Divine Brilliance

Chapter 596: Dark and dark

The fifty-sixth chapter is dark and dark

With a sneer, Zong Shou stood behind his wings and climbed up again. [.. Quality novels, true quality, good novels! 】

It was really like the battle with that year! It’s just that the six people here and now are more outstanding than the six people who are the ambassadors!

This is only intended to take this ‘Yu Shu and leave. At this time, it was not hurt by this original. The excitement was that the blood was in full swing and the war was gradually blazing.

If you want to fight, then it’s here, the battle is dark and dark!

A volume of Lei Yi, the sword is covered with thousands of miles. Jianguang scrolled, and instantly rushed to the square.

Platinum Dragon Sword! Cold dragon sword! Instant Dragon Sword! Yan Long Hao Jian! cut!

When the four true dragon swords are combined, the seven-claw dragon is emerging behind him. The roar roared.

The invincible swordsman will make the whole 100,000 square feet. Shrouded!

Refers to the East to the West, suddenly south and north, erratic and unpredictable, but also overbearing!

Er et al. used me as the stone of the sword. In my case, why not?

\"Good! This is great!"

I want to laugh, the black giant sword is everywhere. Everything touches everything, but it is under the heavy swordsmanship, and it is hard to support, waiting for this shadow. ‘The time when the clouds are foggy.

It’s awkward and awkward: "I’m serious? Seriously! I don’t care about your guy’s sword. It’s even stronger than a few months ago! But this is fun?”

Li Wuhui and Lei Dong Ruo Tao are three words. Under Zong Shoujian, it is already extremely hard to support, and even talking is difficult.

Shui Lingbo is screaming at the scream: "You guys are all crazy! Shou Shou, this guy, actually accompanied them crazy?"

Having said that, it is also completely sexual, and the pupils are all red.

Simply put a sword and walked alone. A pair of jade hands slammed out with a fist. Every punch makes the ground shake, the waves are mad,

Among them, she was able to compete with Zong Shou. Every hit. Can be forced to cope with all efforts, very hard.

It was the same several times before. Look at the world of Genesis. But often when I am about to get it, the original is not hurt, and I will always turn Jianguang and kick her back in time.

It is also the same as the same. I can only look at the Yushu, helpless.

At this point, it is no longer a matter of tube management. Zong Shou, this guy, just a few words, it’s really unpleasant!

- What is today, even if you are waiting together. What can I do?

There are also these little boys, and you can be awkward. She didn't want this book, she just went with it, and she was beaten and crushed again!

The mind is together, the momentum is even more arrogant. Flames are entangled. It seems to be a phoenix with great pride. In the form of a show,

At this time, the wind in the distance is too extreme, and it is already a pale face.

From the moment of Ruo Tao’s sword, it is already clear perception. That is the combination of Lingwu!

And the sword is meant. It seems that there is also a breakthrough, reaching the embarrassing situation!

More inexplicable, there is a feeling, just in this brother, the sword of the sword. It is like a butterfly. Breaking out.

That is a free sword, I am afraid that this Tao will be a lifetime. They will no longer be bound by rituals and rules.

I can no longer be as good as before, with the sacred door gauge, to restrain the brother.

- Careful view, it is clear that all the shackles have been removed, flying from the shallow water, already flying in the air, and then unconstrained dragon!

At the beginning, he can also comfort himself. If Ruo Tao masters the time of the combination of spirit and martial arts, he will eventually be overnight, and he will not reach his fusion rate of more than 10%.

But gradually, the face of the wind Tai Chi, the blood color faded, no color.

As time goes by, the combination of Ruo Tao and the soul of the inner strength is not only stabilized, but also gradually climbs.

It’s only half a quarter of an hour, it’s already up to 10%, just below him.

And the sword meaning, has actually reached the dilemma. Even under the brilliance of Zong Shou, it is not dim. Gradually, it is already possible to compete with the original uninjured people!

The mind of the wind Taiji is already beginning to embarrass. His eyes were still looking up, but his hand was holding the hilt.

There is also a strong idea in the chest, a strong idea that has never been seen before!

Want to join in! I want to be like the brothers of Tao Tao, and I will compete with these people.

But whenever you want to pull the sword, the wind Taiji always hesitates for a while, then stunned.

Why do you compete with these people? Sword martial arts, it is too far away -

I am afraid that when the party shoots, it will be defeated by these people, and it will be shameful. [.. Quality novels, true quality, good novels! 】

Have you ever seen it after watching it for so long? In this battle, there is room for you to intervene. Is there a chance to be awkward?

With my own strength today, I can only be a side watcher -

Leisurely sigh, the wind Tai Chi is decisive, let the hand of the sword open,

There is a kind of faint understanding, here are a few people in the fierce battle, it is the real world of the world!

How lucky is his wind? Can be with these people, the same name in the world. It should be shame.

——It’s not ashamed to be a martyr, but to be ashamed of his own strength, and the name of the same name, he really can’t afford it.

Thinking like this, the look of the wind Taiji is gradually returning to normal.

At this time, what is the use of self-blame?

What is the heroic ambition, what is not a big cause, but also all his brain, all thrown aside to the corner.

The first thing I have to do now is to catch up with these people and talk about it!

The so-called shame and then brave! In the future, I am not in a position to be upright, and I can really stand with these people and shoulder the world.

\"Xi Fang Shi Shu, this 穹宇创世录 has been published, you are not saying that this thing has been beneficial to my Buddhist family, how can you stand on the light, do not fight for a fight?"

On the other side of the seven-person melee, the net tone is also a fascinating color, watching the sword entangled, arrogant.

It was the first time that I found out that sometimes I was quite bad. Knowing that the side of the side of the side, has already given birth to taboo, but still asked this sentence.

Who can call this guy, just be uneasy, want to come to set his own words?

That kind of side is really bitter. Strong laugh: "This thing has nothing to do with me, or not to be good. I am the Buddha's family, the most not happy, these want, then take them with them."

It’s slanting the net sound, and it’s really not kind.

How many people are there, how can they fight? Not to mention the sacred water wave, the light is absolutely unharmed. If you deal with it yourself, you have to do your best!

To fight? What should I fight for?

Knowing that he is an old man, he is already a little scared, but he still has to say which pot does not open.

Thinking about this, I sighed again: "I always heard about my cloud world in the past, the three fighters, how are the heroes. The world is unmatched, unparalleled in the world, invincible in the world. Today, look at this sect, want to come The king of the 10,000-year-old king is estimated to be just like this. May I be compassionate, there are these people, and this world is only afraid of peace."

The net voice grinned, then looked and turned to dignity.

——This defensive power is strong enough. Doesn’t it mean that she wants to untie the knot between Zhao Zhenran and Zong Shou? Is it difficult?

The whisper is tricky, and the net sound is looking around.

\"Speaking, where is the body of the king, where is the disciple? I have never noticed it!"

In the entire underground dark lake, from the beginning, there has never been a trace of the Chu Chuwang.

The changes that the natural Cifangs are worried about have not happened.

The net sound was a little uneasy, searching around, and finally looking at the sight of the gold-colored platform. Then she looked and immediately became one of them.


The net voice was not made by oneself, and an exclamation was made. It was not her, she finally saw the missing king.

It was on the golden platform, and it was originally a few nine-level monks. They were all inactive, and they were swallowed up by a few people. At this time, they finally had a movement.

It was actually from the high platform and slowly vacated. It turned into a glorious golden mang, and slowly flew toward the Zongshou.

Cifang heard the sound and looked at her in the sight.

After the shackles, it is also eye-catching.


The direction of the Jin Mang Fei is the place where Zong Shou is standing.

But he was only able to identify it. That is the nose of the Emperor, and this sect, clearly is not a gas machine.

It is completely rejected by the spirit of this top weapon.

At that time, I even took a break for it.

But why is this unexpected change in such a short period of time [Tianzhu change]?

I remember that before the disappearance of the Anopheles, I had swallowed millions of blood and blood.

At this time, it is still far from the end of the mountain, and it has been supported for thousands of years. It will not become his day. It should not fall, and it is necessary to rush to pick the owner's point.

The cheeky face of the net sound is all weird. And that kindness is lining for a moment, and it is even more subtle: "Is it a spiritual choice? No wonder, the first owner of this thing is the world of the world, www.readwn.com~ It is overbearing. The second master is the king who can pull the mountain -"

- Ordinary people, etc., it can be seen! The spirit is knowledgeable and will choose the Lord.

At this time, Zong Shou is a one-man sword, a single battle. That invincible position is like the king of the year!

The more the momentum is rushing, the more force it is, the more it is recognized, the more it is recognized.

The net sound is also awkward, but I only feel that this heart is a horror. It is already faint, and the meaning of Cifang is meant.

It’s still not the day when the spiritual tide is rising. In this world, there are such people.

She is silent here, not far from Zhao Ruran, but suddenly smiles: \" Interesting! This is the nose of the throne, do you think Zong Shou, can compare with the Xiangchu overlord thousands of years ago?"

This sentence is spoken, but only listens to the surroundings, a dead silence.

Zhao Ruran was only able to find out that he was only thinking about what he thought and thought in this place.

First, I was amazed. Then Zhao Haoran was a belly, the lazy boy, where is it like the bully? Is it completely different from this one?

This guy, even a finger of the king, is wrong! It’s a hair that doesn’t fit! [.. Quality novels, true quality, good novels! 】

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