Divine Brilliance

Chapter 561: Never experienced

Chapter 561 has never experienced

\"神皇?" [.. quality novels, true quality, good novels! 】

Zong Shou smashed, and then ‘a sneer, silently should not.

During this time, those few people should have begun to rise.

Especially the Lord of Heaven, the protagonist of this domain world, will soon come to the fore.

In the virtual illusion, the decades that have gone through, the cruelty of this battle, he is clear.

These people are not afraid of him, and there is a lack of awe in the people who cultivate the martial arts. Even the owners of the millions of worlds in later generations will dare to fight for the same battle.

Although the rumored Emperor, it must be from the Central Plains, the land of the human race.

You can change your own life, then this god, you can't fight for it.

It’s just that he is not here, and he really doesn’t want to waste his energy.

\"It can be awkward!"

Zong Weiran seems to have seen through his mind, sighing slightly: "It is for your mother, Lu Jiazhi, far beyond your imagination. Even today, in my eyes, it is still like a pawn. Even if It is a sacred place, and it may not be able to change the mind of the Lu family. The only way is to completely defeat the Lu family and crush the eight hundred worlds -"

Zong Shou’s heartstring jumped, and the pupil was tightened.

Mother? Lu Hanyue -

The pictures that I experienced when I was young are coming to my mind. It’s not about autumn, but ‘Zong Shou.

There has been no memory of Lu Hanyin, and my mother, I don’t know what it is like.

At that time, I always envied others, and my mother loved them.

However, it is said that his clothes, until the age of eight, were made by the mother and left in the smoke-containing palace.

It seems that before he was born, he knew that he could not stay in the cloud. Then during that time, one piece was cut for his own hands.

Although I did not meet, I was able to feel that the woman really valued herself and loved her.

Is it just my mother, isn’t it said that it was taken away by Lu’s family? Why is it that this is not the case?

In his imagination, it is only a matter of time before the ancestors can show the strength of the children of Lujiabang, which can be easily solved.

Can it be said that there are other situations that he does not know? [.. Quality novels, true quality, good novels! 】

Looking at the sight of the inquiry, I saw that Zong was a self-deprecating smile: "This matter, you should know now. Lujia was originally saying that your mother was privately equipped with foreigners and made a big mistake, so it was regarded as a sinner. In fact, I Zong Weiran, who should have been in the hands of Lujia people twenty years ago, is your mother, shouldering one shoulder and willing to suffer from torture. This family has strict rules and regulations, and it may not be for me. Regulations, but it is unknown. These Wannian nationalities, the most taboo is to break the rules, but also can not let go of the face -"

Zong Shou looked at the sky silently, but his brow was frowning. In this case, the only way is to completely kill the burning land of the eight hundred worlds!

Crush their pride, and then talk to them.

Between the extreme of the kendo and the family, there was a bit of struggle, and Zong Shou had already made a decision.

\"I try my best!"

There is a world dominated by spiritual practice in the later generations. There was a saying that made Zong Shou a deep memory.

There is no **** of filial piety in this world.

In the eyes of the real repairers, it is nonsense. Can Zong Shou's words, but quite recognized.

Speaking of it, he is actually not a pure swordsman.

Some people are kendo, they can abandon everything, but they don't care about family. Just like the evil spirits, killing his wife and killing the mother, the heart is not concerned.

He can't do it nowadays. There are too many burdens in the heart of "sealing and watermarking". Many people can't put a lot of things.

He keeps his own way, regards these things, regards these people, and practices for himself.

If you learn to give up, you will lose the same, and you have never tried to do it. It is not perfect.

This is also the basis of his sect, the heart of the sword -

Speaking of it, the Long Ying old man also said when he left. The world is so big that it is not allowed to be a tiger. Is it already foreseen?

In fact, I also knew that my previous thoughts were really naive.

He is a sect, and he still has to fight with those people!

Seeing him nod, Zong Suran is also satisfied with a smile: \"You can do it as you can! If it is not, then you don't need to be reluctant. Try to protect yourself and retreat from the cloud!"

Speaking of this, the voice of Zong Weiran turned to stunned: "The father is leaving! There are those who are in the guardianship, there is no book support, I can't stay in this world for a long time. If it is People perceive, I am afraid that the whereabouts of this book will be detected. You will need to be careful in the future. Before the gods, do not look for me. It is this in the sea of ​​clouds, never seen as a father. ""

Zong Shou raised his eyebrows coldly and remembered the ones who had heard the sound but never met.

In the battle of Shangzong, Cangsheng Road was laid out by his power. It should have been a sage, and he died on the spot. In a short time, you should be honest.

However, if it is for the Zhou Shu, I am afraid that these five people will be desperate.

Unless it is in the realm of God, there is the power of self-protection.

\"So where are you going? Can I help you?"

Asked in the mouth, Zong Shou is never acknowledging, and my heart is actually worried about this guy.

Zong Weiran heard the words, but smiled from the bottom of my heart, very happy: \"Before your mother left, I told me a place, or it may be of some benefit to me, can be cultivated as a big increase. When the book goes straight into the holy place, you have to go to that place to find a chance. If there is income, go find the suffocation of the Lu family. Rest assured, if you go there for two years, it is Jiuyisheng. Now, with this ability, it is not difficult to escape."

Zong Shou listened to a little peace of mind, indeed! Take Zong Weiran’s current magical powers. Mastering part of the time, this world can be enough to get his own, this is very rare.

When Zong Weiran saw his face, it was obvious that there was no doubt. Then he smiled and patted the head of the film, and returned the idea. Then go one step further and tear open the void in this magnetic riot.

Zong Shou felt that his limbs were able to move, and he quickly stood up. Just now the whole body was suppressed and restrained, and it was really uncomfortable to move.

Looking at the back of Zong Weiran, the shackles of Zong Shou, once again flashed a trace of reluctance and hesitation. Finally, before Zong Suran left, he asked: "Why should I self-destruct and repair? At that time, you should have the power to counter the Lujia. It is invincible to master the past and present the future." But it’s because I’m falling four steps, and finally I’m going to be stupid, you’re really stupid—”

But just a son is lost. In the future, it will be reincarnation. Where do you need such trouble?

Zong Weiran’s figure was a long time. It seemed to be a long test. He shook his head and smiled: “Who hasn’t experienced anything, who knows? Or I was crazy at the time. Or I consciously have no face, see you. Mother. I can't keep my wife, and I can't protect my son. I was really pitiful in my life. As for my father, I was invincible at the time. This is a bit too much. It can be achieved by the sanctification of external forces. It’s hard to think about progressing in the future. It’s not necessarily a disaster for me.”

After the words, it is no longer nostalgic, and enters into the gap in the space.

The code is silent and stands in place. After a long time, I gradually came back to God.

At this time, I felt faint regret, until Zong Weiran left. The word 'father' was not able to be called out.

With a sigh, Zong Shou slammed his head to show punishment. Then I stepped forward and left the space.

In fact, since the ancestors left, there has been insufficient maintenance, and it has been deformed by magnetic force and has collapsed.

Zong Shou is not willing to stay here more, and also knows that Zong’s previous words are not alarmist.

Knowing those monks who are sacred, they cannot predict the future. The mind is sensitive, but extremely sensitive. Even a slight flaw can lead these holy people to the truth.冇

Far away from the sea of ​​clouds, I just stepped to the periphery. Zong Shou is faintly conscious, a wave of glory, sweeping away from here, and covering him all over the body.

Concealed, if it is not the martial arts idea of ​​Zong Shou, it has already entered the dilemma. I also pay special attention to it, I can't detect it. However, the scope is limited to his body on Wednesday.

This thought was swept away in his body, and it seemed to be tabooing. If the tide receded, he would not touch him.

In Zongshou’s heart, there was a cold smile, but I didn’t know it. I was still in the middle of the sea of ​​clouds, and I was looking for a “watermark”.

It was not until three days later that nothing was discovered. It was very disappointing and went out of the sea of ​​clouds.

At this time, he was not sure whether the idea of ​​the person had left ~www.readwn.com~ has been installed only to be undetectable and returned to the west. Between the horizons, a full day of flight, the feeling of extreme danger, this retreat. Until the soul is about to end, I chose a mountain that looks like a pretty show.

While recovering the soul, Zong Shou went in to the state of meditation. It seems that sleeping and not sleeping, but also dreams are not dreams, and then consciousness within the sea, suddenly expanding,

Zong Shou is in this way in his heart, condensing his body and stepping inside.

But for a moment, it was near the blue light of the group.

I remembered a few years ago, I also had a drink with another ‘self. Zong Shou’s eyes suddenly disappeared.

At that time, I did not think that myself and his, this is one.

Then I looked at the group of Blu-ray, and after the mouth murmured, Zong Shou slammed before the light group.

He used to come here to study this thing, but it has been rejected, and a trace of the soul can not enter.

But now there is a suction, so that Zong Shou has not had time to get any action, it was ‘swallowed in.

When he set foot in it, Zong Shou was determined to look at his eyes. This is a huge treasure in his soul, and the slightest lost hand touched the past. [.. Quality novels, true quality, good novels! 】

\"This is - the end of the universe?"

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