Divine Brilliance

Chapter 781: Another encounter

> "It turned out to be black mysterious purple iron! This number is really rare!"

That Shen’s middle age is just a glance, and he recognizes what it is. {Rainbow Literature Network aihonGwenxuom}

Even more amazing, but the subtle layout of the interior, it can be equivalent to a good magic weapon.

However, the rulings have been damaged, and most of the things inside have been taken out.

"I don't know the guests, what is it going to make this black mysterious purple iron?"

"A knife that can hide the shape, a set of skin-friendly armor, also need to have the ability to hide the air. In addition, you need a nine-level monk, you can use the magic weapon, it is best to promote the order in the future. —"

It’s rare to meet, and there is such a powerful refiner, Zong Shou naturally refuses to miss it.

The armor is prepared for weak water. As for the treasure of self-defense, it is prepared to give Ruolan.

The ninth order can be used, and it will be available after waiting for its spirit.

"Shen is here anyway, it is not difficult to do."

Shen’s middle-aged frowns, his eyes are full of regrets: “But in this way, these black mysterious irons are a bit wasteful.”

In fact, the best way to use this kind of gold is to integrate other gold and iron.

Properly formulated, can be more tough!

Zong Shou smiled, and then took out some ore from the sleeves, and some of the spirits that had been refined early, one by one.

That Shen’s middle age is in his eyes, and his eyes are changing again. It is already a bit of amazement.

"It seems that Shenmou is slow, and the identity of the guest must be above Shen’s imagination! It must be the Lord of the great powers-"

Here. When Shen surnamed the middle age for a moment, he took one of the black mysterious purple irons in his sleeve. Those ore spirits, pick and choose some, and then leave the majority. Then I stopped and said: "To refine these magic weapons, you only need these things. I have a few treasures in the building, and I can use them as materials. The rest are useless. You can Collapse."

Then he squinted his eyebrows and said: "These things are precious. I don't want to worry about them when I come to the guests. In this way, the retreats can be retired for a few months, and guests can live in this building. The array is complete, there is a quiet room. Don't be afraid of others to peep, when you can meet your heart."

Zong Shou is nothing to worry about, these things are from the Qin Emperor's deputy, and they are coming from the sheep, this is not their own.

It may be due to this, and I don’t care much about it. Also subconsciously feel that this person can trust.

However, in this world of the world, it is good to have a place to stay.

When he was only visiting. I have seen it everywhere. Here, you can't get a temporary hole in the way of renting.

And not far from the world of this day, it happened to be two months later, he and Shi Ruolan. The place of convergence of the agreement.

This road is to find a place to stay outside the world of heaven. But I don't care about the end, but there are such surprises.

Naturally, it is the right thing to push the boat in the water. Zong Shouzheng wants to put all the things in front of him in the air.

But at this time, the soul of the soul is moving. Zong Shou raised an eyebrow. I saw my left sleeve.

It was the fire of the tortoise that was sent out with his thoughts.

It’s not a natural **** and a life-protection drive. There are some barriers to communication.

Zong Shou spent a full amount of time, only to understand, the meaning of this turtle.

"You also want to refine two spirit shields? If you want to be bigger, you must at least six hundred feet to protect your body. If you get better, you must be the body of the beast, or you can make it?"

Knowing what it means, Zong Shou only feels inexplicable: "You have a basaltic armor on your body, the ability to defend, can be compared with the fairy. What is the use of this thing? Is it not redundant?"

"Not superfluous? This is called ready? This shield is naturally thicker, the better, the better. Not too much! Life is first! It is best to let others, never be able to fight -"

Zongshou face suddenly cramps, imagining this blue-fired turtle, ‘wearing’ the basal shell of the gods. Carrying two huge shields, frozen in the mysterious ice, and finally able to use the scene of Xuanwu Yuan. Suddenly on the forehead, there was a cold sweat like a waterfall.

This is simply the same as the fortress, ordinary mortal, I am afraid that it is hard to bear.

Even if he is a guardian, it is estimated that he will be sighed.

If it is on its back, then install a few dozen yuan to destroy the gods -

Quickly stop thinking, behind these, it is his own fantasy.

But in this case, it was actually served by this guy.

Zong Shouyi's sleeves, put the Bihuo Xuan turtle out and left it.

This guy is also interested in the body, shrinking his body to about ten feet, did not explode the attic. Eyes stunned, watching Zong Shou and Shen surnamed middle age.

"Bihuo Xuan turtle? A good guardian spirit beast, is a basaltic variant. Your guests are blessed, there is this beast, others can easily do it. You can use any magic method -"

Exclaimed, Shen’s middle age did not know what to expect, so he asked the opposite face and looked at the opposite. Then I only listened to Zong Shou and smiled and said: "I don't know the Shenlou master. Can you customize the two shields for me? It takes six hundred feet to make a square. It can be a big deal. If these materials are insufficient, Zong Shou can be in this world. Search."

That Shen surnamed in the middle of the ear, is also a cold sweat.

Xuanwu Yimai, this is one of the world's best beasts.

Add two pieces of the magic weapon level shield, what is it?

He did not know that this is the meaning of the blue fire turtle, but the idea is Zong Shou.

So look at the eyes of Zong Shou, it is even more unusual.

After thinking about it, I will say the first thing: "No need, the material I have here! The value is about three hundred Xuanjie Shangpin Lingshi. It is just forged for the beast, but it is troublesome. This mysterious turtle, I have to carefully observe its structure , check its magical powers. I wonder if you would mind?"

Zong Shou slightly decapitated, since it is necessary to refine this mysterious turtle, then this is naturally the meaning of the title.

In fact, the beast is also the spirit of all things, the wisdom of the race. With human beings, the position is farther above humans.

If you are willing, as long as the strength reaches a certain level, you can change your body shape like Qiankun.

He is guarding the car, not only gold, but even the cockroach can do it, not to mention this blue fire turtle.

The use of the spirit device is naturally no problem, just special, not like the common treasure, no experience to follow.

Even the exquisite refiner of the art industry needs to understand the structure of the body of the beast and the real performance, even the power of the gods.

Therefore, listening to Shen’s middle-aged words, Zong Shou is not shocked.

"So it will trouble the landlord! Lingshi is not a problem, it is best to choose the best material."

Even if it is not enough, he grabbed so many panaceas from the Qin Emperor's deputy, and it is enough to take it out.

"If it is ok, please ask the landlord as soon as possible! Um-"

The voice stopped shortly, and Zong Shou suddenly turned his head and looked out of the building.

I saw that there were two familiar figures on the street of this questioner, walking on the street.

The posture is awkward, and it is more feminine than before. The face is exquisite and beautiful, fresh and beautiful.

The former is still glamorous, and the latter is still generally innocent.

"Ye Feishuang, Ye Feihan? How are they here? It’s so good!"

In the eyes of Zong Shou, it is the two sisters who are not frosty and cold for several years.

I am secretly sighing at the odds of encountering each other, and I can meet them in the heavenly world far away from dozens of worlds.

Immediately, I feel that it is wrong. The world of heaven is around here. The biggest market, no one.

Ye Jia sisters, if they leave the cloud world. It’s no surprise that it’s coming here.

Since they are all practitioners, it is also reasonable for the two sides to meet here.

At this time, next to the two women, they still followed the dragon. Observing its air machine, it has also been successfully transformed into a dragon, such as the spiritual environment.

With one strength, it is impossible to suppress hiding. Walking on the street is as striking as a candle.

This is also Zong Shou, who can detect the cause of the Ye Family sisters in the crowd during the conversation.

Just wanting to say hello to the other side, Zong Shou will be alert again. His eyes narrowed and he looked at the crowd.

"The two girls have been stared at, and they still can't know it. The experience is still shallow-"

Can not carry out the spiritual thoughts, but the sects can be observed through the crowd, the movement patterns of the few people, and the few murders.

Non-frost is not cold, but can't escape his eyes.

"fairy land?"

Zong Shou meditation a little, still decided to temporarily sit on the sidelines. In this world of the world, most of these people are still afraid to do it.

The flying frost is not cold, and it seems that there is no intention to leave at the moment.

And look at it first, even if you want to help these two sisters, you need to figure out the truth of these people.

The mind was set, and Zong Shou put away his gaze. Then I saw that Shen’s middle-aged smile asked: "But I saw an acquaintance?"

Zong Shou nodded and shook slightly: "Maybe I am wrong!"

Shen’s middle-aged eyes flashed, and he did not go into it.

Zong Shouxiu has seven turns of Xuantong into the micro-forbidden mystery, and all the power of the soul ~ www.readwn.com ~ are all banned, so that he can not see through its depth.

However, only from this fairyland turtle, you can know the strength of the sect of the realm, in what level.

These are the repairs, and when will you read them wrong?

Knowing that Zong Shou is not willing to talk deeply, Shen surnamed directly in middle age: "So it is so fixed! I will try to advance the time of the device, but if it does not affect the quality, it will take at least three months. It is estimated that it will take a long time. Some time -"

Zongshou’s brows were slightly wrinkled, and in March, it seemed to be a little longer. Immediately and relieved, the vulgaris of the vulgaris often takes a year and a half to be successful.

In front of this Shenlou, there must be some secret skills before it can be done.

It is a great fortune to encounter such a teacher. How can I ask for too much?

However, it is more than a month, it is not an obstacle, and it is indeed worth it.

Turning to the mind, they turned to the Ye family sisters, and the non-frost is not the cold. What caused it, and caused many of these spiritual monks? (To be continued)

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