Divine Brilliance

Chapter 706: Suddenly

> In the darkness, the smog is surging.

Zong Shou is standing in the void, and a sword is returning from a distant distance.

This place is under the clouds, the so-called evil.

Starting from the corpse mountain, chasing Gong Xinran, for several days, until I found it here.

This sword is based on his second god, and the imaginary sword has never been put down for ten years.

The sword blank itself is the best. He is also the king of a country. He never lacks resources, and he lacks the spirit of forging swords.

After so many years of cultivation, it has reached the stage of solidification.

After meeting this spirit sword, it will directly raise this nine-level sword to the level of the fourth-order swordsman!

In these few days, he relied on this spirited soldier and the unknown sword in his hand to push the underworld's goddess step by step to a desperate situation.

At this moment, Gong Gongran has been temporarily removed, leaving him far away. However, it is only necessary to use the two evil spirits to lock the nails, and the spells are slightly inductive, and you can see exactly where the traces are.

However, at this time, Zong Shou was slightly shackled and took the sword back into the sleeve.

Yuan Yi Soul Sword, also dressed back to his soul sea.

Then the eyes were cold and looked at the direction in which Gong Xinran fled.

The complex eyes seem to be regretting the loss for today, and it seems to be for myself, without the personal hand to kill Gong Xinran and my heart is slightly loose.

After a few days of killing, he can roughly judge the situation of the underworld girl at this time.

The distance between the two days was a short time. The condition of the body is also weaker than once.

In the past, I was able to counterattack occasionally, but now I can only do everything I can.

In fact, only a few more times, it is estimated that Gong Xinran, smashed under the sword!

Even if it is really dark, it is impossible to have no limit, it can not be destroyed!

Before the door, she could not be annihilated because of the intervention of the Emperor.

This time, it is the underworld girl. Life should not be absolutely!

The eyes are changing, suddenly and fiercely, and soft and soft. Zong Shou was last cold, and looked down at a letter in his hand.

From the dry Tianshan, it is the power of the two heavenly spirits, and personally senses his position with the soul, and sends this letter to his hand.

This symbol is specially made by Fu Lingzong. There is a hint of mind in the middle. Therefore, hundreds of thousands of miles away, you can find his place.

The intention is to let the dry Tianshan contact him in an emergency. And the information inside the symbol at this time. It is also really shocking!

——On October 14th, a spiritual master is now in Hongcheng and bombarded with Leifa. Killed 43,000 people and then escaped safely.

It is still on the 14th of October, Taoyun City has a sword gas attack, the city wall is broken, and the houses within a thousand feet are all leveled, with 200,000 deaths and injuries.

At the beginning of October 14th, in the south of Xuanya City, there was a beast wave. Among them are the nine-order essence. Up to hundreds. By noon, within the square of Xuan Cliff, all the towns, all the villages and towns, all fell, the death and injury are unknown -

Taoyun City was the place where the old family lived in the past, after the war in Shangyu Mountain. It was taken over by the Tianshan Mountains and became one of the cities under the jurisdiction of the dry sky.

As for the Xuan Ya City, it is a small town in the south of the east. Not far from the south, it is a huge mountain forest.

It’s just the inner beast. It has always been mild. Ever since I was alive, I have never heard of a beast.

And the east is attacked. Not just these three. There are a lot of forests. Or Jianqi, or the spiritual law, or the animal tide, breaking the levee, cutting off the road, the means are not possible.

However, if the loss is heavy, it is led by the three cities.

Dry Tianshan has counted the deaths and injuries everywhere, adding up to more than 300,000!

At the end of the letter, it is the response of the dry Tianshan.

Qiu Wei has already dispatched Kong Yao Zongyuan, and returned to the town with three thousand blood clouds.

In addition, he will be transferred to Huizhou to host the overall situation.

This character, already in the fog of this evil, has been delayed for a full day.

In the night before, Kong Yao was laid out thousands of miles away. Outside the Xuanshan City, the two spiritual monks of the Taoist Temple will slay!

It was only this war, but it also made Fu Lingzong a spiritually insult, and he could only return to the spiritual house to cultivate.

With such a change, it is natural to push back the things of the underworld.

Even at this moment, it is Gong Xinran, the weakest time.

A good spiritual dilemma!

Zong Shouqi looked at him and took back his gaze. Then he was not angry and laughing.

The heart is cold, it is surprisingly calm. No anger and no sorrow, only the sword of the whole body, it is sharp and sharp. As if it was the blade front, it was just worn out, and it seemed to be broken out of the sheath.

It has already been expected that from the time when the insistence and the door are inconsistent, the opponents will have been guessed and will definitely use whatever means.

Thousands of defenses and defenses, but the Taoist spirits are dizzying, but they are not moving. If they are thundering, they are in full swing and have no scruples.

Zong Shou is far away, and there are two groups of light descending in the distance. It was Zhao Yuran who was the first figure.

He is not surprised. In this cloud world, the only one who can accurately trace his traces is the mad woman who has been connected to him.

"I finally found you!"

Looking at Zong Shou, Zhao Yanran was obviously happy, and he flew over, and then he saw the character in Zong Shou’s hand.

"Is it already known to Yunlu in the east?"

Zong Shou slightly decapitated, and then asked: "I know what happened yesterday, east?

The letter was issued when the day before the heavens, only the things before the 16th.


With that said, Zhao Yuran looked ugly and smiled: "The sects of the sects and the sacred sects of Danquan, each of them has fallen into a spiritual environment. However, the Taoist dilemma has lost more, just before two hours. The original rate is 5,000. Blood riding, even the five gates of the Tumen Gate, 12 nine-order, lost only two hundred rides. Shake the cloud world. It is Ren Tianxing, also in the south of Huizhou, surrounded by two spiritual realms. Your Yao Yao, It is indeed a rare talent in the world, expecting the enemy to take the lead, and the layout is calm. It makes the Dao Ling dilemma suffer a lot in the past two days. Just --"

"It’s just that the Tao Ling is in a strong position, and the spiritual monks are in an endless stream. Although Kong Yao is strong, now he can only support it, and the left and right sides can’t pick it up?”

Zong Shou looked indifferent, but the fists were tightly held, and the nails were deeply buckled into the flesh.

"What else?"

"Your singer, Ren Bo, was a few spiritual monks yesterday, assassinated in the street!"

Seeing Zongshou’s light, Zhao Xiaoran quickly speeded up the speech: “Kong Yao had already received the news and changed the substitute. But the door started from two places. Although Ren Bo was free from death, he was also badly wounded. ——"

Zong Shou’s heart twitched, and he wanted to drop blood. The lips were slightly picked and looked at the dark sky above.

He and the gate are the endless enemies. The Taoist dilemma, to the hands of his people. Although it is too much, it is justified.

Ren Bo was a year ago, but he was the one who annihilated him.

Only one word saved the lives of millions of children.

This time, it is not immune to it -

Although it is quite annoying in peacetime, this old man broke his face. The money to his inner Curry is also getting less and less.

But when I heard the news, I still felt heartache. A smug anger, vacated in the chest.

Temporary catharsis is not allowed, it can only be pressed deep in the bottom of my heart.

"Your company is inspected and said that the affair is very bad. Even if the injury is good, only 50 years old. The move of the door is to break your national luck! In addition to the appointment, the assassination, and the tiger Qianqiu Chaiyuan, they are lucky. They are strong in strength and can gather in the army. They have all escaped from the past. However, all the generals are all above, and twelve people have died in battle-"

Zhao Xiaoran said, and squinted at the side of the mute, some scruples.

She has some words with Zong Shou and cannot tell outsiders. However, a few days ago, when Buddhism shot, he also promised. Let the mute be with you, not to be separated.

After a little thought, Zhao Yuran continued: "I have done all my strength, and I lost two of my souls on these two days. Unless it is completely broken with Taoism, it will only be like this-"

Zong Shoumei slightly picks up and knows the hidden meaning in Zhao Yuran's language.

According to what is said in the sign, the three sects of the three sects are indeed the elites, and even sent three thousand sacred dragons,

These two days are due to the support of the people, and the civilians who died in the east of Yunlu have not lost more than one million.

However, if we want to increase the strength in the east, it is to fully intervene in this war and break with the Tao Ling.

As a confessed disciple of the Cangsheng Road, he can no longer hide.

In fact, at this time, it is already a sinister sin, and he is not willing to be angry as a confessed disciple of the three generations of Cangsheng. The dry Tianshan wing has been rich, seven thousand blood rides, and then there is the back of the sacred road, no one can do anything.

It was no longer the beginning, and the foundation was first established. No matter which sect, if you breathe a sigh of relief, you must fall into the foundation.

Therefore, nowadays, he does not want to.

Do not want to do the domestic, there are too many shadows of the road. Even if he is a rumored disciple, he is equally reluctant to say that the radical teaching methods in the sacred path are circulated in the east.

And several of the teachers in the territory seem to know his heart. Always cautious, not to violate his nerves.

Only at this moment, but he also needs to deal with it alone, the door to the door.

Standing in the void, Zongshou closed his eyes and meditation for a moment, that is, a soft smile, heading west to the direction of the cloud, and going empty.

Only one step ~www.readwn.com~ is the distance from Baizhang.

Zhao Haoran quickly kept up, but only a few hundred miles away, he was thrown away and could not catch up.

Can only stop, but when I recognized the direction of Zongshou, Zhao Yuran's eyes, but full of doubts.

"You don't go back to heaven?"

Even the net sound is doubtful. At this moment, it is necessary to keep the gate and return to the time of sitting in the town.

There is this invincible strong suppressor, and the spirit of the Tao Ling even if the strength is stronger, do not dare to be too rampant.

In the dozens of voices, Zong Shou listened in the ear, but scorned.

What can I do now when I go back, and I will lose sight of it, and I will be left to the right?

It seems to have sensed his mind, the unsung sword in the sleeve, uttered a sigh of 锵 吟 吟 锐 锐 锐 锐 锐 锐 锐 锐 锐 锐 锐 锐 锐 锐 霄 霄 霄 霄 霄 霄

Today he is a sacred guard, since he is a tooth for a tooth, blood to blood!

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