Divine Brilliance

Chapter 560: It’s better to try

The fifth and sixth chapters are better than try

\"神皇?" [.. quality novels, true quality, good novels! 】

Shi Yue lost his mind for a moment, and then he laughed and laughed: "In the legend of 10,000 years ago, I was able to unify the cloud world and conquer the thousands of people in the world. But these nonsense rumors, actually there are people who believe? In this world, who can Really anticipate the future?"

\"The more you don't believe in stone, you can't let everyone else be the same."

The middle-aged military commander sighed: "Not to mention, since this statement is from the mouth of that person, it is not necessarily nonsense. After all, this many words have now been fulfilled."

Shi Yue once again bowed, and then slightly decapitated: \"It is a child's difference! Just this matter, and my stone family, what is the relationship?"

In the middle age, he answered the question: "You know that just half a month ago, your majesty has cut the popular official position. From the general soldiers of the second product to the governor of the second product?"

\"The baby just came back, can you know there?"

Shi Yue's eyebrow meditation: \"Wind home? Is it due to the wind Tai Chi? Is it your majesty, suspect that the wind is too extreme, is the future emperor?"

\"The will of the Majesty, said that the wind is weak in the north, so that the battle with the North is a lot of unbeaten fear, steep consumption of food. It can be regarded as a teacher, but his Majesty, or have this intention! That North It’s quite strong, you and I know it. The wind is a famous soldier, with less than one million soldiers in one province, but it is resistant to three times. It’s not easy to be invincible.”

The middle-aged military commander answered the vagueness, and then changed his tone, with some helplessness: "He has always been wise, and he does not know why this is so wrong. I am also a rabbit fox, and it hurts its kind. Worried, after all, compared to the wind home, my stone family is more powerful, can replace this big business! Your three brothers, except you, are all beyond the important position. They have been official to the title of the superintendent, the fine More than tens of thousands. I am a thousand miles, and you are born with such a freak!"

In the last sentence, the stone is not at all concerned, and the look is even more convincing: "My father is worried, I am more like the future **** than the wind Tai Chi? If not, it must be one of the candidates of the Emperor?"

Shi Qianli does not speak, but that look, but it is clear that it is the default. Shi Yue is also a happy, slightly self-satisfied: \"So, I am indeed stronger than the wind, the father is so expecting, the child does not know whether it should be happy? As far as I know, the **** of the ancient prophecy It must be the orthodox of the human race, it is from the famous and noble, and the martial arts are strong and invincible! This wind is too temperament, it is too swaying, and the wind home is also taking its own troubles. However, there are swordsmen who are blessed, and they are expected to squat and swear. I dare not overdo it! But nowadays there are several big families in the big business, and the younger generations have excellent children, but not only my stone family and the wind home. I think the rest of the time is also a terror -"

Shi Qianli slightly decapitated, his eyes are more and more gratified, his voice is helpless: "It is true! My colleagues, nowadays, even when they speak normally, are very careful. At this time, although they are known for their kindness, At the beginning of his succession, the means of the trick, but it is still fearing so far. It’s all fear that it will cause jealousy!”

\"I guess so! The tide is approaching, the chaos in the big business dynasty is now, and you are in a hurry -"

Shi Yue’s eyes narrowed, and there was a hint of inexplicable luster in the depths of the squat: “So father and father, how are you going to plan? Please ask my father to tell me the truth!”

That stone thousand miles, but also a deep look at the opposite of this young boy, and then a look of faint opening: \"I stone family have been subjected to the royal family, can not betray the benevolence. If you can still trust me stone, then I Shijia, It’s the loyalty of the big business. If you don’t believe it, then you have to make another plan. In short, this big business can guarantee it and can’t keep it, just replace it!”

The stone smiled silently, but stood up and went to Shiqianli again: "The father is wise! So, please ask my father to send me a soldier and conquer the outside world!"

Shi Qianli suddenly took a look, this time, all the wrong colors. At this time, Shi Yue also got up and smiled and explained: "My father is amazed? Just the child has been thinking about why he can invade the world of the world and invade my cloud world. I can't beat it in the cloud world? The era of the wilderness is different. At that time, the spiritual martial arts of the cloud world were all weak, but at the end of the cloud, there were several places in the world. In this domain, they were second to none. During the years of cultivation, the cloud industry was full of energy. Isn’t there any prophecy in the ancient times? The Emperor, who is the head of the million-dollar world, must be able to attack the various worlds. It’s not as good as it’s because I’m Shiyue, first to fight the foreign domain. Just before I traveled to the outside world, I found that A world. Although it is barren, it has no owner. If it can be obtained, it will at least make me Shijia, increase the income every year. It can also be used to raise a large army."

Shi Qianli is a goddess, and he has had more things in his life. At this time, he was scared by Shi Yue’s words.

In the end, it is the head of the family. Among the cloud circles, one of the most powerful dozens of people, the city government is deep hòu. But for a moment it has calmed down: "The more children, how come you suddenly think about this? How much is it?"

\"Father! In this big business dynasty, it is estimated that I can't accommodate my big fish. If I don't want to be idle, I have to go to the outer field."

Shi Yue smiled, and both fists were gripped, full of self-confidence: \"The tide will start, some cracks in the ancient times of the cloud world have already opened. The child will master a Linghe River to the outer domain, and there are seven treasure ships in his hand. Ten thousand people. Just look for a monk monk and break through the barrier! In the world, there are less than three million repairers. Only ten thousand people can occupy it! And it is extremely remote and not afraid of others. aware!"

\" Fruit really?"

Shi Qianli's eyes are slightly bright, but it disappears in an instant: \"This matter will be said later, I need to think carefully. [.. Quality novels, true quality, good novels!]

At this time, the situation of Shijia, can not retreat, it is better to put energy in the outer domain.

However, this kind of thing is the first in the world of cloud development, and it must be cautious and careful.

Be careful, there will be no mistakes.

Within the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, Zong Shou sat in the empty sky, and his eyes were as good as when he saw the book of the Great World, and there was no focal length.

But it is not for your own life, for your own origin. I feel lost for this universe.

Just in the case of Zong Suran, the blue book in his hand was thrown into the sea of ​​his soul, Zong Shou has already arrived at everything.

I am really a sect, and naturally I am talking about autumn.

Zong Weiran, this is laughing, holding his head, just like a child.

Zong Shou was silent for a while, and he said that he was also a man of five and six. Adding up to fifty years old, it is no longer a child.

Although you are my father, this kind of thing is really excessive! To rise up to resist is!

If you are seen by someone, what is your face?

Struggling, muscles in the limbs, are tight. But he can't get rid of it. The ancestors are standing next to them. They don't see any movements, but they can't move their people.

Only let this ‘father, touch your own head.

The heart is awkward, but it only feels a warmth, like a fine spring, flowing in the heart.

It’s incredibly nostalgic, as if you have a reliance on your heart. It turns out that in this world, he still has relatives.

Zong Shou's eyes are warm, almost leaving tears.

For more than a decade, since the ‘previous mother, I have been like this.

From beginning to end, they are all alone, and they face everything alone.

I can’t help but conceal myself. It’s really not contending. Isn't there an extra ‘ Laozi? What is the use of this?

The sadness and frustration is that in this world, it is no longer unfettered.

\"I did not expect that the guardian will recover from the blood cloud ride, and there is a dragon shadow as a teacher, and Qiankun as a friend. The dry Tianshan is a great force, and it takes only a few months to think about it. At this time, no one can stop it. It is much better than what I thought at the beginning-"

Zong Shou Zhang opened and found that he could speak. The moment is listless: "When you go back, the position of the demon king, I will give it back to you!"

This ‘father’ word is always screaming and not exporting. This dry Tianshan, anyway, he is not here, but in the kendo.

Just because of another ‘Zhou Shou’s obsession, I’ve always been betting a bit.

It’s great to be able to leave this baggage.

However, this is not the case. I don’t know how to practice it in the past few years.

How can it be in the fairyland in just a few years? It’s hard to be the root of the book?

Well, this book is now owned by him.

After two years, this one will not dare to do so, and will certainly not give up.

Zong Weiran smiled, the old **** is there, and he does not care about the disrespect in Zongshou's words. www.readwn.com~ Burning Tianlu, claiming to occupy eight hundred worlds, but it was thousands of years ago! The Lu family has been fighting against the aliens in various circles. It may be more prosperous now, or it may be declining. Such a huge thing, I will fight, but I never think of it, the way to knock it down. ”

From the self-satisfaction, Zong Weiran leisurely said: \" So I want to start from the king of the secret, first unified east, and then fight the outside world. Or one day, before me, let the Lu family send smoke Going back to me. Just after getting this book, there is another way."

At this point, Zong Weiran is a micro-sleeve. The pupil of Zong Shou has also shrunk slightly.

There seems to be no change around the world [Zhuzhu change], but Zong Shou can feel it here, the time flow rate has slowed down dozens of times!

If you are fighting with people, you can swipe the same level with this technique alone! The power even surpasses its own realm -

\"If you continue to go, even Lujia, or I can have the power of a battle!" [.. quality novels, true quality, good novels! 】

When I laughed, when the sound of the ancestors fell, the flow of time around it was restored again: \"The desire is to use the power of this book. Within a few years, it hits the holy world in one fell swoop. Now it is impossible to imagine. I have to leave this world. But I don’t want to give up on the basics of the heavens. So it’s better to try to see the children and become the gods?”

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