Divine Brilliance

Chapter 705: Enemy of the gate

"It seems that Xu asked the brothers, it has fallen -"

There is no sigh of sighing in the ruins, and a spirit is determined to play, and the sorrowful lights are layered and banned.

After tens of thousands of years, it will be like this, and it will be cultivated here. Until the soul fire resumes, the reincarnation reincarnation.

"Remember Xu asked, I am going east to the east of Yunlu. Well, how can I be physically?"

The person who spoke is another Taoist. As he spoke, he frowned and his eyes were full of confusion.

This is also within the quiet room, the questions of the rest of the people.

Now in this cloud world, in addition to the few people, who can get a high-level spiritual level?

"It is said that the demon king today is in the east of the east, to cope with the reincarnation of the meditation-"

"So, is the brother he ran over?"

"Xu Shixiong, he has always been like this, he has never feared. His way is the same, and he seeks in danger. It is just that Zongshou is nearby, I am afraid that most of it is going to look at the strength of this demon king, how is it!"

"But it’s not like this?"

"Telling to take a nap to the demon king! This person can be in Huizhou, alone against seven thousand Zilin flame gun ride. A strength, can be compared with the heavens. Xu asked the brother, is not his opponent -"

"Nature! But he is not a arrogant generation. You can't escape, you can escape. You can see that the maiden is born, Hao Xuanzong and Han Shanzong, but also the elite. Is it not?"

When the voice did not fall, it was interrupted: "There are two such darings!"

"Unfortunately, this underworld woman is born, it is too sudden. Otherwise, I will wait for the murder of the murderer near the corpse of the corpse, and let the demon king drink and hate the corpse!"

No market eyes are slightly stunned, thoughtful. Listen to the arguments of the people below. The eyes flashed. I don't know what I am thinking about.

At this time, a blue-blue brilliance suddenly rushed into the quiet room.

A blue-shirted man who was sitting at the end. Connected in your hand.

"The brothers and sisters, it seems that I wait, there is no need to fight again!"

A heavy sigh. The blue-shirted Taoist people took a look. Then the letter in the hand was hit to no market.

"In the Devil's corpse, it is not only Xu asked the brothers. The sorcerer's sorrow is also in this battle. The corpse of the corpse also sent back the news, Xu brother is escaping hundreds of miles away. It was killed by a flying knife. And this is still cold, it is when Zong Shou was attacked by the Emperor, and the assassination was not successful when he was seriously injured, and he was slandered. The underworld girl was forced to desperate by the sword. Desperate. Now is the escape -"

Speak a few words to make this quiet room. It is a silence again. That blue shirt is a man. I also looked at the iron blue, and the last word was broken.

"I am waiting. I still look down on the gentleman."

After half a moment, there was no partial sound in the whole room. Then there was a near-nightmare voice, and it sounded again.

"How is it possible? Repelling the underworld goddess, can you even smash the second spirit?"

"I know that the sect is the magical sword used in the end?"

"Is this not invincible in the cloud world, I am afraid that there is no one, is his opponent?"

Seeing people, they will talk again. Wu Zizi suddenly took out a small hammer and slammed it on top of an admiralty next to it.

Immediately ringing the bell, shaking the room, so that everyone, pay attention.

"Xu Shixiong has been jealous, this person has strong strength and heart." Everyone knows."

Put down the golden hammer, no market also saw the dissatisfaction of the next few in the same door. But only when you haven't seen it, faintly said: "If you don't want to be a disciple, you should never fight with this guardian. If you want to fight, it is best to have five middle-level peers."

This statement says that there is no objection to everyone in the room. This is not a person who is not stronger than Xu Wen, but asks himself, may not be able to escape from Zong Shoujian.

It is a good policy to have no life.

Someone next to him asked again, but it was one of the few people who had no choice but to go to the market.

"The strength of this sect seems to be far beyond my expectations. So, is this time suspended?"

"No need! This person is the enemy of my door, can't help it! For a moment, the wing will be full of points. No market can be a sinner of my spiritual dilemma. I should bear the burden and cause it."

At this point, in the eyes of no market, it is a cold flash. Looking at the people in this room.

"The way to fight is to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses. I have been in the spirit of three years ago, all the heroes have returned. Now everything is ready, it is ready! The arrogant, dare to kill my door. Let him know today. The power of my Taoist dilemma must not be sinned! A small human emperor, we have thousands of means to kill the country and the devils!"


Among the dim crypts, Gong Xinran was bitten by silver teeth and pulled out from the mud.

Thousands of hurricanes were thrown out in a hurry, and a temporary spirit array was arranged. Put all her power and air, all in one.

The left arm has been broken, and it is recovering at this moment, but it is crushing her body. Only a few meditations.

Fortunately, the body is broken, these days, she has long been accustomed to.

It is also very familiar to the restoration of the body, and the consumption of the power has been reduced to a minimum.

For this blessing, Gong Xinran only used it for a few days, and he completely grasped his own ‘indefinite body’.

It’s just this time, but it’s really unhappy.

After sitting down, Gong Xinran hurriedly took a Danmao. Then he urged the whole body to try to restore his power.

The injury is not just a place. The rest of the internal organs, chest and abdomen. It is also shocking.

In exchange for being a stranger, I have already died. She can still be alive, and she can be a sorcerer, but because of herself, she is already dead.

Half a time, the wound on the body has been restored to the original, as clean as jade.

The physical strength of the body is also swaying again, nourishing the whole body.

Can be gloriously in the midst of the shackles, but the sadness has increased by a few points.

The body is getting better and the injury has recovered. Gong Gongran knows that the potential of the body has been almost completely consumed in the pursuit and escape of these days.

These medicinal drugs in the hands can play a role less and less.

In the past, only half a piece was needed to restore the body's strength. But now, two of the three, may not work.

With her two 'fathers', they have completely lost contact.

In this way, it will be ‘dead’ and die under the sword of the keeper.

Gong Xinran had no fear of death, and he couldn’t tell himself why he would run so hard. Just instinct, trying to maintain your own life.

Except for the command of the 'father', there seems to be something else that needs her to deal with -

Suddenly, there was a turmoil in the spirit, and there was a whistling sound from Gong Xinran’s ear.

Gong Xinran hurriedly got up, and the subconscious urged him to avoid it. Then I only heard the sound of a bang, and a silver light forced the ground to penetrate. He also tore the temporary arrangement of the ruins of the stone, forcibly nailed to the position where she was sitting.

It was a spiritual sword, and the hilt was still shaking and shaking.

Gong Xinran has no doubt that if he walks a little slower. At this moment, she is afraid that she has already been worn by this sword.

Just as the day was defeated by Zong Shou, with the green and white sword, nailed to the body -

The long sword pricked without fruit, and then it flew up again. Sweeping to her, provoked countless gravel and splashes.

Gong Xinran did not dare to stay any more, and the whole person turned into a black light and rushed into the soil again.

The **** sky passes through the meditation method. This is one of the two emperors, one of the mysterious secrets engraved in the depths of her soul.

Walking through the ground, you can see thousands of miles a day.

These days, she relied on this set of magical magic, under the sword of the defender, saved his life.

It’s a pity that this magical power is fast, and the consumption is huge.

Even if she is a **** of the underworld, she can't be used for too long.

So every time these days are like this, when she opened the sect, it was almost exhausted.

After a moment of healing, Zong Shou will catch up and continue to pursue -

The black light is in a hurry, but at this time there are countless purple thunders that are poured into the soil.

Spread quickly and spread out in all directions.

Gong Xinran was snorted and was hit by some purple ray that could not be avoided.

Once again suffered a slight injury, Gong Xinran has increased rapidly.

Knowing the direction of your escape has been exposed.

Sure enough, the next moment, a sword shadow suddenly came through, and with the sword of the sky, rushed into the soil.

Gong Xinran did not need to look at it, and he knew that this was Zong Shou’s ‘Instant Air Dragon Sword’ and ‘Xuan Huang Long Sword’.

It is making it more and more handy, all the swords. Condensed in a line, fast and abnormal. It also made her unable to get rid of the **** sky.

The hands are printed, and the bones are now behind. Layers of grayish dead air, condensed into a layer of aura barrier.

This is not enough, but Gong Xinran has thrown dozens of jade-colored dominoes and unfolded behind him.

This is a bone symbol, the lack of material in the underworld, can only be based on high-level animal bones.

And these in her hands, although not written by the Emperor of the Emperor, are also painted by the masters of the spirits in the underworld, precious and unusual.

'hiss! ’

A scream, a shocking eardrum. That Ling Li Jianguang ~ www.readwn.com ~ is like a dead wood, the layer of bones in the spirit of the law, a layer of gray barriers forcibly broke open, and then her left body, once again pierced!

The heart of Gong Xinran, this moment is also slightly twitching. it hurts! Pain into the bone marrow -

Without hesitation, he turned the fragmented body directly into the blood sacrifice.

Then the whole figure, speeding up again, flying forward, and the power of the body is also rapidly depleted.

In the eyes of Gong Xinran, it was a sudden, deep exhaustion, floating in the embarrassment.

Five more times, her current situation can only be escaped five times under the man’s sword.

In other words, it only takes two more hours to be killed by that person.

But suddenly, Gong Xinran suddenly looked behind him. That person did not catch up -

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