Divine Brilliance

Chapter 597: Shake hole

The fifty-ninth chapter shakes Kong Kong Yao

Surprisingly for this, there is also Zong Shou in the fierce battle.

How is this thing coming to him? [.px. Quality novels, true quality, good novels! 】

I remember the spirit of this thing, and it was extremely repulsive to him not long ago?

The mind is puzzled, but Zong Shou has no time to think. At this moment, with an enemy six, even if there is a little distraction, it may be the defeat.

Zong Shoucan never wants to lose himself to these six people. It’s too shameless to fight six in a battle!

He did not want to pay attention to it, but the nose of the nose was still coming from the air, and it was a heavy knife. The nine-headed dragon on the golden chair. It seems to be alive.

The gas turbine oscillated and connected, and the smattering of the body was smothered. The ‘王王, which was suppressed by the Nine Towers, gradually boiled.

At the beginning, the sects still don't care, but when this resonance becomes more and more intense, it can no longer be ignored.

The dragon-shaped phantom behind the body has gradually changed [Tianzhu change], and it is more agile.

The breath between one person and one thing is getting more and more powerful. Rushing the sky.

\"When you don't want to come, this time, you can't look at your eyes, you don't want to. But you run over. Oh, what is this?"

Self-deprecating smile, Zong Shou immediately eyes narrow. Just seeing the original without injury is a sword, followed by the water of the Ling Ling wave, and turned down. With the cover of the water Lingbo, it is just the time when his old power has gone, and the new force is not born.

In the past two moments of fierce fighting, these people have gradually had a tacit understanding. When you join hands, the intentional or unintentional cooperation between them is almost wonderful.

It was so ruthless that he almost left his right and left and could not cope. Naturally guarded, it is also inevitable, but also the heart of the six people, it is shameless!

Six people joined forces and they have already fouled. Actually still cooperate? This is not a human life.

As time goes by, every time Zong Shou has a sword. They are more and more succinct, simple and bright.

These nine Kowloon Shadow Swords, with these six people as the stone, almost every minute, can be more perfect.

The pressure brought by several people. Let him eliminate those changes that do not need to be practical [Tianzhu change], and melt the sword into the sword. More and more perfect -

Although the original sword is unscrupulous, it is a shameless abruptness. Fortunately, he is a master, but he always has this power.

Fighting with these six people, you can’t care for a moment!

The blue-colored sword light, in an incredible way, slammed back. Just outside the seventeen feet, hit the shadow of the blade.

In a hurry, you can only use Zong Shou, less than 20%. But the agglomeration is abnormal, and a sword hits. The slamming sound is so wonderful that it will completely smash the sword light. Together with the thousands of spirits, it disappeared without a trace.

This sword is not far from the desire, but it is a slight surprise.

\"This is, don't break the sword field?"

The sword of Zong Shou was deliberately concealed. However, it is still faintly seen, that the sacred road ‘about some shadows of autumn.

In the battle of a few months ago, especially in the autumn of the Yuan Yi Yin sword. Most impressed him! With a whole 10,000 swords, I can't talk about the body of autumn. As it is said, it is not a sword!

At this time, Zong Shou exhibited. Although it is nine Kowloon shadows. If you think carefully. The six of them combined, but never broke into the Zongshou body week, within ten feet!

Also made him subconscious. Think of Zong Shou.

\"Sure it is you!"

I remembered the words of Li Wuhui not long ago, and the shackles of desperation suddenly disappeared.

Also the figure of these two people is completely integrated.

The taste of the heart is complex at the moment. There are both emotions and shame, and more bitterness.

I also looked at the A-nose of the Emperor who had flew to the side of the Zongshou, and there was a mixture of five flavors in the chest.

This ancient emperor is also optimistic about this guy? Will this guy, like the king, be invincible?

In the first half of the World War II, none of the six people can cross the world. This guy can not be half-delimited.

This is the future, I am afraid that it can really stand shoulder to shoulder with the Chu Bawang, and even surpass the qualification!

After the moment, the desire is even more eager to rise.

Then what about the eyes, are you willing to bow down? [.px. Quality novels, true quality, good novels! 】

Is it not broken? He just wants to see, within your ten feet, really can't break it?

Even if this is really the hardest gold, he will smash it completely!

As for what is the creation of the world. It is also completely out of my mind. Whoever wants, whoever takes it is.

This fascination has changed, and the sword road has also changed [Tianzhu change].

When Zong Shou Li was inductive, he looked at it with amazement. I can't figure out this guy, how suddenly I go crazy, so ferocious -

I will not care about it at the moment. In fact, at this time, he is already unable to distract.

Since Ling Lingbo saw the nose of the nose and flew to his feet, somehow he became more and more crazy, and he did not pay attention to the book.

The same is true of the rest. It’s almost a life and death enemy, go all out!

The pressure given to him is that a sword is stronger than a sword, and every moment, it is changing [Tianzhu change].

In many cases, he can only rely on his own instincts, and he is very hard to deal with.

But not only is not angry in the chest, but excited, surprised, and inexplicable -

Every sword is clear and fascinating! Such as sputum butterfly, smart and ethereal!

From the initial pressure to the heavy, and then gradually adapt.

Or soon, you will be able to do it!

It is strange to say that the battle with these six people is fiercer. The air of the nose and the throne is even more harmonious with him -

The idea that is faintly passed is also full of joy! The resonance between the one person and the other is getting stronger and stronger, so I don’t know why, it is inexplicable.

It was not until a moment later that Zong Shou’s mind was within the mind, and the flash of the light flashed and passed a thought.

This guy suddenly changed his mind, is it because of the war with these six people?

In this way, there are several people in this water, and the reason why they suddenly go crazy is also explained.

Invincible? I really looked at myself!

I want to laugh, but when I smile at my lips. Zong Shou suddenly moved in the heart, another thought rose.

What is your life's request, is not the extreme of kendo, the peak of this domain?

If you want to climb up, you must have a heart and an invincible mind!

No need to worry, but also humbly!

The sword he guarded, it should be invincible in the world!

The mind begins to rise, the aura of the nose of the nose, the time is even more brilliant, so that people can hardly look directly!

And Zong Shou’s savage and savage swordsmanship has once again spread, and the entire underground lake will be completely covered!

At this time, the change suddenly occurred!


\"Sister, now that you have married someone and become someone else’s jealousy, it’s time to keep your own part. Don’t think about killing, socialism. There are countless big businessmen and you are not missing one--”

Smoked wine, scattered in the pavilion. Outside the window is a blush full of eyes, and countless cherry blossoms bloom.

The artistic conception is beautiful and pleasing to the eye. Can be inside this pavilion. The atmosphere is abnormally suppressed.

A man and a woman sitting on the window are also indifferent.

\"Brothers come here, just say this to me?"

In Kong Yao’s eyes, there is no original confusion. It is a bit more ridicule, and the meaning of seeing the world. I don't know if I am laughing at myself. It is Zong Shou, or the man named Kong Shou in front of her, her nominal brother.

\"Exactly! I have already wanted to tell you this very early! Just knowing you, I will not listen."

The hole must nod and carelessly nodded: \"Now the sorrowful sorrow, your three brothers Kong Xuan, has been promoted to the title of the superintendent, the replacement is exactly what you were in the first place! I also do not have to use it every day, worry about you I am a Confucius, and I am bringing it into a land of eternal annihilation!"

\"There is no recovery? Zongjia?"

Kong Yao sneaked and sneered with more meaning: "There will be no thought of his Majesty. He is a singer. In this big business country, there is another traitor thief-"

There is a hint of sorrow in the words, which is greater than the meaning of death.

\"Whatever you say!"

The hole must be faintly smiling, and conceited: "The gasification of the Dashang Dynasty has declined. Is it because I am a Confucius, can I still follow the funeral?"

Kong Yao shook his head in disapproval: "I can be a friend of Kong, but I am deeply impressed by the Shang Dynasty!"

\"What is it?"

That hole must be stunned: "The central cloud land, has experienced seven generations of dynasty. The seven generations of the royal family, have been extinct. But my Confucius, but it is a continuation of thousands of years! If this Long Ting can volt, then my Confucius Naturally do our best, if not, then you can only switch to the court as soon as possible! This is the truth of my Confucian ancestors -"

Kong Yao looked at it and knew that the matter had been said to be useless.

These days, she almost thought about it. Thinking about yourself, is it really a big business, is it loyal to your majesty?

- I am afraid not necessarily!

at first. It was because of her majesty that she looked at and promoted her eyes.

In this life, it was the first time that people were so appreciative, and valued ~www.readwn.com~ I thought that people would treat me as a national sergeant.

Now it seems that in the eyes of the sire, the original from beginning to end, is just a chess piece. The least important, the kind that can be abandoned at any time,

Sure enough, this is the real emperor's way, treating everyone as a chess piece. Therefore, the sire is the owner of ZTE of Dashang, the holy prince who has not met for thousands of years!

Therefore, she is too lazy to go to this time, to compete with Kong, and unable to fight.

\"My Confucius helped the Emperor to go to the top, in order to master a little military power before the troubled times. It can protect the family and become the promotion of the new emperor in the future-"

When it comes to this, the words of the hole must suddenly change: "" But he did not expect to leave him, even chose you such a disaster star to suppress my Confucius!"

These words should not have been said before Kong Yao. Both sides of this matter have long been aware of the fact that the hole must have no warmth on the surface.

Kong Yao glanced, then violently clenched the fist, only to feel the tingling in the heart.

She is indeed a disaster star. When she was born, it coincided with the comet. Shake the light and shine, the night sky, the time and space, this fades.

In the eyes of the Confucius family who has mastered the ceremonies of the generations, her Kong Yao represents the disaster of the future. If the father did not protect himself, he was already shackled by the tribes when he was born. [.px. Quality novels, true quality, good novels! 】

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