Divine Brilliance

Chapter 268: Criminal

The first snow was secretly funny, and a cup of iced sour plum soup from the woman was placed in front of Zongshou.

"Shizi eats this, chilled sour plum soup. It can reduce fire and detoxification. When we have eaten this soup when the demon singer, most of them will be able to recover." Zong Shou is very seriously remembering, those who remember the voice of the demon.

It is a pity that the books he read in his previous life were not martial arts classics, but secrets of the law. Or maybe it is, it is very beneficial for him to play "games, you can understand the secret history of the Emperor's era.

Although I have seen some interesting things in my spare time, I haven’t really been related to the change of the Yaozu.

I only know that there is such a thing. As for what it is, he does not know.

At this time, I saw a bowl of red sè soup, which was brought to the front by the first snow. Zong Shou did not think much, and took a drink and drank it.

Then the whole face, the eyebrows of the nose, and the roots of the ears were wrinkled together. What is this MD? It is too acidic. Even his teeth were melted away.

It’s hard to reply, and Zong Shou is silent. The eyes of the anger roared at the beginning of the snow.

This is revenge, it must be revenge! It is the evil of red ǒluǒ! This girl is too small for the intestines. I am only on the ttún, leaving a few palm prints. Need to use this?

The first snow was first picked by the subconscious chún corner. Then he was restrained. The expressionlessly disconnected the bowl, the sound line was soft, and the look was innocent: "The Lord is blaming me again? This is not the fault of Cher. I have said that it is sour plum soup. You didn't hear it clearly."

Zong Shou secretly snorted, saying that the nose is too complicated, I want to replace it with writing. See the weak water and hand over a stack of hides.

While paying the speed of this weak water, Zong Shou took it with him and took it to his eyes. Then he looked at the whole person and was completely stupid.

After a long while, Zong Shoucai woke up to God and looked at the weak water with questioning eyes.

I saw the frown of the weak water suspected, and pointed at the pile of animal skin bamboo slips with my fingers. I was justified: "The Lord is the most important!"

Zong Shou-face sè burst into pain, I don’t know myself for a while, how to speak in the end.

Well, these hides are really important. However, it is only this cortex, the value is higher, it is very expensive, it is rare. In the weak water eye.

Nature is also very important.

These two girls are really not reliable.

Shaking his head, Zong Shou sighed. I picked up the pile of expensive animal skins and looked at them carefully.

After this look, I found out that the weak water was really being beaten.

These general officials of Gan Tiancheng did not save money at the same time. If it is an important matter, it will choose a slightly more expensive animal skin to record, in order to obtain the attention of the peak.

At the moment, in front of Zongshou, most of them are backlogs. In fact, more than half of them have been dealt with by the following people. He only needs to be a human figure stamp, and press a demon king to print on it.

However, at this moment, his special "printed plaque" was not yet engraved, so he had to replace it with a signature drawing.

However, there are quite a few things that are freshly baked, and they are reported to him.

"A total of 24,326 houses were destroyed in the statistics of the northwest and the second city. As a result, the tens of thousands of people in our city were completely destroyed, and only the meal was suffocating. If the time was long, it would be detrimental. Jun on Weide. Please ask the Emperor to allocate 5,500 orders of animal crystals in order to save the people and rebuild the house! Chen Ren played on the game, and asked the king to make a quick decision." Zong Shou Li immediately picked himself up. They also want to get some money from the dry heavens to make up for the loss in the previous strait. There is a minister, and the idea is to reach into his belt. Is this still worth it?

He has no way of doing business. It is easy for him to make some money in the city of Fucheng by virtue of his later generations. Is it easy for him? There may not be such a good thing in the future.

Nature is not allowed!

Zong Shou did not hesitate, he wanted to draw a big cross. However, the pen just fell, and another sigh, wrote a quasi-word.

'Forget it, the 50,000th-order animal crystal, but not much, he can afford it. Those houses, how can they have to pay some responsibility.

Then there is the second copy, and then the brow of Zong Shou is already completely knotted.

"The stipulations of the squadrons before the 2nd Army all the rewards and pensions, a total of 3.22 million three-order beast crystal, this matter can not be postponed. However, between the ministers, the Tianshan City affairs, it is better to be public sī clearly. Sixty-nine thousand horses and horses are fighting for sī, not public war. It is better to pay for the military by paying for it."

Zong Shou chún corner is already cramping, 3.22 million third-order animal crystal. This is not small

The number is enough to make him a headache.

The third and fourth orders are a hundredfold difference. Valuable but also equivalent to 30,000 two rate two hundred fourth-order animal crystal, thirty-two seven-order animal crystal.

Even if the value of the animal crystal is plummeting, it is not a small amount.

Look at the later payment, and it is Ren Bo.

Is this guy the green onion, changing the way to get money from his pocket?

Every time I touched my finger toward the first snow, let Xue Er stand behind me. Zong Shou pointed to the name on the animal skin. This little girl was first puzzled, and waited for the sect and the plan, and it was awkward. 

"Is the child a good man? I know."

The chin of the first snow powder nèn, like a chicken glutinous rice, clicked: "It was first discovered by Jun before the year, and he said that he is very good at business. It is precisely what we lack in Tianshan, and then it was appointed as the prime minister. Before we used to do Tianshan, we didn't have this official position. It was said that Shizi had seen it before in the Sacrifice Ceremony. This person is very ugly. Since he became a prime minister, this dry Tianshan is so lively. Many The people of the tribal city are all in a thousand miles and ran to us to do business." Zong Shou thought, I really didn't have any impression. Anyway, after tomorrow, it was his first meeting. Naturally, he could see it and didn't think about it anymore. After turning a few more skins in a row, I subconsciously m licked the purse hanging around my waist, and my heart was cold.

This guy, it’s too embarrassing to ask for money. What equipment is damaged, what war horse damage, what cares for the bereaved.

In short, it is changing the way, saving money toward him.

The courtier who always reaches out to the Lord's pocket is not a good minister!

In the heart, give this blog the seal of the bad guys. When Zong Shou saw the name of the man, he took it out and threw it to the side. Anyway, the name of this person, he is upset when he sees it.

"Hey, a day and a half ago, the Xuanshan City Master Xuanyuantong was drinking in the main house of the slope. After the news of the ministry, he suddenly laughed three times and said that my Xuanyuan Tong was really unparalleled, and gave her daughter a good son. After that, I was really angry with the 〗 〖Bao, and stepped into the heavens. Oh! The old man also knows that I am a shoud, it is a must-have chuáng. But, what is the heaven? This is really not a good time!" Secretly sigh, Xuanyuan Tong does not break through the heavens, but also shocks one side, after the breakthrough, it can not help. This old man is really not used.

I looked at the drop-off point again. I saw the above-mentioned handwriting, and I wrote a line of words and a dark guard to lead the weak water.

"Does the dark guard lead the weak water?"

Zong Shou was shocked and looked at the weak water, and pointed to his own chapter.

The latter nodded, but also pointed to his own Yao nose, in the eyes, hidden smile.

Zong Shou secretly swears, the original weak sister of the family, not only to guide the dark guard, to guard him safely, but also to collect the intelligence of the parties.

Can put the man's hand to the home of Xuanyuantong, but he is still unknown. The ability to use this can be taken seriously.

Looking back, I finally got something that interests him.

"The main enthusiasm of Yunxiaoshan City before the annihilation of a group of ministers, a red fast bird communication. Immediately furious, above the banquet, killing a few servants by hand. Said this scorpion, forbearing and conscientious, as the enemy of my future When I was at a glance, I would like to talk to a lot of people in the past, and I couldn’t get the details of it in the near future. "One of the main stalwarts of the flaming mountain city, suddenly drunk and stunned yesterday. First, the words of heaven and earth are both my tyrants, why bother? Another ancestor is said to be a ancestors? It is said that the birth of a child is like Zong Shou, and Zong Weiran actually gave birth to a good son. All of my sons are not as good as him. Afterwards, he found his young girl Xuan Yu’s princess, and at noon today, he abolished the position of the male leader. Princess Li Xuanyu is Chu Jun

Naturally, the latter is also weak water.

Zong Shou is looking at the eyebrows and laughing, 1 is a little proud, and he really does not sound, it has been a blockbuster. Secretly surprised. This tyrant is really discouraged. Actually, the children are not standing, but they violate the tradition and set up a woman as a reserve prince.

Is this what Xuan Yu Princess, what is surprising? After some time is free, I have to find the male leader to ask.

Speaking of the predecessor of the flame mountain, since he went to work day and night, after he came to work, he did not manage it. Now I don’t know how. Did you die?

Turned to the next chapter, Zong Shou will laugh again. This time it was from the hand of Qiu Wei~www.readwn.com~ The sinner camp was full of people, the town of Guanshan was 3,700 people, and the total number of 44,000 people in the dry sky city had been escorted to the city for ten miles. Chen yù divides it into five towns, each of which has the position of commander, and you are welcome to go! ”

The attention of Zong Shou is all in Zhenshanguan, the 3,700 people.

These people have seen him with his own eyes. With the six gods, the soldiers of the two Xuanwu masters have not disappeared. It is really rare.

He had thought that with the means of Wuji Mountain Villa and Taiyuan Emperor, even if they did not kill these people, they would find ways to make these people "missing."

Actually, it was completely complete, and it was good to return to the dry Tianshan City. This is the few who know that they can't hold it anymore. Still the struggle for the apprenticeship, the result has already been made, do not want to press again?

If it is true that he is thinking in his mind, this is a good thing. It means that he is close to the treasury of these two peak forces.

Under the command of the chapter on the chapter, he wrote "Xi Kui, two characters. Then it was the next chapter, the gaze of Zong Shou, and immediately it was a bright light. Suddenly, the interest rose.

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