Divine Brilliance

Chapter 695: Not born

> "I don't understand this way of governing politics, but that person can be based on the age of twenty, and it is based on the land of six states. If you are a strong army, a million people, a political person, and such a person, would you be a mediocrity?"

"This sentence can be heard by Confucian masters."

Ziguizi listened to a silent sigh. In fact, only watching this Tianshan City, the power of the king of the country, must not be underestimated.

The night magic is strong, he is also clear. Even if it is only a remnant army, it can destroy a small world.

It is amazing that the dry Tianshan can compete with it for several months and even defeat it.

"With this dry mountain, the situation is the same as the fire, no market is difficult to quit! Resentful revenge, short-sighted, not worthy of the Lord of the dilemma -"

A cold, with a bit of dissatisfaction. Qi Guizi then took another look and looked at the distance.

I saw a majestic figure at the corner of the street, and I was looking at it.

The height is two, the back of the bear is like a mountain, and the set is standing there.

In the dry sky city, the most is the muscle repair, the height of the martial arts. In front of this, mixed in the crowd, in fact, is not conspicuous.

For the first time, Zhai Guizi had noticed this person. First, the killings appeared, and then they ended up.

"It is the Haijun Jun of the Yuanshi Mozong, and the old opponent of Qingming, it seems to be back."

At that point, the lips are a slight pick: "I heard that there were two disciples in the Yuanshi Mozong several years ago, and they were in the vicinity of the Third Dragon Temple. They always suspected that they were Zongshou. It seems that the sea Jun Jun, I am afraid that most of it is for the demon king’s catastrophe."

It seems that there is no intention to stay in the distance. I looked at them coldly and turned and left. At the same time, a smile appeared on the face, which was meaningful and cruel.

"About this! It has not been seen for two hundred years. The cultivation of this person is more and more difficult to measure."

Qingming slightly decapitated, his eyes flashed: "Just joining forces with the Mozong, really correct?"

"How do you talk about joining forces? You can play each one."

Yan Guizi shook his head in disapproval. Then he was slightly curious: "The demon king who was the first kendo of the world, the first person who was the symbol of the past three hundred years ago, and the third one of the former magical road. I don't know if you three, are you weak and weak? Can you cope with the cooperation of several of you and me?"

"How can Qingming dare compare with him?"

Qingming laughed and took a bit of self-deprecation: "When I was in the cloud world, I couldn't have his voice. I was invincible in the world. Qingming asked myself far. The 40% of the spirits are one. I can't do it. I can only rely on the hardships of the three hundred years outside the domain, but I can rely on it. Even if I am more than three hundred years old, I still have no grasp. This person is in the east, strength. Has been chasing the fairyland. And you and me, but they are limited by this cloud world. Can not display -"

"Because of this, I need you and me to come back! For other brothers and sisters, in front of that, I am afraid that there is no countervailing power. In fact, there is no need to worry too much, I am a spiritually dilemma, though not exhaustive. Zong Zhili. At this time, the strength that the cloud industry can call is all coming out of the nest-"

As I said this, the two suddenly looked at the east side, and the brows were all picked: "Is it a tide?"

I took a look at it. Zhaiguizi is a cold sorrow for gloating: "The door of the dead is open, when the nine-nine dynasty girl in the east is coming to the world. If it can't stop, the blood is a thousand miles. At this time, the world seals and lacks a corner. It’s in the near future. This is the day to help me!”

Then there was a move. I saw the distance, there are countless people, the tide came.

More than a dozen shares are still tyrannical. It traverses here.

"In the past, there are people who know that I am worthy!"

Laughing a few times, when I was a step, I disappeared.

Qingming shook his head slightly, and he felt it at first. Still not the best name.

No matter what! It’s not necessarily a bad thing to beat a snake.

Can alarm the Zong Shou. That is the best. If it is not, it is also very good to make the garrison here suspicious.

Even if you are wise, if you feel the danger and feel the pressure, if you get anxious, you may make mistakes.

In the eyes, Li Mang flashed, and Qing Ming went on to be a flash, and immediately after that, he left.

When the thousands of sergeants arrived, the number of people in this place had disappeared.


Driving the demon **** shuttle, Zong Shou only took three days, it has already flown over the demon corpse.

The fog here is already outside the blood valley, covering a thousand miles.

And that gloom is also not inferior. Half of the mountains are covered.

Although Zong Shou was prepared for a long time, he was heavily armed in the Yunsheng City, but he was not close.

Looking at the bottom of the eye, thinking about a few years ago, Zong Shou suddenly was a little embarrassed.

Just after he arrived here, the original owner of the Yunsheng City, at this time, one of the only governors of the Tianshan Mountains, the virtual government, and then flew away.

Just six months ago, this person also broke through the seventh order, and has been able to go to the air.

At this time, standing behind Zongshou, the face is full of coziness.

"Three days ago, the power of the yin here suddenly broke out. I don't know why?"

He also said: "The guilty of the sin, because of the change of the land, is the sign of the resurrection of the meditation, so it has made its own claim. The people around the three thousand miles around the place have been evacuated. Just look at this situation, afraid that it is too late. ”

"The matter is urgent, and it is the love that is the only way to thank you. How can you blame?"

Zong Shou slightly decapitated, watching the place where Gong Gong was buried.

Although the fog is filled here, it can't stop his spirit.

Everything there is like when he buried Gong Xinran. Only in addition to the tombstone, the shocking dark red blood mark.

Remote sensing underground, there are a total of 81 veins, gathered here.

The tomb is like a powerful heart. These yin veins are like blood vessels. In an orderly swallowing, the yin and death between heaven and earth.

If you listen to the ear, you can even hear the voice inside the tomb.

If there is nothing at the beginning, if you listen for a long time, it will gradually ring. It is like a drum and a heart. ,

Zong Shou suddenly felt the pain in the forehead. Looking at this situation, this Gong Xinran is really born soon.

Sure enough, as gold does not regret, this is by no means an ordinary nine-nine dynasty.

Looking at the tomb of Gong Gongran, it is clear that it is about to connect this two worlds.

"Is it possible to send people in and see it recently? What are the abnormalities in these days?"

"Don't dare to break up!"

The imaginary government frowns: "It’s always been, but three days ago, this meditation suddenly broke out. At this time, under the third order, all of them died immediately. The fourth order is innate and can only be touched for a moment. Even if it is a minister I don’t dare to go deeper. What is the situation inside, the official does not know-"

Zongshou’s brow wrinkled into a Sichuan word and then stretched out.

"You can pass the orphans, let the surrounding troops station, and withdraw all."

The power here has been accumulated for several years and it is too strong. Ordinary people simply can't get close, and naturally they can't get in.

Stay here, you can only die.

Only on the fifth level can you be innocent.

At this time, the blood cloud ride, still in Huizhou. In the Tianshan City, there is only one thousand blood cloud knights, plus two thousand black foxes.

These two elites, but need to be suppressed in the dry Tianshan City, to guard against the strong, can not be separated.

This time, it was really unprepared.

Speaking of this sentence, Zong Shou left the imaginary government and stepped into the fog alone.

The power of dying in this fog is extremely strong. Ordinary fifth-order, even if it is not as ordinary people, immediately turned into a bone. If you stay for a long time, you need to lose a certain life.

Zong Shou is already accustomed to this, and he does not care about it in the fog.

Mastering the Sword of the Dead River, he is more than ten times stronger than this. A little bit of death in this place, naturally not afraid.

Within a thousand miles of this corpse, there is no life. Even the vegetation, all died.

Above the ground, it is covered with a thin layer of ice.

There are countless lines of sight around, and peeping in the distance.

A look at it, all is a smoldering fire.

Although there are no creatures, there are many active dead things. Most of them are corpses with rotten bodies, and some are white and bones.

However, it may be the Devil's Mountain Week, and the birds and beasts are extinct. Zong Shou has long been prepared to guard against the relationship here.

These dead things, the order is very low, the structure is not a threat. And this until Zong Shou, before going to the tombstone, there was no dead thing, dare to challenge him.

Most of these beasts have no wisdom. But they can judge the strength and weakness, and only rely on the tyrannical sword pressure that Zong Shou has spread, which will make them fear.

Looking at the monument, the school sister Gong Xinran a few blood words. The mind of Zong Shou is another burst of embarrassment.

- This is the person he used to love.

I used to think that it was autumn. Although I was pitiful, I didn’t feel much about this woman.

Only at this time, he is already aware of his own origin.

The so-called "Autumn" is just another sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect.

Thinking about the past and various kinds in the Linhai Academy, Zong Shou's eyes are all in a hurry.

Immediately after his heart, he suddenly woke up.

Even if Gong Gongran can wake up ~www.readwn.com~ will not be the gentle and considerate to him, take care of the school sister.

He is a master, and he is no longer the young boy. The mood is even more impossible, before returning to the number.

Sighing, Zong Shouling can focus on the eyes and look into the tomb.

But I can't see the figure of Gong Gongran, I can only see the mist in the tomb.

Just as the sacred spirit of the sect, I want to wear this smog. Among the stone tombs, there is a cold and utterly sacred mind, which is like a cone to the depths of his soul, and he strikes.

Zong Shou raised an eyebrow and took back his gaze. I will also read this wave of God and completely stop it.

Then he stood in the same place and was silent.

It’s Gong Xinran’s thoughts?

Cold and cold, full of wants, not born -

It is indeed the dead.

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