Divine Brilliance

Chapter 450: Xue Xi's wish

The forty-fiveth chapter of Xue Xi's wish (the second is to recommend the monthly ticket)

The bells are still lingering, but the reverberations are endless, and they are in the palace. M(_彩&虹&文&学)

Zong Shou looked like a micro-Su, looking to Zhao Ruran and Xuan Yunlan, I saw two women, but also a face of a calm color.

Even the first snow, the Zong Shou's hand was released, looking in the direction of the bell.

Zong Shou meditation for a moment, then another brow, picking up the sword directly, going to the east gate of the Daogong, flying away. The rest of the people are also close behind.

Ten miles away, but a few breaths have arrived. At this moment, more than 10,000 disciples in the palace have arrived from all directions. Seems to know something, silently, on both sides of the palace gate.

At this time, Zong Shou, whether in this awkward dilemma or among the three six-doors, has already gained a lot of fame. It is a veritable disciple of the school, and it is a rare three-generation true biography.

All the people who recognized him, when they passed by, stopped and gave him a gift.

After arriving at the palace gate, no one dared to approach, standing far away, leaving a vacant lot for Zong Shou.

It is cheaper to have a few people in Zongyuan and Zhao Ruran, without having to squeeze in the same place with the rest of the disciples.

I only waited for a moment in the moment, and then I heard another bell, and the door in the palace was suddenly opened.

I saw more than a hundred personal shadows, and I was standing outside. They are all middle-aged from the 30th to the 40th. The face is either decadent or negligent, or there is no expression. Only a few people, no words, but already have some sharpness in the eyebrows.

That is the first person, but it is extremely outstanding. Although it is only wearing a simple robe, the face is dissipated, but the calm and self-confident magnanimity, but Zong Shou, the first time I remembered Wei Xu,

At this time, at the entrance of the palace, a man with a sound like a bell sounded: "We congratulate all of you on your return to the Cangdao Palace!"

Zong Shou looked obliquely, only to see the person who spoke, but also a middle-aged about 30 years old, dressed in Confucianism, looks young, but full of white hair. The look at the moment is an indescribable feeling.

He recognizes this person, it is Fang Wen, the palace owner of the Cangsheng School. If you are in the status of ‘Talking Autumn’. This person can now be regarded as his brother.

At the moment, more than a thousand disciples in the door are also sullen and solemn, and they are greeted outside the door.

"We are welcoming you to the same door and returning to my heart!"

The more than a hundred middle-aged disciples are awkward. Even those who have been completely numb and lifeless have raised their heads and have a few shines in their throats.

Only for the first place, nowhere. The body trembled into the door. When passing by Fang Wen, the latter could not help but be a brow: "Teacher--"

The middle-aged man never thought about it. Going into the door, looking up at the sky silently. The sight of the gaze is the direction of the ancestral hall.

At this moment, the atmosphere near the palace gate is both surprising and exciting. Although the people are silent, they are obviously suppressing their emotions. Like a dead volcano, the lava is pressed into his chest and abdomen.

Zong Shou has no feeling. Look carefully at the extraordinary, similar to Wei Xu’s middle-aged man.

The secret of this one must be that Xue Xi. Even the Korean side is also a person who attaches great importance to it.

In the next moment, I saw that Xue Xi suddenly burst into tears and bowed down to the ancestral hall. It was a meticulous dagger.

The hundreds of disciples behind him, at this moment, could not help but shed two lines of tears on the face, followed by Xue Xi’s three miles.

And there are more than a hundred people in the crowd. The same is true, but it is toward more than a hundred people in that road.

Zong Shouzheng was secretly surprised, and immediately listened to Zhao Yiran: "These people have participated in the battle of Yanchengguan before, but they have escaped. It is said that these people have been detained, regardless of life and death. I heard that they will return to Zongmen in the near future, so they will return all night -"

Listening to these few sentences, Zong Shou is completely dumb. Next to Zongyuan, it is a little disappointing to look at this tomb. He whispered in his mouth: "I can finally know why there are three six doors in Cangsheng Road. Why can I Anti-fighting two ways and unbeaten forever."

Although weak water does not speak, it can be very calm.

After Xue Xi completed the gift, he got up again. His eyes glanced in the crowd. When he passed the Zongshou, he settled down and daggered it. It was a gift. With a grateful color in his eyes, he did not come to speak.

Zong Shouyi smiles and knows what it means. This is what Daen does not say. The gentleman's friendship is as light as water, and the original does not have to be placed on the face, hanging on his lips.

Then Xue Xi then moved away from his gaze and looked at the sky again. In the eyes, there are both joys and excitement, and there is a sense of embarrassment, once again leaning over a week.

Zong Shou looked at him with his eyes and saw that on the day, I don’t know when there were two more people.

One of them is the South Korean side, the other is a black robes, the old face is equally mournful and happy.

Zong Shou couldn’t help but pick a brow. Is this the Xue Xi’s master? Can stand side by side with the Korean side, I am afraid that it is also the character of the second generation of Cangsheng Road.

At the moment, Zong Shou did not know, just as he looked at the top two. This Korean and black robes are also talking about him.

"This one is Wei Xu Dai Xuan Shuang Shishu, the disciple who received it. You and me, the youngest brother? I have seen his swordsmanship, the sixth-order level, actually can create a sword. Qualification and regardless, this Comprehension is really within my ancestry, second to none. This time, I should be grateful to him."


Han Fang smiled and looked down. It was looking at the boy who was looking at it, and then he nodded with deep thought: "I know that you have been treated as a child of Xue Xi, like a parent. This time, Xue Xi, he can get out of trouble, you really want to thank him!"

The black robe was cold and cold, and Han Fang glanced at it. He knew that this person was still blaming him. He left Zongmen and left for twenty years.

Among the many brothers and brothers, the Korean side is the one with the smallest amount of temperament.

I want to say something, when I sneak, when I come to my mouth, I turn into a sigh: "I Wei Tianfei is a resentful sect, but every time I come to this sacred palace, I can’t help but think about it. This knot can’t be left. Zong Shou's younger brother, this time, Wei Tian will pay remuneration. That Wei Xu's younger brother is not reliable. But this time, the child is included in the door, but it is wise but--"

The South Korean side was a little awkward, and he smiled and said: "Well, what do you say? But today, this Xue Xi teacher, it really surprised me. Twenty years of imprisonment, but did not make it sink. The soul of the Yuan, the perfection of the soul, the self-improvement of the aura. At this moment, the potential of the heart seems to be better than the number of squares. These 20 sets of setbacks, I am afraid that it is a good thing."

Wei Tian smiled and said nothing. In the next moment, I saw the gate of the palace, and it was dead.

I saw that Xue Xi was actually squatting from a nearby disciple's waist, ‘borrowing’ to a long sword, and then he did not hesitate to cut his wrist.

"Xue Xi today, to imitate the Buddha's sacred person, set three vows. The first oath, willing to use the power of life. Let me live, eternal prosperity, to prove the will of the founder! Second oath, to make Yancheng Guan change, All participants, etc., blood debts -"

When it comes to this, more than a thousand disciples near the palace gate are looking at each other, and their eyes are full of strange colors.

And Xue Xi’s voice was also a meal, a deep breath.

"The third oath, Xue Xi wants to smash in the rainbow, the sacred place of the Holy Spirit! Let that too spiritual, all dead!"

When the voice fell, the entire Cang Dao Palace, it was a wind and lightning flash, the clouds filled.

The black breath of a stock rushed from all directions and slammed into Xue Xi.

That Xue Xi’s body, but also a layer of golden hood, repels these black air. It is impossible to get close to a half point.

The face is also more solemn, with a decisive color.

"Please ask the same person as the card. If Xue Xi violates this oath, he will teach me his day, and the soul will burn out and die!"

When the voice fell, a gas machine suddenly burst into the body from Xue Xi. Climbing all the way, rushing the sky.

In the end, it was even more open, and the vast soul force was crushed. There are more than 10,000 underground and almost all of them below, and they are unable to support them. They have fallen to the ground.

Those who can stand, only less than a thousand and 500 people, are all sweaty and sullen.

"This is, nine steps?"

In the heart of Zong Shou, it is also full of surprises. Before this Xue Xi, when entering the Cangsheng Palace, it was obviously only seven steps.

But at this moment, it has climbed two full steps!

"This image should be a sign of the world -"

Zhao Yuran is also looking at it with some contempt, and some are at a loss. Zong Yuan is also silent. This situation is the same as when he was the servant of the swearing of the sect. It’s just this momentum, but it’s going to be a lot more than a dozen times.

Xuan Yunlan also frowned and looked at the black breath: "This is the embodiment of the gods, the world's human heart and evil thoughts, the condensation. This Xue Taishi uncle, although the imitation of the Buddha's method ~ www.mtlnovel. Com~ but not really essential. At this moment, although the power of this demon is used to enhance the potential for cultivation. If it is within the rainbow, it cannot be done. It must be the body, the whole body burns and dies, and becomes the nourishment of these devils. !

Zong Shou is still awkward, I don't know what to say. But I can hear, the determination in Xue Xi’s words and the hatred of the bones.

This is a big sign of heaven and earth. This time, I am afraid that it is really a rescue of an unspeakable person.

In the heart, I couldn’t help but pray for the king of the king. This Highness is still asking for more happiness. Among the people who participated in the change of Yanchengguan, the Hanwang was a vital figure.

The return of more than a hundred disciples behind Xue Xi is also a loss. After waking up, they also cut their wrists.

"--willing to swear!"

"I want to make my life grow! To restore the brothers' **** hatred! Let the Tai Ling Zong, the ruins die!"

In the air, the thunder is rolling, and that Wei Tian is a sigh: "Idiot!


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