Divine Brilliance

Chapter 409: Wan Cui Cuihua

The fourth zero-ninth chapter of the worms (the second is to recommend the monthly ticket)

"You are so self-satisfied, where can you blame others? You can teach him, can others not teach you?"

Yongqin ‘诶哟’, hugged his head. I am a teacher, I am so beaten by you, but I really have no face.

Then I only listened to Xuan Ye coldly saying: "I see you are alive! The chief dispute, Xuan Ye has its own rules and regulations, why do you need to help me? It is too embarrassing to say this way. When dealing with foreign enemies, naturally It’s okay to use whatever means, but it’s no problem. But if it’s used to deal with the same mén, it’s gone!”

Yongqin turned his eyes and did not agree with it. Seeing Xuanye and holding his fist again, yù knocked over. Quickly dodge: "Don't hit me, but you are a teacher! You have to tell you that you don't respect you!"

Xuan Ye heard that it was so good and funny, after all, he still took the fist back. Then there was a sudden move in my heart, and I slammed my hand and grabbed Yongqin in front of me. Then I ignored it, but it was a large crowd, and I directly opened the ōng襟 of Yongqin, only to see that between. He painted a fresh yàn rose. In her memory, it was originally a huā苞 shape, but at the moment it is already blooming.

The look of Xuan Ye also turned to dignity.

"Ling huā first released, what did he do to you?"

Yongqin's face is red, and he can't say it. Do you say with Xuan Ye that you have someone else's illusion. As a result, the bad-hearted boy turned into several in her dreams, and then did the shameful things in her dreams. Before and after, up and down, left and right, and what postures have been tried.

She didn't talk, but Chen Rou used her hand to cover chún and sneered a little: "I don't know this. I only know that Qinqin is the technique of applying Meiling, and that it is also sealed by illusion." It’s weird, not only when I wake up, I’m reluctant. The clothes are all soaked, if I’m not going to clean the clothes, I’m not going to drag them to the present.”

When it comes to general, it is screamed by Yongqin. Chen Rou did not care, but instead provocative, and glanced over.

Xuan Ye sighed, already expected a few points, put Yongqin's clothes on the road: "Calm and cultivate some time, it should be nothing. Today, after all, you are still waiting for the wrong, this person since he claims to be a sin If you don’t lie, it’s that I’m waiting for my uncle’s ancestors, but I can’t be disrespectful. In a few days, I’m going to find a apology for this autumn--”

To be precise, it is the uncle's uncle, and they are five generations higher. Although Xuanye is a four-generation disciple of Taiyuanzong, it is actually the algorithm of its own mén. Above the token token, it is the eight generations of disciples of Taiyuan.

This person's generation is really surprisingly high!

Picking up the eyebrows, Xuanye followed the eyes, and revealed a trace of grief: "I thought he was young, not looking for him trouble. But now this person, since there is such a skill, he put down his heart. Wait until He broke through the seventh order, and Xuanye will naturally find a battle with mén and fight for this chief position."

Also warned to see two nv glance: "No means to play, my mysterious leaves are bright and open, even if you want to win, do not bother -"

When the voice did not fall, I heard a voice of discussion behind me. Xuanye looked back and saw a dozen sisters who occupied a ‘sea eye’ on the other side, all squinting.

Xuanye stunned, left behind the second nv, and walked over in the past: "What happened?"

"Xuanye Shimei!"

One of the nv sons, who was about twenty years old, looked up and looked suspicious. He pointed to a Linghe: "In that direction, there is no jīng beast on the seventh order for a long time. The sixth order is also less. A lot."

Xuanye looked at the scene and looked at the past with some mistakes. This Linghe River is not the direction in which the two left.

Two sixth-order, just have this kind of skill? Is this a coincidence, or what are the two?


After half a day, Zong Shou was panting and unable to sit on the seven-star altar.

It’s not just him. It’s originally a jīng god, and the Thunder Wings, which is a great show, is also very wilting. He put his body on the altar and he doesn’t want to get up.

And like the lion, it is even more unbearable, has collapsed, foaming in the mouth. I am already dead, and the master, don’t call me any more. As for the demon eye silver bear, even the shape can not be maintained at this moment.

Although the psionic energy is strong here, it can be so powerful, but it is limited.

Only the original, the face is already as usual. Even in the eyelids, there has been a bit of fatigue, and the body is like a javelin, tǐng is straight.

"Jun Shang, it is dangerous here. It will be good for a long time, or it will be good to go back."

Zong Shou is somewhat speechless, looking in front of him. That is the material he collected, as well as the evil crystal and the magic crystal.

Four hours, the seventh-order jīng beast three, the sixth-order demon six, this is his record,

A total of 2,130 merits should be exchanged. In addition to the first time, when killing the sea of ​​whales, it was quite smooth. After the luck, it has been poor.

With the seventh-order jīng beast battle, a total of four heads slipped away. The other three are also careless, destroying all the precious spiritual materials on these jīng beasts. The added value is less than half of the body of the sea of ​​whales.

As for the demon who can exchange merits, it is even more difficult than these seven-order jīng beasts. Mostly, it is almost invisible and inferior. If you don’t see it right, you will escape in time and let the two look down.

And the four hours of war, so that the two people and four beasts of the jīng spirit, are almost the same.

At this moment, even a few sixth-order jīng beasts can also be seen in the side. If it weren't for the altar, there would be a set of flying leaf swords in the protection, almost to be attacked by it.

Zong Shou took out a panacea that restored the jīng gas and put it into the mouth. However, at these few hours, he and Zongyuan used this kind of Dan yào as a sugar bean to eat, which was already ineffective.

In fact, his physical strength is extremely weak, and he will take a break for a while, relying on Zongyuan as the main force.

Knowing this moment, it is best to leave. In order to avoid falling into the besieged bureau, the heart is quite unwilling, only two thousand merits a day. If you want to get 35,000, is it not necessary to go after dozens of days? And tomorrow, there may not be a chance to hit the snow whale.

Zongyuan’s view of the sè, when he saw his expression, he knew that Zong Shou’s thoughts and shook his head: “The psionic power here is too strong, and the magical power of these jīng beasts can have 12% power. Self-healing power, It is also more than ten times more than usual. I still go back first, think about ways to say it. In fact, Zongyuan is not in a hurry, then "Wanhua Xuanzang Heart Sutra", don't do it too -"

Zong Shou heard a bitter smile, why not know, here is the paradise of those jīng beasts? At least half the battle power can be increased!

There has been a retreat in his heart, and before he sees it, there are more than a dozen jīng beasts and evils that flow by. But it is no power, to kill it.

- As long as you know this, you should bring the weak water together.

However, although the weak water is the seventh-order, the way to go, but it is like an assassin, it is like an assassin, but it will not kill too much.

I also thought that if I was the army of Tianshan City, it would be easy to make up 35,000 merits.

At this time, I was especially envious of the ant Taoist, and there were 100,000 ants. It is enough to level the river.

Thinking of this, Zong Shou is suddenly moving in the heart, looking around.

"This environment is God's will?"

The right hand plunged into the Qiankun bag, and in a short time, he smashed an ant egg of purple gold.

I don't know if I have already blended the blood of the lingering scorpion. The egg of this queen has become smaller and smaller since that day. Nowadays, only the size of the fist, sè Ze also becomes this m.

I don't know what kind of monster is it now?

While thinking about it, I placed this purple gold ant egg in front of me.

Zong Shouxian cut his fingers and dripped on them. Do not bother, according to the most jīng fine, the most complicated genie locks the heart of the array.

After that, I was still not worried. Then I took out a silver-white sè and posted it on it.

- Tai Xuan locks the heart, is a fairy that he obtained from the relics of Xuan làng.

Zong Shou these days, although not to check the origin of this character. But only by fixing the four words from the lock, you can know the general effect of this symbol.

The unknown creature in this 'anthill egg' is estimated to be the most unpredictable and most dangerous creature in all his spiritual guards, and can't be careless.

It is unknown that the things in this egg will be able to incubate smoothly. However, since this place, the psionic power is so strong, if it is added to the thing, I am afraid that most of it will be completed.

Finally, take out a small bottle, and once you open the cork, you will only feel a vast expanse of dragons and rush out from the inside.

Zongyuan looked a glimpse, and the thunder and scorpion squatted, and he raised his head slyly. He looked alert and looked at the bottle.

Feeling inside, it is homologous to it, and it is much stronger. It just seems that there is no body, and it is not as good as it.

Zong Shou mana explored, took out a thing from it, and then hurriedly covered the cork, so that Longwei converge.

Then inside the palm of your hand ~www.readwn.com~ there is a drop of blue sè crystal.

With the hands of Zong Shou, a flame was ignited, and the blue crystals began to melt, turning into a liquid, blue and crystal.

Zong Yuan picked up his eyebrows and said, what is this in the end? As the crystal melted, a scent was also introduced into his nose. Even with him, at the moment, he also gave birth to a bit of desire.

And the surrounding jīng beast, the demon, is also red-eyed, looking over the altar. In spite of the sword array, he rushed inward.

"This thing is the worm of the worm, and it is said that it is the sputum of the pu hu sputum, and then collects the genus of the genus of the genus. It can make any genus, up to two to four grades, naturally to the jīng beast In terms of it, it is quite useful too -"

Zongyuan's look is a glimpse. The legend of Yinghu is the ancestor of the ancient worm. If it is really its r liquid. I am afraid that there are such wonderful things.

This queen of the magic fire ants, this is the top of the spirit of the guard. If it is to upgrade two grades, how much will it be tyrannical?


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