the realm of Lingwu’s unity. This person is 21 years old. It’s rare. Although the martial arts talent is not as good as Zong Shou, at the age of thirteen, the kendo is psychic. But the younger generation, if there is no other person who can be one and the same, this is an invincible one.

In the voice, there is a slight appreciation for it. Then the man's tone was also sinking.

"It is said that this child is also inclined!"

That Confucian youth, the words suddenly sounded a smile: "So, your sword is ready to bring that person, the same income?"

That purple sè long sword, do not do the slightest concealer, the tip of the sword: "I really have this. Do you not be tempted if you are alive?"

"I don't care for you, my lord, I have never been tempted."

The Confucian youth smiled and smiled a little. He said: "There are some self-knowledges. The people are always regarded as evil devils. They can occasionally make troubles in the mainland. But if you can The candidates of the Emperor of the Emperor must be shot, but they must be besieged by the group. No matter what the family, Confucianism, Taoism, or the magic door, will not allow me to be stalked."

Another look flashed, revealing a few points: "Why don't you do this? As long as your swordsman is willing to give this guard to me, then the **** of the gods, I have six lives, I will definitely help you fight for it." !"

The sword of the purple sè suddenly silenced. After a while, he was suspicious again. "You are really willing? The martial arts are good, but you can't make up for it." However, it is impossible to meet. There may not be one in a thousand years."

"How can you not be reconciled?"

The Confucian youth shook his head slightly, and then he looked at it with his eyebrows. His eyes were full of expectation: "This one keeps me optimistic about him, and it is also very suitable for me. The training is good, the achievement of a kendo is not necessarily better than your sword." That future rumor is poor. It is the honor of you, if you really choose this, you still need to be careful in the future. It is good to have the qualification of Lingwu and Wuyi. It is necessary to master it, but it still takes a lot of effort. If you can't do it well, you may have to abolish it. Before the day of the heavens, you can accomplish the coincidence of the spirit and the martial arts. There are many examples in the first place. But there are few who can do it again."

"How do I teach my disciples that I have nothing to do with you."

The sword of the purple sè is no longer nonsense, and the sword body trembles again: "You are both mind-set, then this matter is set. So very good! Zong Shou I will give you, but then wait for the people to live, also I will try my best to help me fight for the sword."

When the voice fell, the sword was once again shocked. Directly through the air, disappeared above the spire.

The Confucian youth saw it, but it was very envious. With this second god, it is really convenient. I have leisure time in the future, and I have to get one out.

The heart is also a dark feeling relaxed, sitting on the spire above this month. But it is only the use of the mouth to fight for it, the means of Jianzong, but no matter what, it has always been to fight for it, to seize it with a sword.

Then secretly said: "I finally got it, but this guy, actually agreed to it? I am not afraid to collude with my life. Is it a collusion by those shit? Is this swordsman really ambitious, to ask the middle earth The battle for the throne?"

Unexplained, shaking his head, the Confucian youth stood up. Then he yawned and stretched out.

Look at the lightning above the spikes below, the more concentrated. Unable to sneak a sneak peek, let the giant tower violently shake.

"Okay! I don't have to come to hurry, I will go. The Lord of the Swords, since I have left, I naturally don't have to stay here. Oh! If it's not only you, you can hide your breath. You think I There will be a mood, to your broken place? What broke the tower, m ugly swearing and asking me to ask you to have no one."

Just in that huge tower, almost violent, countless thunder snakes flashed. Confucian youths have already had a big sleeve. Waves a thousand miles, stepping out in one step, is hundreds of miles away.

Walking through the clouds, the youth suddenly had another horror. Closed his eyes and fell into deep favor.

"Wang Dao secret Wu? This Zong Shou, really learn what it will be. But this is really difficult, he is not the Emperor, what do you want to do with this emperor?"

Another bitter smile: "Is it true that this child has just started? I am dying, will it hurt a strange treasure? This child, really does not make people worry."

However, there is not much grace, but on the youth side, there is a lot of joy.


After two days, it is still a dry mountain. The top of this dry Tianshan was actually extremely steep.

Since Zong Weiran built the city here, he has completely slashed the mountain and created a vast flatland with a height of 1,000 feet.

After the Chongzheng Temple, it is a palace with a small milk model. However, the houses built here are magnificent. However, the decoration inside is slightly shabby.

Can make Zong Shou a glimpse of his cheap father, but also the simple style of the demon king.

At this moment, Zong Shou, but is powerless, sitting in a warm cabinet.

This place is the place where Zong Weiran handles government affairs on a daily basis. After Zong Shou was appointed as the demon king, he was naturally the father of the dead, and occupied it.

However, at this time, it was a bitter face. The first time I felt that this demon king, the position of the master of a city, really is not so good,

In the past two days, he was almost buried in the hides and bamboo slips. That's right, it's a hide and a bamboo slip.

In this era, paper is still extremely rare. All the descendants of the Tianshan Mountains, the vassal of the Zhucheng, are using the animal skin and bamboo slips instead of paper, writing official newspapers, and saving money.

In exchange for future generations, it is called saving "public expenditures" and more than half of them are using hides that do not need money.

But it has suffered from the sect, and it has been two days. Dyed soil and gas. That is to be able to have a handful of strength, but also by those bamboo slips, slightly squeezed to feel a little sour,

At the moment, the hides and bamboo slips accumulated in this room have a stock of days.

Although it is more than half a year, there is no backlog of stocks that have been accumulated. But it can also be half-broken, how arduous it is for the city's one-day business.

I really don't understand, Zong Weiran is doing well in the affairs of the nine provinces, while the martial arts realm is actually leaps and bounds.

A sigh, Zong Shou is handing the weak water of the animal skin to the side. Zhang said a few words, but he was hoarse and could not make much noise. Finally, helpless, and simply use both hands to bring 哉"

The weak water is looking at the fog, watching Zongshou dance with both hands. After a long while, I guessed: "The son of the world said, "Is it important to pick it up?"

At this moment, Zong Weiran was moved and was about to cry. This girl is finally understood, it is not easy.

Next to the beginning of the snow, but could not help but smile: "The Lord you are really no one before, no one has come. The Tianhu Zongbo, have not been able to get you. The result is actually confusing yourself, less Lord, are you ridiculed?"

Zong Shou ‘哼, a voice, but did not make a sound. I had to scream at the beginning of the snow, ah, a few voices to show dissatisfaction. This girl is really not long-term. A while ago, this Nizi’s snow tún was just stunned by him, and this time he went to the sky again. Actually dare to mock their own masters?

"The young master should be changing voices, I said, small, children are like this. Our demon family blends with the blood of the beasts, and it is more special."

I looked at the throat of Zong Shou, and I thought of myself after the first snow. It may be the same, and I can’t help but feel a little worried.

However, after a short while, I saw the threat of Zong Shou’s eyes. Immediately think of something, pretty face red. Then I turned my eyes slightly and said with a bit of revenge: "But like a young master~www.readwn.com~ I smiled and laughed and laughed. I have never seen it. It is said that we have a throat. Inside, there are still remaining throats. Some people are dumb, after a day or two, some people have to spend a month or two, even a few years. Some people have not been able to speak for a lifetime. Yes, weak water sister ?"

The weak water is picking the ‘skin skin’ that seems to be more important in the pile of hides.

At this moment, I couldn’t help but smile.

Zong Shou suddenly took a moment and gave birth to some worries. He looked at him in the past two days. In the throat, there are indeed extra bones, and the vocal cords seem to change slightly. The situation does not seem serious.

But when it comes to when you can speak, re-sound, you can't say it.

Can it be said that if I have not recovered in a few months, then I can only be dumb for a few years?

I really regretted it. On the day of the sacrifice of the Temple of Heaven, I was really a bit smug.

In fact, it’s good to be cool and cool, so it’s not bad to be laughable. It’s too vulgar! ! .

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