Divine Brilliance

Chapter 740: Nature is escape

>. Within the dilemma, it is still in the room of the soul of the soul. (aihonGwenxuom, Rainbow Literature Network) www.. Yuan Mengzi is a cold face, sitting on the top.

And just around this room, there are four or fifty people in one.

The look is also ugly, and the look is gloomy.

"This sect, it is really a thousand knives, it is difficult to understand our hate! Waiting for Huayun's return to the cloud world, it is necessary to smash his corpse, constraining his spirit, eternal life is sinking in the sea of ​​flames, daily moxibustion Burning -"

"What is the use of these words at this time? Huayun and Long Xuanzu, at least half a month to return. And this blood sword monster is blocking the door, but it is in front of me. I always need to think of a way." He forced to retreat!"

"Exactly! This shoud, even if it is in front of my spiritual environment, staying for a day, is also a great shame! The main gate of the gate, the inheritance of Wannian. But why not one person in this district. The matter spread, not just face No deposit?"

"In the past, the ruins of the east were collapsed. It can be said that I was not in a hurry to rescue the door. But now, this blood sword monster is coming to the door, and it is still helpless. This is the world of three thousand gates, who is willing to listen to the dilemma The fate?"

"How should I deal with it? Don't say it is my door, even if the whole cloud world can take this person's sword, I am afraid that there will be no fingers!"

"In today's embarrassing situation, there are less than forty monks in the spiritual world. In the battle of Lushan Pingdao, this blood sword monster is not only a few. This strength, I am afraid that I will go out, the result Nothing else -"

Qingming was listening, and the voice was full of frustration.

A few days ago, the method of decentralization and withdrawal of Qi Guizi was quite effective.

Even if there is a dry Tianshan blood cloud ride at the end of the pursuit, Zong Shou intercepted halfway.

Enron’s withdrawal of the spiritual environment of Middle-earth is still more than 90, and hundreds of nine-order, there is no loss.

However, most of these spiritual practitioners have their own sects, and they are not directly under the guise. After withdrawing, he was worried about his own safety. They all return.

At that time, Zong Shou was still in the hinterland of the Middle Kingdom, and it was rampant everywhere. No one can think of it, Zong Shou will directly find the Tao Ling dilemma.

Since the split of the Jianzong in the past, this has not been dare to challenge for more than 10,000 years, and the majesty of the Taoist dilemma.

But this blood sword monster is completely fearless -

She was on the cliff before. I already thought of this.

that person. It’s really a hit, and it’s a great time!

"Today's plan, it is only to convene the sects of the sects of the sects.

"Returning aid? When it comes to people, how long does it take? How many more sects do you have at this time? How many denominations can you get from the embarrassing situation?"

"I am a spiritually dilemma. If I am degraded to the point where I want to ask for help from the subordinates, how can I lead the three thousand sects? I really want to go to that place. I think that I will wait for everyone who is here to be self-sufficient!"

"--but I can't wait to sit and watch the singer staying alone?"

"In the past few days, it has not been agreed. I want to talk to the sect, and talk about it for a while? Delay the day. Waiting for the return of Huayun's ancestors to compare with him? How come this kind of change?"

In the quiet room, suddenly it was silent. There are already many people who think of it. The person who presided over the talks with Zong Shou is the one who is the top in the room.

Not long ago, I had contact with Zong Shou. But only one hour is not enough, it is out of this change.

It’s obviously not good to say that person.

Yuan Mengzi's scorpion is full of gloom. The line of sight glanced at the people like a blade. The last one was cold, and I closed my eyes again, and I stopped paying attention.

This change is indeed his fault, and his Yuan Mengzi will never shirk.

Deep in my heart. There is a hint of remorse, and I really ignore the erection -

Actually dare to embarrassed. It’s a good time to seal the door!

And this thousand soul lamp room, only calm for a moment, once again talked about it.

"Remember that there are three thousand Zilin flame gun rides inside the dilemma -"

"Because it has just been newly built, where can there be more combat power? That one year ago, one ride was a thousand. After one year, you can marry three gods. Three thousand Zilin flame gun rides, most of them are not afraid."

"This person is single, and even if my loss is a little bit heavier, it is also a shame -"

"Several dozens of spirits, thousands of guns to ride around, do not believe that forced to retreat?"

"Isn't that sect, will it not go? Besides, before the battle of Lushan, I am not confident enough. But what is the result? I look at the person now, the escorts are all extraordinary and the fighting power is increasing." When you were in Lushan, there were no natural inferior species of the eighteen comparable spirits!"

"I have tens of thousands of disciples in my dilemma. Why can't I have this person?"

"How about the number of millions? This person is in the palm of the law, the realm is not enough, can't hurt him. Unless someone masters the deeper space, push it into the cloud. Or it is a big array, just I am waiting, how can I get that person into the battle?"

"Is it only for the help of Tai Ling Zong?"

"Oh! I am afraid that these holy sects are now happy to see it. It is very good to not help the one."

"Right! I don't want to be a brother, do you want to see the next day, not the Lord of the Dilemma, the potential must be won? At this time, the dilemma is difficult. It is time to do your best for the dilemma. Seven or nine steps. Seven thousand miles away from a few hours can be reached. It is expected that the brothers will never give up, otherwise why not serve?"

When the voice falls, the voice of another person will sound, and it is also full of sarcasm.

"I don't sit on the view of nature. It's just that this blood sword is a demon. The situation has always been fierce. At that time, the person sealed this dilemma. I have limited support for the Japanese. Before I come to help, I always need to think about it." The situation is that you can't die in vain. But you are too Chinese, and you will return to the dream three days ago, less than three hundred miles away from the mountain. Seeing death is not saved, is this the morality of the noble? Also, the battle for the palace The position of the Lord?"

It’s okay at first, but the more you listen to it, the more you feel it is wrong. This is an argument, how to deal with the sect, the battle of the door.

Gradually, somehow, it becomes a mutual attack.

The atmosphere of the Yuan Mengzi above is also cold, making the atmosphere of the thousand soul lamps indoors more and more depressed.

In the end, I couldn't stand it. I slammed the big sleeves and the whole person disappeared into the lamp room.

Qingming is also full of suffocating sullen eyes, looking at the door with no eyes.

On the surface, it is all about the meaning of sorrow, and the slogan is so dilemma. I wonder if it is in the sth.

Once upon a time, the order of the gates, and even the entire spiritual world of the Tao, was actually fallen to such a point.

Just because of one person, I was forced to be almost desperate!

The Taoist dilemma is in the void outside the realm, and it is a world, and there is no direction.

The clear eyes of Qingming, this moment seems to have penetrated the heavy void. ‘Wang’ saw the outside world, the man’s smug face.


"It’s already late!"

Zong Shou is looking up at the sky at this time, the whole is the meaning of doubt: "It's weird, Shimei! It's been half a day, how have you not responded?"

The opposite direction is still silent. I can't see the other side, there is anything in and out.

Can't help but marry this spiritual dilemma, is it really scared by him?

Originally, according to his thoughts, this spiritual dilemma, even if only for the face, should send some people to die. Or talk nonsense with him.

However, there are more and more repairers around this.

There are spiritual places, but also under the third order. I don’t know where the forces belong.

"Why do you know why?" In the embarrassing situation, most of the time is now arguing over the sky-"

The water wave is cold and full of disdain.

Then I saw the side of Zongshou’s lips, and there was nothing but a smile. Then some people can't see this guy proud.

"You don't be too happy too! It's really urgent for those guys. If you don't try to work together, put aside the battle of the palace, and fight against the enemy."

Zong Shou does not care, what can I do with my heart?

He is still here and now.

"It is possible to work together! But if you lose too much under the solitary sword, you may not have the ability to compete for the Lord of the Dilemma afterwards."

Gently nod, the face is a cloudy smile. He never minds, making the situation of Dao Ling's dilemma more chaotic.

"If I am the dreamer, who can kill you, who will be able to follow the position of no market!"

In this way, Shui Lingbo knows things, and it will never be that simple.

The situation in the territory of Dao Ling is far more complicated than that of them.

Even if Yuan Mengzi really has this intention, it is necessary to coordinate with many holy people in the realm.

It’s also a problem to kill and kill.

Immediately, he snorted again and began to calculate the home of the Taoist spirit, trying to continue to intimidate Zong Shou.

"If the Tao Ling diligence goes all out, at least 200 more spiritual places can be called, more than a thousand and nine steps. As far as I know, there are still two immortal ranks of the gods incarnation. The Zilin flame gun ride is also between 30,000 and 40,000 -"

Zong Shouwen’s words are dumbfounded, silent, and too lazy to pay attention.

Shui Lingbo said it himself, but it is also boring.

Two hundred spirits are good, but they need to be mobilized, but it takes enough time. Let's not say that the Taoist dilemma can be adjusted at this moment. Even if it comes, the Zongshou at this time may not be afraid of it~www.readwn.com~You can only hit two hundred spirits. .

And the incarnation of the gods should be more than two. At this time, the spiritual tide has already started. Will this spirited world really play all the cards in the absence of absolute certainty?

As for the Zilin flame gun ride, even if there are really 40,000, it can be like the truth of those spiritual monks. Do you want to do all the basics of the soil in the territory of Dao Ling?

Although the Tao of the Devil is a truce, you can demonize the temperament of those people. If you see the opportunity, you may not turn your face.

Thinking carefully, Shui Lingbo can't help but shake his head again.

"If it is that Yuan Mengzi, what should I do if I don't care?"

"Nature is to escape!"

Zong Shou smiled and answered unambiguously.

I will not say that my little terrier, not only Kirin, but also the blood of the Kirin royal family. (The domain name has been changed to m)

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