Divine Brilliance

Chapter 390: Egg of the ant

Full text without advertising, the thirty-ninth chapter of the crystal ant's egg (recommended for the monthly ticket)

"You use poison? How can you use poison?"

The voice was horrified, but it seemed a little weak. The whole text has no advertising ants. The real person has almost tried his best to fight all the treasures of the bodyguards, but they still have the soul to open in the future, and they have already fallen to the ground.

Zong Shou was too lazy to talk nonsense with this person, and the sword of the fire and the sword was cut out, and the head of this ant was degraded.

When Jianguang is twisted, he will destroy his soul. It’s crisp and neat, and it’s the life of this person.

When the ant is degraded, the ant colony is also in a mixed discussion.

Those magical fire ants rushed around. However, the poisoning has been hurt, although it is frenzied, it seems to be weak. And that giant crystal ant. Then the body is blown up and the flesh and blood are scattered. Without the constraints of ants and real people, even their own form is unsustainable.

And all the remaining flying ants are falling and unable to fly.

It is almost at the same time, in the distance beyond dozens of miles. Li's face is already pale as paper.

"This incense, poisonous!"

Holding the neck with his hand, he was almost unable to breathe again. He was desperate to fight, and all the detoxification spirits in the Qiankun bag were stuffed into the mouth.

The male jade is also blue on the face, can not wait for a slap, fell on this face. I can't recognize that this incense is poisonous, but I still want to be able to. Just before the interest rate, I also sucked a few mouthfuls. Not poisoned!

I also blame myself for being stupid, thinking that this is very versatile, and then with his heavenly cultivation, it is impossible to identify the toxicity, but believe it.

Fortunately, her situation is a little better. When she finds out that it is wrong, she will once again give birth to prevention and shut her breath completely.

Although it is poisoned, it is not too deep. At this moment, it is also necessary to take out several detoxification suits in a row, and then mobilize the whole body to infuse the toxic expulsion.

The result was found to be completely useless. That toxin is actually infuriating with oneself. Thoroughly mixed together. There is me among them, and I have one of them, and I can’t strip it apart. The effect of detoxification is even more embarrassing.

I only felt a faint stun in my brain. And the lingering lingering scent, even if her suffocating suffocation around her body, is inextricably driven. Instead, it penetrates into the pores of the body and then infiltrates. It’s a fire, and it’s almost spontaneous. I can't wait to tear all the clothes out.

"Is it the red gold powder of Dan Lingzong? No, this is a mixed poison-"

Among the memories, only the famous red gold powder of Dan Lingzong has this effect. There is no advertisement in the whole text, but the rest of the mixed toxins, she can't help even one of them.

Looked around, it is completely powerless, can only sit on the ground, trying to expel the toxins. The male jade hesitated for a moment, and he turned without hesitation. The figure shuttles like an electric light. It is not that I don't want to take it with me, but that the toxin is getting more and more fierce, and her consciousness is getting more and more faint. I am afraid that if I have a little delay, I will be dead here.

In the brain of the male jade, at this moment, there is only one consciousness. That is ‘escape’. Before you stun into the ground, escape as far as possible.

On the corpse of the ant real person, the soul of Zong Shou, who has already driven the sword, returned to his body, and then flew again to the sky above the ant real person.

Looking at the south with some doubts, there seems to be some movement there. There are two mice that seem to have been smothered by his clear scent. It’s really interesting –

The lips are slightly picky, and Zong Shou has no mood to pay attention to. When I waited for my turn to look at the line, the sword was born with a bit of heart and a lingering color. Looking at the ant colony of this place, it was almost dying, not far from death.

"On the king, if this poison is used on the battlefield, it can solve millions of troops without any effort. It is a strong person in heaven. If you don't know the roots, you can't escape the calculation."

Zong Shou shook his head slightly: "This is a good fragrance, but it is hurtful."

There are also many examples of poisonous gas battles in later generations, but the end of these people is usually not very good.

Even the Devils Gate, after a few times, was also hit by the right path and exerted a destructive blow.

Zong Shou himself can't do this kind of thing. He sometimes acts unscrupulously, but he also has his own bottom line.

The original apparently did not want this poison to appear on the battlefield. After hearing the words, the face is also loose. Then he condensed his eyebrows: "The magic crystal ant. I don't know where the ant is hiding, I am looking for it -"

"It is estimated that it is not needed. After the magic fire ant, most of them are here."

Zong Shou shook his head, and then directly cut the ants' real clothing with a sword.

The next moment, I saw the back of this ant real person, actually turned into a worm.

It is not that people become worms, but one of them, almost completely combined.

Even if I saw the heart of Zongyuan, I couldn’t help but feel nausea.

He killed no one, and the people who died in his hands on the battlefield, no less than a thousand, what kind of nausea and **** scenes have been seen, can also be seen as usual. This situation can be seen for the first time.

"Sure enough, it is a symbiotic technique. It is no wonder that this magic fire ant can be born into a natural car. But this guy, Cheng also, this defeat -"

Zong Shou shook his head and secretly felt. Although this method can get the help of 100,000 crystal ants, there will be a tyrannical force that can compete against the seventh order and even win. This person can be merged with the queen. Whether it is the spiritual law or the martial arts, it is extremely difficult to break through the seventh order. It’s almost a hope for a step up in the future.

This ant real person, also has a small Qiankun bag, carry it on the side of the body, Zongshou blinked, and then recruited and took it in his hands.

Then you have to take it out and take out one thing. It is a flowering branch, above the branches and leaves, and has two fruits. They are all mature, and they are together, regardless of you or me.

"What about the scorpion? This person is afraid that it is not for the things hidden in the bottle, but the eight-order dragon soul -"

At that moment, Zong Shou responded. This is a scorpion, it should be the ant real person, used to merge with the queen.

This person is good luck, and I don't know where to go, and I will find a pair of branches.

If it is possible to turn the soul of this eight-order Thunder Dragon into a natural car. With its power from the sun to the moment, it is indeed possible to repel the magical fire queen and his assimilation.

With a smile, Zong Shou was careful, and the insects behind the magic fire ants were cut open with a sword.

Then, from the inside, it slipped out countless eggs. It is only about the size of the needle eye and is hidden in a capsule. Zongyuan saw that he was more disgusting. When he thought of these magical fire ants, he was born from the body of this ant, and he felt the chest rolling. But he was patient and careful, and then he was attracted by a golden egg.

This is much bigger than other ant eggs. Full of fist size, color and gold. There are countless stars on it.

Zong Shou also noticed that he would pick it up with his sword and hold it in his hand. After checking his eyes for a moment, he knew the roots.

"It is the egg of the queen, born, it is a magic fire ant -"

Like this kind of sperm population, anytime, anywhere, will continue for the blood, leaving a back road.

There are eggs left behind by the queen, and he is also expected.

The principle of the sect is a slight surprise. Knowing this kind of ant-level crystal ant is the most advanced kind of escort.

And no matter how hard it can be, the endless challenge of the ant, the endless ant, after training to the high level, is also equivalent to the hand, holding a 100,000 army absolutely obeyed! It’s not a normal soldier, but at least it’s innate!

Zong Shou's face is still as calm as usual: "Unfortunately, after the birth of this queen, there are only four steps at most -"

The fourth-order magic fire ant, the strongest soldier ants produced, will only be the third-order half. It takes more time to develop it to a higher level.

For him, it is chicken ribs. It’s a pity to abandon it, it’s tasteless.

And this magic fire ant colony is strong, but some do not match his fighting style, but also slightly a little disgusted.

Suddenly, but also in my heart, remembered the old man of the Dragon Shadow, the account of the time of departure.

- Say that he wants him not to be too cautious in the future. Those who swallow the heavens are mad at this law. However, most of them are abused by people.

It is also said that this swallowing of the gods, used the place. In the future, you can explore it carefully, and Moin squandered it.

These insights coincide with him. I felt that it was a pity that it was only used to steal other people’s blood and human beings and use them for their own use.

Recently, the ‘swallowing’ character has been brought together, and it has become more and more like this when I realize its meaning.

With this in mind, the inspiration in Zong Shou’s mind is becoming more and more clear.

The pupil first spread without god, without focal length, and then quickly contracted, revealing a fierce luster.

The next one, Zong Shou has already flashed. Within this ten-mile radius, the lines of runes are drawn everywhere, and countless animal crystals are buried everywhere.

Finally, I finally rushed to the magic fire ants, all before the gas break ~www.readwn.com~ rushed back to the side of the ant real person.

First on the eggs, the genie combines the powder of the seventh-order animal crystal. Drawing a myriad of net characters, they are dense and combined with each other so that they have no dead ends.

Then, the antidote of the clear fragrance of the hundred miles was spread on the golden ant eggs.

Taking a deep breath, Zong Shouqiang pressed the feelings of suffering and loss. Then, in the mouth, he said a word of 'swallowing', holding the ant eggs in his hand, swallowing the heavens and erupting.

When there is a space between the airspace, all the ant body ants are floating in a faint ant soul. Then it was completely shattered by a vast force and gathered away from Zong Shou.

There are also countless flesh and blood, all of which have melted into a **** essence after a moment. Guided by the spiritual array under Zongshou, left to the center.

However, these are not absorbed into the body. Instead, it is transferred directly, and a little bit is poured into the crystal ant egg.


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