Divine Brilliance

Chapter 696: The door is open

> For a long time, Zong Shoucai looked at the stone tomb. There were a lot of bans around this, but they were all fragmented. That yin and death force is a wave higher than a wave, impacting around.

Although Zong Shou did not feel discomfort, he felt this power, which was manipulated by a force. Going to where he stood, stamped.

Numerous evils are also hidden.


Only a cold glimpse, the meditation of the body, is already back and forth.

As for the evil, you don't need him to shoot. As soon as Fang Yi was close, he began to collapse.

Looking at the tomb in the tomb, Zong Shou is a bit of a difficult idea. There is a hint of killing in the chest. Suddenly rises and rises, and then forced to suppress.

Finally, a sigh of sigh, turned and stepped out of the fog.

With his current cultivation, the tomb can be erased between the fingers, and it is not simply to care about the old feelings.

It is because of the perception that this tomb of Kong Yao is between the two worlds, and is protected by two different forces.

The tyrannical and arrogant, and the glory of the glory, actually faint and sturdy.

It is also known that the teacher who does not regret the gold and the few monks of the Hun Xuanzong, why they will be injured and return.

Although Zong Shou can use the River of the Dead to kill the sword, he directly hits the inside of the underworld and divides the two boundaries.

It’s just that, but it’s extremely risky and it’s not what the wise man takes.

Just stepping out of the fog, Zong Shou listened to a distant laugh, and passed away.

"Just come up!"

After watching the sounds, he only saw Su Chen, standing in the distance of a thousand feet, standing next to a dozen people.

Several of them are also acquaintances. On the left side of Su Chen, Gong Yue, the brother of Gong Xinran.

At this time, although it is impossible to go to the air, it is a six-level situation. With the help of the instrument, it can also fly in the air.

The other one is Shen Huai, who had seen one side in Julong Mountain before.

However, what he cares most about at this time is still behind these people. The dozens of young people who did not say a word.

With the flavor of a real swordsman, they are full of enthusiasm, but the idea is mixed with the same body, and the manners are similar.

Except for the different appearances, the rest is like the same mold.

Seven of them, on the right side of the big sleeve, are embroidered with a seven-section bamboo. Most of them are the descendants of the Hanshan dynasty - the Hanshan swordsman!

Six others. They are all armed with big swords. With a few books. It must be Hao Xuanzong Haoran Qing Xuanshi undoubtedly.

And this Su Chen Shen Huai is obviously not the master of the two sects of Hao Xuan Han Shan.

Before the two, each stood a repairer. At this time, they all went to Zong Shou.

"Hanshan Bizhu, I have seen Jun!"

"The name of the long-awaited king, but it has always been a side. Hao Xuanbai if there is a gift here! The little disciples do not regret, more than the monarch to take care of, the cypress is grateful."

Zong Shouyi, the original one, is the teacher of gold.

With that bamboo, it is obvious that it has reached the spiritual level.

He knows that the owners of these divine sacred sites are mostly extremely rich. It was only because of the suppression of the Zongmen that it was suppressed. Has not been promoted.

At this time, the spiritual tide will not be the same.

Like they are ecstatic, Fang Wen and Shui Lingbo, have broken through the spiritual environment in the past year. The same is true of three of the six-door masters.

Especially the water wave, actually jumped to the high level of the spirit. He took over the position of the Lord of the Palace of the Ghost. The foundation is thick and unparalleled.

Therefore, I saw these two, Zong Shou is not surprised.

Humble and acquainted with these people, Zong Shoucai curiously asked: "Su brother's words. In fact, it should have been asked by the lonely. Han Shan Hao Xuan two from this, there are tens of thousands of miles -"

The voice has not fallen. Just listen to Su Chen and shook his head: "I have waited ten days before, it has been here. Before half a year, Mr. Bo Ruo, sent his brother to come early, paying attention to this place day by day. It is expected that the day of the birth of this maiden must be ahead of schedule. Now it doesn't matter -"

Zong Shou was once again stunned, and his heart suddenly felt awkward. As the king of a country. For the sake of the accident here, it is not as good as Hao Xuanzong who is tens of thousands of miles away.

In addition to the manpower of the dry Tianshan, it is indeed inadequate, but also has a negligent reason.

At this time, it is more and more feeling that I have to use my manpower. It is too thin.

Although Zongyuan Kongyao is strong, he needs to borrow the power of the army to resist the spiritual world.

At that time, the dozens of nine-stage enshrined at this time, most of the qualifications are not bad.

At the beginning of the spiritual tide, several of them have already had breakthrough signs. But this time and a half, it can't be used.

Only the Ling Lingzong, who rushed back to the three spiritual monks in the cloud world, could be arbitrarily sent by him.

Although this sect has been rebuilt, it depends on his strength. At this time, it is equivalent to the daily worship.

Now these three are also sitting in the Tianshan City.

"Hey! I am alone as a lord, but I can only be alone!"

Compared with him, this two pieces of Hao Xuan Hanshan, the lineup can be called luxury. Thirteen road level level road soldiers, two sets of sword array. Such strength, the sects under the Lingfu, have no countervailing power.

"Jun Shang Jiandao is invincible. At this time, who knows the battle of Qixia Mountain, the king has the power of one person, breaking the real sword and the seven swords, and fighting the affairs of Mingluo? After this war, it is even more independent. At this time, it’s been a year away, let me see it. Once you are on the king, you can reach me and join forces!”

This statement said that a few people around the eyes are all different, and there is no disagreement.

And that Bairuo, and then another sigh: "The change of this place, my **** sect is not small. I really can't help it."

As I spoke, there were dozens of Huaguang in the distance, which fell one after another.

They are all dressed up, and the Buddha's light is hidden. The person who leads is the Cifang.

This person is not only familiar with Zong Shou, but also has a lot of friendship with the rest.

After seeing the ceremony, I didn’t have time to talk, just a little eyebrow.

I don't know what to say to the people in the same trade. These monks have spread out and entered the fog. Arrange the altar Buddha around the tomb. A large, incomparable column of columns was set up.

A total of thirty-six, about a hundred feet high, distributed in all directions. And these Buddhist monks are sitting on these pillars.

With the change of the Sanskrit, Jin Mang blooms. The dying air that is spreading outwards and outwards is one of the first, and begins to shrink inward.

A bunch of golden awns emerged from the inside.

"It's a big day to drop the magic, just right!"

In the eyes of Bizhu, there was a glimmer of joy: "There are some help from Buddhism, and today I have a little more grasp."

Zong Shou also slightly decapitated, among the 36 Buddhist monks, only four were actually in the spiritual position.

They are all sorghums who practice the Dafa law. When the big day comes, the light can be infinite, and the world of the living is also mastered. This kind of dying air can be restrained.

Just restrain the spread of this dead fog, and the creatures that are thousands of miles around can be evacuated in time.

There are two more with this kind of party. At this time, it was Shiran, and went to Zongshou.

One of them, Zhao Ruran, is a smirk at this time: "Fortunately, not to be insulted! You owe me once again -"

Zong Shou snorted and did not speak. He came over this time, naturally it is impossible to prepare anything. It’s just that, but it’s going to make this crazy woman happy.

There is a clear sound over there. At this time, Liu Mei is slightly stunned, and some are worried, looking at the fog. It seems that I have never heard the words of the two.

Unexpectedly, this Zhao Ruran, Zong Shoujing turned his head and smiled at Gong Yue and patted him on the shoulder.

"The entry is good, you can be a big tool in the future! If you are alone, you will not let you have something-"

In just a few years, it has reached the sixth order, and the entry is indeed good.

But this statement, more is comfort.

With Gong Yue’s cultivation, it is too reluctant to participate in this battle. Han Shanzong brought it here because of his special status.

That Gong Yue is slightly uneasy. At this time, it is surprising that I am not surprised. After calming down, he smiled at Zong Shouyang’s warmth: "Gong Yue is not afraid of death!"

When this statement came out, the Bizhu Suchen face was full of appreciation.

Zong Shou also nodded slightly, this is Gong Xinran, the only brother -

That tumbling, it is getting thicker and thicker. Even under the scorching sun, there was no retreat.

As time goes by, there are more and more people gathered around here. They are all sectarian cults nearby, as well as some scattered repairs.

The maiden was born, and the blood was thousands of miles away.

I didn’t dare to come over when I was repaired.

At this time, the gathering here is almost all on the ninth order, and most of them are mostly magic roads.

Dan Lingzong, the scorpion, also came to the Taoist and spiritual monks. The combat power is not too strong, and there is no powerful means of demoting. But it can suppress the surrounding, that many magic repairs.

As for the Cangsheng Road, it is impossible to come. Recently, the three six-doors have begun to infiltrate the forces into the east, but at this time, the east is near the cloud, and the tide is raging.

Zong Shou also dared not use its power easily.

Unexpectedly, it was Lingyunzong, and some people arrived. The person who leads the first is the Yan Fei white and the song with rhyme.

Two nine-order, there is also a set of ground level soldiers.

Zong Shou looked at the slightest surprise, and the two men actually reached the peak of the heavens.

Especially the Yan Feibai, a sword is concealing. That shocked the gods to destroy the sword, clearly has reached a very high level.

Also cultivated the soul force, I do not know whether it has completed the Lingwu unity.

The speed of these two people's practice ~www.readwn.com~ really makes people stunned -

Just thinking about yourself, Zong Shou has returned to indifference.

These two are the latter, the strong side of the side. There is also the shadow of his founder, to the essence of Ling Yunzong, at this time to break through the ninth order, there is no need to accident.

I can have that kind of encounter, can other people not have the means to step into the sky?

Ling Yunzong has a relationship with him. This is the enemy of life and death. In the recent period of time, it has been caused by the destruction of the country. The relationship that was originally eased has become increasingly tight.

Therefore, there is no meaning to come over to meet him. Only the song has rhyme. When he glances at him, he regains his gaze.

Zong Shou was at a height of 20,000 feet, and he chose to sit down in a clean place and quietly meditate on rest.

After four days, I suddenly looked at it and looked at it again.

At this time, several people in Su Chen also woke up.

"The door is open!"

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