Divine Brilliance

Chapter 391: Toxic kill 7th order

The thirty-first chapter is poisonous to kill the seventh order (the second is to recommend the monthly ticket)

Most of the magic fire ants are still conscious. However, at this moment, it seems that they know Zong Shou's law, and they are helping them to strengthen the inheritance of descendants.

When Zong Shou drove the Tianyuan method, it suddenly became several times easier. You can separate your mind and thoroughly purify all the soul and essence, and then enter it into the eggs. The fear of being too fast hurts the structure inside.

And as time goes by, this golden egg is brighter and brighter. It was originally a golden light with a little bit of mottled unevenness. At the moment, they spread and spread all the corners of the egg shell.

The whole process took six hours. After waiting for the four weeks, all the animal crystals could not bear, and they shattered. Participate in this space to participate in the essence of blood, all vented. Within the entire ten miles, there are only a lot of empty shells of magic fire ants.

In the hands of Zong Shou, the egg has become black.

"Jun, you are only -"

On the original side of the sect, all are suspicious. I didn’t dare to disturb before, so that Zong Shou was distracted. At this moment, I was unable to suppress the curiosity and shock.

"A kind of practice method. It can swallow everything in the world and transform it into Yuanli."

Explain one sentence at random, Zong Shou looked at the eggs in his hands again. He is now ruining the Tianyuan, and it is not as old as it used to be.

Since it is not a real magical method, then everything is easy to say.

Once again, the spirit is explored, and the Shou Shou slightly distinguishes, and it is clear that the order of the egg is really improved.

Twelve thousand crystal ants, plus all the souls of the queen, gathered in it, shrinking into a group, almost endless.

The egg of this queen seems to have some unlimited potential.

"Sixth and a half -"

It is judged that at this moment, the ant hatched, roughly equal. Zong Shou remembered the ant real person, and the small 乾 乾 袋 bag took out the fragrant incense.

This object is also an extremely rare genius, which can make any beast and soul beast become a natural car that resembles his thunder and scorpion in a symbiotic way.

Then Zong Shou’s consciousness began a completely jumping thinking.

"Zongyuan, you can remember, that 100,000 blood killing Li Xingling?"

"Li Xingling? I remember! I have never seen this person before, but I have seen him. If it is not in the hands of the king, this person's future, the achievement is probably more than a few times the dragon. That kills the sword, Killing a wife and killing a mother has been evolving to him -"

"So you know this person, have a **** in the body? And at that time, it is already up to third order?"

The look of Zongyuan turned into a surprise at this time. How can it be purely the body of martial arts and the service of the escort?

Zong Shouyi smiled, and Li Xingling accepted the secret law of protecting the spirit beast. He just knew it. From the relics of this person, it was collected, but it has never been taken care of, and his subordinates do not need this thing.

But at this time, there is another idea. It is a pity that this is not used.

The tone followed by another change, with a bit of temptation: "Zongyuan, do you want a natural car?"

Zongyuan’s brow was slightly picked, and then he fell into the hands of Zong Shou. Then he shook his head decisively: "If it is the egg behind this magic fire ant, then forget it!"

Thinking about the genius, the nausea situation in the ant real person, the original is to kill and reluctant. Although Zong Shou insisted, he would not refuse. Just in my heart, I will never be as loyal as ever.

"Reassured! Not this thing."

Zong Shou laughed and put the eggs of the queen's eggs in his hands. This is what you don't want, don't do it to others.

"It's an eighth-order soul beast, and it fits well with your physical attributes. With your gunwork, you can improve your power several times. It's not a simple symbiosis."

I am thinking that if this person's soul meets once, I am afraid that I will also evade it. Among the cloud world, the young Junjie who can surely beat this guy is not out of the five fingers. On the battlefield, you can sweep everything.

However, thinking of those two things, Zong Shou himself feels very distressed.

Turning around, but seeing Zongyuan is dubious, it is obvious that with a bit of doubt, Zong Shou could not help.

"Forget it, it is still early to say that this thing. To surrender the eighth-order escort, at least it needs to be repaired in seven steps. This will wait until you step on the heavens, but these days, it is best to cultivate the soul. This law, at least, needs to go out of the way -"

Zongyuan ‘oh’, there is nothing wrong with it, this can be troublesome.

The heaven is good to say. Until the cultivation of the Vipassana Xuan Zang forging, and taking the blood of the coffin day by day. He feels that the foundation of floating because of the speed of promotion is just a little bit tired, the body is constantly strengthening, and the power of the thunder that can absorb the crowd is increasing.

This time in the Dragon Gate, the guns were repaired, not only greatly. I also got some of the old people of Long Ying, and got a lot of benefits.

It has been faintly felt that he can enter the realm of heaven for up to two years.

But this practice of spiritual law is difficult. He is infuriating, especially after changing the arrogant gun, it is just to the sun, but with the soul is a natural conflict.

If you have no other way, it will be nowhere in sight.

It’s just that since he’s got a big hatred and vowed to end, the heart has been reluctant to violate the order. Even if the order is unreasonable, how can it be ridiculous?

Zong Shou over there, but did not notice the change of Zong Yuan's eyes. Confused with the eyebrows and thought about it, it is better to decide to destroy the dead.

The death of the ant real person must shake the cloud world. It must be more smashed than the dragon, and the body is smashed by itself.

The eggs of this insect are more coveted.

Dozens of road signs were played, and the entire ten miles of the land ignited the flames of the sky. For a long time, only half a quarter of an hour, the majority of the crystal ant shell, together with the body of the real person, burned.

However, there is also a small part. After a whole hour has passed, it still remains intact and there is no sign of melting.

Zong Shou simply swept away the mana and took it all together. When Fang Yi started, he knew that these shell fragments were the most essential parts of the magic fire ants. The material is strong, I am afraid that it is a seventh-order spirit, and it is difficult to move.

Without hesitation, Zong Shou will include all of them in Xiao Qiankun's bag. Then I fixed my eyes, and some doubts looked at the low hills in the south again.

There seems to be only one left in the previous two mice. It seems that the weakest one is gone, and the one left behind seems to have completely disappeared.

I don't want to pay attention to it, but this situation is a bit strange.

Flying up, Zong Shou drove the sword and quickly flew. With just over a hundred breaths, I went to the sky.

I saw it here, it is a small spiritual array, exquisite, can screen the air, cover the sound.

Only at this time, because there is no host, there will be flaws.

Zong Shou was also in the past, until the ant colony was poisoned, and the ant was given the first person. This sensed that there was someone peeping.

After landing, Zong Shou saw a young man with a golden face and was lying on the ground.

Already a life-threatening, completely silent. Four skins have signs of decay.

It is the poison of the clear fragrance of the hundred miles, which is corroding its body.

Look at the face again, vaguely familiar. Zong Shou thought for a long time, only to remember that it seemed to be the man who stood with Xiongyu a few days ago.

The action of the neck and the contempt in the eyes are all memories.

Zong Shou frowned and had a big sleeve. There was a breeze blowing up and holding the person’s belongings in his hands. There is also a small Qiankun bag inside, which is also the best of two hundred feet. After Zong Shou looked at it, his face was changed and he was suddenly stunned.

"--It is estimated that it is a person of the spirits! It should not be low--"

Zongyuan happened to arrive at this time. After hearing the news, it was the first time. He raised his brow and looked at the body.

Do you think that your identity is not low? This man’s martial arts is cultivated, and it’s obviously already in the heavens. In terms of spiritual law, it is also extremely extraordinary.

In any family sect, it should be the core disciple, and the future is boundless. But at the moment, there is only one cold body left.

Zong Shou stayed for a long time, only another sigh. This is too legendary. If you are not careful, you will kill a seventh-order powerhouse. ,

"Zongyuan, you said that in this world, how can there be such a stupid person? This hundred miles of clean fragrance is indeed a very good poison, but it does not mean that there is no reaction time. This detoxification of the Dan, is it a mess?" If he was poisoned, he ran out of his face and asked for help. It’s hard to be alone and still sit back and ignore it?"

Zongyuan was speechless and went forward. Look through the body carefully. Just knowing this person, why did you die?

Poisoning is too deep. Under the panic, taking too much detoxification, the result is that the scent of thyme is mutated, making the toxicity more dramatic, which is another cause.

In short, this person, indeed, is a wonderful death, and some deaths are awkward.

Zong Shou has already thought of another mouse that has escaped. If there is no accident, it must be that woman no doubt~www.readwn.com~ After you say that Xiongyu will go back, will it tell the Lijia? Adding oil and vinegar? ”

Zongyuan sank in a burst, then shook his head again: "It is not necessarily the death of this person. She can't take it off. If this person sends a death message in Julong Mountain, I am afraid that the spirit will be strong, the first one will not let go. It is the Flame Mountain."

On the Zongshou face, there is no easy feeling. Knowing this time is really a big trouble. Although this spirit is fierce, he will be confronted sooner or later.

I don't know why, at this time, when he thought of this person, he was one of the participants who forced Zong Weiran into Shen Yunhai. Just want to hide in the chest, I want to be a family, as soon as possible!

——After the disappearance of ‘Zong Shou’, the remaining father and son’s feelings should not be strong enough to this extent.

However, if you have to deal with Li, your strength is not enough. Some things have already been needed in advance.

Just like the mount of the blood cloud armor - the dragon horn wing horse.


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