Divine Brilliance

Chapter 408: Snowy whale

Chapter 48: Xueling Giant Whale (recommended for the monthly ticket)

Within the void of this wall, there is no sense of distance at all. Uploaded by netizens == Ming Ming went a few hundred feet forward, but when I look back, it is just a step away. Sometimes, just a mile away, it is already far from the previous position, far beyond the giant.

It was discovered that this ‘Linghe’ actually had several ‘mouths’, and part of the ‘river’ was diverted to other places. Nature also includes some jīng beasts and monsters in Linghe.

And among the spiritual rivers, it is not completely smooth. There are countless layers of invisible force barriers that are blocked, making some powerful eighth-order beasts and evils completely inaccessible.

Even if it is below the eighth order, there is occasional part of luck that is good or bad. It can only pass through these invisible gaps and flow in along the Linghe River.

"It is said that in the early years of the ancient times of the ancient times, a great war made the cloud world riddled with holes. Therefore, there are five people in the cloud industry who have reached the top of the world. They have established these five major dilemmas and each of them has suppressed one side and become a barrier to the world. This rumor I am afraid that most of them are good -"

Zong Shou, while in the heart, Husi luàn thought, looking around. Until I saw the distance, it was a pass, but it was not a diversion, but a few Pentium Rivers, gathered in one place.

This is to fix the seven-star altar, the position is exactly the convergence of a spiritual cháo.

"It's here! Going forward, it should be the boundary!"


Zongyuan’s brow was picked and he never heard of the name.

Zong Shou did not explain again, and he did not come to Linghe, but this boundary is extremely familiar.

If you don't go to the world of Xianwu in the afterlife, you must think of other worlds, and you can only drive the spirit boat and start from this boundary. A bounding world, China Unicom has ten worlds.

He has been in and out more than a dozen times, sometimes purely for tourism, to go sightseeing in other worlds. Sometimes they are hiding from the enemy and have to leave the cloud for a while. Therefore, on the other side, although it is not well understood, it is also familiar.

Knowing this era, there should be countless tyrannical evils in it, not the self at the moment, able to cope with it.

The altar must have countless spiritual veins, gathered and came to the altar.

The psionic power of the Linghe River is a dilemma and far from being able to match. At this moment, he was attacked by the spirits on the altar. Zong Shou suddenly felt his own soul power, as if he could mobilize countless psionic powers. It seems that itself is the **** here, and the strength is soaring.

Knowing that this is the illusion that the psionic energy is too strong, Zong Shou does not care, and with a handful of sleeves, several of the spiritual pets carried on the body have come out.

Thunder Wing and Xiao Jin are attached directly to him. When the demon eye silver bear does not have to show up, it is turned into a soul stone.

As for the lion, it is hidden in a pocket on him. This is also the thing that comes from the ant Taoist, but it is a kind in the small Qiankun bag.

It is also made of seven or more orders, but it needs to have the skin of space and space. Although the value of the materials used is still strong, there is only a space of a hundred square feet.

However, this spirit beast bag, but not only the dead objects can enter, the living things can also enter and leave the space, and even practice in the middle.

On the ant Taoist, he took a full two to carry his magical fire ants, and crossed the sea of ​​clouds, rushing from the central cloud to the east.

When Zong Shou got it, there were thousands of magic fire ants inside. Although the queen is dead, these crystal ants are still alive and jumping, and it is necessary to clean up, and it costs him a lot of effort.

Near the vortex, there are also a lot of jīng beasts, which are attracted by the swirling force.

Zong Shou looked at it four times, and then it was a bright light. I saw that there was a seven-step snow whale, which rushed down with the Linghe River.

Knowing this creature, the body is extremely large, but the combat power can only be considered ordinary. Only by relying on its strong and powerful, it oppresses the same kind, but for some jīng beasts with strong tyrannical strength, fast speed, but small size, they are basically helpless.

It’s all about the week. At only one end, the value is generally comparable to the four seventh-order jīng beasts.

Zong Shouxin secretly hid himself and forgot himself. It was only the sixth-order realm of the spiritual law, and it was only the peak of Yangshuo. Directly in the heart of a move, the Thunder giant, directly rushed.

Previously fighting this magical fire ant, this thunder, has been pinned from beginning to end, can not go all out.

At this moment, the power can be fully displayed, but the body is up and down, but it is a purple electric light that shakes hundreds of feet long. Some of the five or six-order jīng beasts around the body are lightly numb, and they are already paralyzed, unable to move, or even have On the spot.

Then I only listened to the thunder of ‘Boom’, and the surrounding psionic energy was violently scrolling.

The Thunder Wings and the snowy whales slammed into one place. The former is directly back and fly back, and the soul of the dragon is shrunk to the inside of the ròu body, and the body is less than twelve feet long, and the eyes are blurred, and Venus shines.

The Xueling giant whale is completely unscathed and is set in place. Only the heart seems to be hit by the purple sè Thunder, but also fell into a dizzy mí. In this case, the demon-eyed silver bear suddenly became arrogant. In the eyebrows, there are three silver awns in succession, and they all go to the same position, directly wearing the head of this snowy whale, dòng wearing a huge blood dòng,

The snow-winged whale, also awkwardly awakened, was angered by yù writhing his body and ran into the seven-star altar. A glimpse of a sly lion, suddenly appeared in the belly, a pair of claws swung out, just above its belly, and opened an amazing blood hole, directly hit the heart of this whale.

This lion lion Xiaozhi, a month ago, has relied on the blood of the coffin, and the body strengthens the advanced to the fifth-order.

After Zong Shou, he simply put a few drops of Xuan yīn dragon blood into his body. However, the path chosen by the lion is not a fusion, but a ‘phagot’ with Xiaojin.

At this time, it has not been completed yet, and the whole week is completely like a fog. The magical power of the lions and lions will make you feel good. It seems to be a powerful assassin. When it is hidden, it is basically difficult to see. Once it appears, it must be the fatal time of a hit!

The pair of lion claws fluttered, as if they were giant chisels, and they went deep into the body of the snow whale.

The latter was also shocked, slamming his body and pulling out the lions in the body. Then another whistling, the countless ice arrows gathered in the void, and went in the direction of the lion.

Zong Shou’s eyes glimpsed and slammed the sword. Behind him, there is a shadow of Xuan Jinlong, a sharp white sè Jianguang, which is also in this void. Only one shines, it will crush all the thousands of ice arrows! The mouth was even more sullen, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of chún.


Without his command, Zong Yuan rushed to the ground. A purple sè gunshot, slammed away. First, dozens of purple thunders exploded, and then they became a little. There is no return, and I have done my best.

And the next must, in this piece of Linghe, is full of blood, and a louder cry. Zongyuan from the demon eye silver bear, with Geng Jinshuo, dòng wound out of the wound, the wound, once again expanded, hit the brain.

Make this whale, already caught in a madness. At this time, Zong Shou’s Thunder Wings, but they recovered, and once again turned out the body of the Dragon Soul, and slammed into the past.

Zong Shouxin is slightly loose, knowing that after this battle, at least 1,400 merits are at hand.

The Snow Whale is not a sin. After the kill, it is impossible to obtain merit. However, it can be exchanged for merit in the body.

There is also the whale oil inside the Snow Whale, which is made into the snowy dragon musk, which is several times stronger than the best purple wood sandalwood. Whether it is to use the fighting method, or to practice, it is good.

But at the moment, he is not happy. Within the body, qi and blood rushed dàng. When the ice arrows were opened and the lion was saved, the huge anti-shock force directly injured his body.

I can't borrow the power of Wei Xu. I don't have the protection of Long Ying's old man. I am so vulnerable in front of the real seventh-order. It is too high to look at myself.

It is not easy to get the 35,000 merits. He has more combat power than this snowy whale at least two Thunder Wings, killing this seven-step behemoth full of flaws, but still pay the price. The rest of the stronger jīng beasts and evils, even less dare to imagine.

- But this place seems to be a great place to hone your swordsmanship!

Zong Shou holding the fire yīn sword, the jīng mang in the eyelids, gradually withdrawing, but the war is rushing.


At the end of this ‘Linghe’, there are more than a dozen giant spirits gathering within the Linghai.

Xuanye is just a frowning brow, revealing a trace of anger.

"That is to say ~www.readwn.com~ You can't figure out that others are not, but you have been taught by others. The man is waiting for you, and he is waiting for the sè." Those sisters, all mí fell?"

Seeing the front of the Yongqin and Chen Rou II nv, are all embarrassed. Xuanye did not suffer from a headache róu róu his own eyebrows.

After a long while, Nayong Qin said: "I am just waiting for You Xuan Ye, you are not only flat. The talent of Xuan Ye, this three-six-six-mén, who do not know? Who does not admire? Those elders It’s not invisible, let a stinky child, and live in it. A child who is only fifteen, what qualifications, become the chief of my life? Even if it is the two pigs of Xie Anluo, it is better than him!"

He also clenched his fist and hated the earth: "The man is so abominable! Don't you know that the disciples of our seven Lingzong, the most feared is the second robbery. Once the heart is moving, can't you stop it? The heart is used on them, but it’s just a matter of disregarding it. It’s really hateful! It’s obvious to torture them—"

Xuanye heard the words, but it was a helpless shake. Then he violently burst into the chest and knocked on Yongqin’s forehead.


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