Divine Brilliance

Chapter 451: 5 spirits

The forty-five chapter of the five spirits gather together (seeking for a monthly ticket)

In the roar of thunder, Zong Shou hurried back to his first hospital. Uploaded by friends ==

The look is a bit different, when the one hundred and thirty-four people vowed to stand down. A total of nine people, on the spot broke through the seventh-order realm. The rest of the hundred people, etc., are not all breakthroughs, stepping into the mén槛 before the seventh order!

Most of them were people who were as dead as they were, but at that time, they were fighting.

And when more than a hundred people's air-powered machines are closed, the blood gas is arrogant, and even more so that they are so powerful that they are far from the gods.

"Jun Shang! The Xue brother, it is indeed a character -"

The person who spoke is the Zongyuan. At this moment, there is actually a bit of surprise.

Zong Shou also ‘h’, it’s not worth it. Originally, when he saw the captured disciples who were released by Tai Lingzong, his first thought was that most of these people had been completely abolished. Twenty years of imprisonment have already bent their spines. Even if it is still being repaired, it will not be lost.

But today, that Xue Xi is a few words and actions, which makes these people regain support, has support, and has recovered their own qi spirit, and there is no previous decadence.

The three vows of Xue Xi Na are not just for their own enemies.

No wonder, the Korean side will value this person so much. Within this sacred road, it really is a talented person.

Maybe his day, this Tai Ling Zong may really be destroyed in this person's hands.

I also hope that the return of Xue Xi is due to his reason. According to the butterfly effect of later generations, the wind that fanned out of this butterfly is getting bigger and bigger.

The dry Tianshan not only failed to decline, but rose. Cangsheng Road has not failed in Yanchengguan, and will resolve the original Jiuchen several years in advance. Now, there is another Xue Xi who swears the Tai Ling Zong.

What does this future look like in the future?

Zong Shou himself, but I don’t know what to do, and I don’t mean anything. In the future history, luàn will be liàn, why bother? A completely different era of the Emperor, it is his wish, it is the fear of the cultivation of the world is not luàn.

Squinting, looked at the false ‘green sky’ above, only saw the thunder and lightning, and gradually dispersed, the dark clouds that came together, disappeared,

Zong Shou suddenly laughed and laughed. He came to this era and lived in the world with ‘Zong Shou’. It is also doomed to struggle with his efforts, to fight against his own destiny!

This road has come, and it has never fallen to the past life. It was beheaded to show the public, and no one took the corpse.

However, there seems to be more and more things on my body.

According to people, first snow, weak water, Zongyuan - these people, he can not care. He has never been able to let go of Tianshan City. Joining the Cangsheng Road, he is not likely to ignore the rise and fall of Zongmén.

The body is getting heavier and heavier, like a beggar, to pack him tightly and overwhelmed.

For a swordsman, it is not a curse or a blessing.

Gradually losing my heart, my mind is full of luàn. Zong Shou suddenly listened to his ear and sighed lightly: "Small age, think about these things. I am waiting for the repairers, unless they are able to break through the realm, they can truly control their own destiny. People like you In front of the avenue, it is still just an ant. You don't have to deliberately let go of anything, and you don't have to deliberately carry things that shouldn't be burdened. Just do your best, and rely on your heart, where is where you go -"

Zong Shou’s mind woke up and looked at the sky with amazement. I saw the old man who stood side by side with the Korean side, standing proudly in the void, looking at it with a bit of coldness.

However, in that tone, with a little sneer, but the eyes, but it is cold.

"Wake up? Just awake! You are just a big river, struggling with a little fish that you want to jump out. I don't know how small it is in the eyes of people on the shore, how ridiculous it is! The mysterious whales are only three fingers long, and they are deep and submerged in the river. They grow up vigorously and grow with the bō. After a thousand years, they can grow to a thousand feet, can make a wind, and swallow the mountains and rivers. Virtual, invincible. Like you, there is not enough power, even if it really jumps out of the river, it is also going to be eaten!"

Zong Shou’s heart jumped, and the old man seemed to be more powerful than the South Korean side. He really knew what he thought. Quickly concealed the mind and soul, so that the soul of the sea is retracted to sink a section. Then, the next moment, I saw the old man handing over a spar and threw it over.

"This thing is holding, I Wei Tiansu does not like to owe people! Xier, the old man thanked here!"

When the things are left behind, the old man will leave, and before he leaves, he will stop and smile softly. "You, this child, has some meaning. If you really jump out, learn the mysterious whale, first. Stabilize your own roots and say."

Zong Shou is also gently provoked by the corner of chún, respectfully said: "Thank you for your guidance! But the younger brother also heard that this mysterious whale is in the ocean, but it is going to devour millions of blood food every day!"

That Weitian heard it, but it was a big laugh: "I will wait for the repairer, this should be the case! Fight for the spirit yào, fight for the spiritual treasure, fight for the air, and fight for the avenue. The big fish swallow the small fish, in short, generally no. Today is the best So, the younger brother, you are good at it -"

When Wei Tian’s words fell, people had already disappeared.

Zong Shou secretly feels jī, Wei Tian these words, so that he is trying to solve the problem, ōng in the block.

The next moment, the corner of his eyes, suddenly saw the first snow, holding the black sè Shilin cubs in forehand, screaming at him.

Zong Shou’s heart jumped, and he quickly figured out: "Lonely retreat today! You wait for nothing!"

Not waiting for the initial snow reaction, the wind generally rushed into the quiet room, and then shut down the mén awning.

Just sitting down, Zong Shou saw the window, the first snow has stood there, pouting a small mouth, the watery eyes of the big eyes squatting, fixed staring inside.

Zong Shou is an increasingly guilty conscience. Only when he did not see it, took out the spar that Wei Tian had left.

The size of the thumb is a little blue and clear, and the four downstream.

"Is it actually a spar?"

Zong Shou was secretly surprised, and tried to put this blue sè spar at his own forehead.

After a long time, Zong Shoucai removed the stone and his eyes were full of shock.

Here, it is this Wei Tian in the spiritual law, all the experience and sentiment, is a complete and complete inheritance of the spirit.

Joining Cangsheng Road, he will not lack the classics of the spiritual master. If you don’t understand, you can also find people’s advice.

However, it is far from being able to pass through this spar. All the symbols of the symbolic, the main points of the spiritual battle, and the insights of the Heaven and Earth Avenue are all available.

There is even more Wei Tian, ​​in the process of the gods, when the law is formed, all the processes.

"This thing is really a charcoal in the snow, it is earned!"

Sighed, Zong Shou will put it away. In turn, I took out a piece of y, Pei, which is the piece to come from Hanwang.

The prince did not know, but Zong Shou was in the vast classics in the library and saw this.

A palm crushed it, and sure enough, the core of the y ù 佩 佩, immediately a few drops of yùsèr sputum, fluttering out.

Zong Shou took it with the infuriating, and then he was also happy.

Sure enough, this thing - y ù core spirit rǔ!

Then the next must, in the hands of Zong Shou, there are three more golden sè Dan Pills.

Heran is one of the twenty-four lotus seeds among the purple lotus.

It is a pity that at this time, according to people, if there is this alchemy genius, refining these two kinds of spiritual things into dan, will definitely make yào effect multiply!

Having said that, yù心灵rǔ and dry away from Zijinlian, yàoxìng in the end whether it is coincident, whether they can not care, he does not know.

Zong Shou did not hesitate and took it one after another. At this time, it was his brave jīng, struggling to break through, and trying to consolidate the law. Not so much time, go to delay.

Two kinds of spirits, one into the inside. Zong Shou felt colic in the abdomen and then spread to the whole body. The Geng Jin Aura, which is dried from the purple lotus, directly infiltrates into the bones of the body. While destroying all the blood, all the bones and bones, without any mercy, while urging his body, constantly recovering,

The time when the y ù core spirit rǔ was opened, but it was slower, but when it was spread, it suppressed the pain in time and continued to strengthen it. It has been devastated by Geng Jin Aura for dozens of times. Although the effect is not obvious, it is more gentle and comprehensive, with a little enhancement.

Zong Shouxin said a sigh of relief, his expression relaxed, and fully guided the yào force, the bones of the limbs.

This time, it is the most relaxed and obvious experience in his experience of taking many spiritual things.

Sunset sun sinks, Zong Shou until feeling the body, no change, this opens his eyes,

Just looking at the sky outside, I know that this is the morning of the seventh day.

Looking at his own hands, I saw that in addition to the original y white, his skin surface, at this time more gold.

Three dry purple gold lotus seeds, will be a few of the pure Geng gold aura, left in his body bones. And y ù core spirit rǔ, not only makes him ròu body strengthening, bridging all the dark wounds. Even the broken Yuan Soul has been repaired a lot.

Zong Shouyi smiled, knowing that his own ròu body at the moment, and a seven-order spirit soldier, it is estimated that it is not much better.

Ròu body has been solid ~ www.readwn.com ~ God is also recovering, the next step is to hit the ninth floor of the world's ground, and set out to prepare for the agglomeration.

Just as the sect, yù will take out the glazed flaming beads and the dark cold yuan beads. The dragon-shaped totem above the arm suddenly felt hot.

Zong Shou suddenly had a happy time, and his body shape flashed like a shadow. With only a hundred breaths, I went outside the Cangsheng Palace. Driving the Thunder Wings, flying for more than three hours, rushed to the boundary.

Just now, I saw a young boy in the green shirt, waiting for the hand. Zong Shou raised his eyebrows and was slightly suspicious.

"You are, Qiankun?"

The name of Qiankun is the name of the dragon dragon, who told him the name of the dragon.

"Exactly!" The boy turned and smiled, holding a hand in his hand.

Zong Shou's eyes are also a condensate, in the hands of Qiankun, it is a young cub.


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