Divine Brilliance

Chapter 739: To be disappointed

Original update "Doral's dilemma, can someone come out and fight alone?"

Just less than half a moment, the voice of Zong Shou, once again,

The sound spreads thousands of miles, as if the fear of others can not hear the general, far away. m[.5&1& original]

On the face of Yuan Mengzi, it is not only pale, but also slightly purple.

The eyes looked at the lonely cliff, about a hundred miles away, standing on a sand dune.

A blood sword is inserted in front of you, and the momentum is tempting, and you are overbearing!

Even if you are a hundred miles away, you can feel the Zong Shou, the strong war.

This erect is really intended to fight the entire Taoist dilemma!

Qingming is a pair of fists clenched, his body trembled slightly, glaring at the distance.

Not long ago, she still wanted to open a request, if the door can really get rid of the dry days within a few months. Then she will personally annihilate the sect, and return to the vengeance!

At this time, these thoughts can only be buried in the heart.

Who can think of it, it’s just that Yuan Mengzi’s self-confidence is full of words, and that the person is no longer threatened. This sect has been directly hit the door?

After the shock, I felt that it was a strong humiliation and resentment. After this shoud, who slaughtered the spiritual guardians who had nearly seventy of their spiritual predicaments, they dared to rush to the front of their spiritual environment.

What is the fundamental weight of their door? The 30,000 disciples in the dilemma are not in the eye?

I really thought that they were in a dilemma, why not?

But when you calm down, think carefully. Qingming’s face, like the Yuanmengzi, was pale.

It can only be a bite of a tooth, and a squeaking sound in the mouth. */.//*

"This sect is really deceiving too much!"

When the voice is out, I feel the Yuanmeng beside me. There is a twist and shake on my face, and my eyes are violent. The pound of sorrow was pressed, and the impact was broken.

Straight miles, this lonely mountain is also shaking. It seems to be about to collapse.

And above the entire cliff, it is filled with this cold and bitter and killing, which makes people cold and bone marrow.

Qingming only feels that his soul is about to be crushed! Fortunately, Yuan Mengzi, then immediately found out that it is not appropriate. That powerful idea, although still spreading in the distance, has eased here.

At this moment, a hundred miles away, the sect seems to have some sense, it is like laughing and laughing. I looked over here.

Then the sound of coldness. For the third time, it was a thousand miles.

"Lonely is here, waiting for a moment of time. Is it a man who has no eggs?"

Ching Ming's pretty face. Suddenly another burst of red. The whole body of the blood seems to be blasted, and it feels ashamed. Also feel angry.

When the figure is moving, he wants to go to the sword. At that time, the Yuan Mengzi was stunned by a sleeve, and a real force was thrown out, and she was firmly suppressed in place.

Qing Ming was surprised to see that the look of Yuan Mengzi had calmed down and was shaking his head slightly: "You are not his opponent. At this moment, if there is any accident. The Tao Ling dilemma is even more devastating."

I sighed again. And then a flash, it has already stepped into the dilemma.

"This matter needs to be considered from a long-term perspective. It also requires a holistic approach. Let's go back to the dilemma and say -"

Qingming is silent, and I look at it hundreds of miles away. Then he slammed his teeth again and his body shape disappeared on the cliff.


Compared to the dignity above the lonely mountain on the opposite side, the sand dunes outside the hundred miles are very relaxed.

"Blocking the challenge? There is still this hand. Admire! You are not learning the swordsman?"

On the side of Zong Shou, Shui Lingbo is floating in the air and staring at the distance. It’s a smile, a bright eye, and it’s also a crescent at the moment.

"You look at the old man of Yuanmeng. It’s already mad! Just how much better if he promised you? Now I have to regret it most-"

Zong Shou only listened quietly, did not answer. Half-closed, grasping and rejuvenating, recharge your batteries.

What he learned at the moment is the swordsman's desire.

The only difference is that there is someone who wants to be behind him. Although the sects of the sects are annoyed, they are not necessary, so they turn their faces with utmost desire.

And he kept this time, but he was deceiving this spiritual dilemma. At this moment, there is no means to counter him.

If you block this spiritual environment, you have to look at it. How will the Yuan Mengzi deal with it?

"Well? Going away? Seeing no, that face is already discouraged! Really deflated. You don't know the guy, when you stopped the family, what kind of face, what kind of hegemony! Sure enough, the wicked still need The wicked grind -"

Shui Lingbo sighed, then shouted: "I was still worried about you, afraid that you do not know convergence, provoke public anger. It seems to be white worried! Sure enough, it is the king of a country, not really crazy."

"Very angry?"

Zongshou’s thoughts on remote sensing, at this time, can be seen in all directions, dozens of hundreds of souls, are being explored here. Did not care, faint question: "Do you mean big business? Buddhism? Jianzong? Or is it too spiritual Ling Er?"

If he is the emperor of a big business, he must be happy to see that the home is being suppressed, but he does not want the situation to be chaotic again. He does not like to see his sect, and continues to rampage in China.

The Buddhist swordsman, though, has a good relationship with him. But also do not think that the strength of Taoism in the cloud world, was excessively weakened, breaking the balance between the two.

Especially at this moment, the various ethnic groups are looking at the time.

The same is true for Tai Ling Zong and Dao Lingzong.

Even if there are some conflicts between each other from time to time, after all, it is also a path of the door, it is impossible to sit and watch.

If he is a sect, he will continue to slaughter. These two will always be unbearable, and it is only a matter of time before him.


The water ripples and the light flashes, and there is a glimpse of the fine man, and then smiles: "You really know what you are! But now it's fine, don't care --"

Zong Shou heard the words, the lips are a cold pick.

The Emperor Yuanchen of Dashang did not like the chaos in the country, but if the prestige of the Taoist dilemma was broken into the bottom for some reason, the situation would be different. Only the situation in the Middle Kingdom will not worsen.

Without the sect of the sect of the Taoist dilemma, most of the big businessmen can easily control the patriarchs in the country.

Tailing and Dao Ling 2 cases ~www.readwn.com~ will still stand by. Only when the embarrassing environment is sweeping the ground, can we take the opportunity to expand and influence the three thousand sects of Taoism.

As for the Buddhist swords, it will not interfere.

It is the sacred road and the magic road, and it is equally happy.

This is called joy -

The only tragedy is the spiritual dilemma.

The kendo he repaired, although he is paying attention to the past. But I will never get myself into a world full of enemies.

That Yuan Mengzi, I really thought that I was the kind of idiot that was irritable and impulsive?

Use those words to anger yourself and let him destroy more Taoist priests and slaughter more sects?

I really thought that he was a master, there is no other means? Continue to force the Taoist dilemma?

Sorry, it is estimated that the predecessor is disappointed. To be continued

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